Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones agrees to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families

All Jones had to do was keep his pie hole shut and show a smidge of compassion. Both were beyond his capability.
Bleed him dry and make him suffer. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Every day on TV we hear and see most of the people promote Progressive socialist propaganda. Never, ever shutting their pie holes.
Nah dude, some people on the right do, but most of us arent into wacky conspiracy theories. Most of his followers are libertarians.
Actually, dude… it’s because so many people on the right swallowed his bull shit for so long that Alex Jones thought he could get away with anything.

Good for you that you aren’t into wacky conspiracy stuff but the majority of your right wing-nut friends are. That’s where he made his millions that he is going to lose.
Every day on TV we hear and see most of the people promote Progressive socialist propaganda. Never, ever shutting their pie holes.
So that makes it okay to harass bereaved parents, who just had to endure the murder of their children, and accuse them of being part of some stupid-ass false flag conspiracy?

That’s defamation and is not protected as free speech
So that makes it okay to harass bereaved parents, who just had to endure the murder of their children, and accuse them of being part of some stupid-ass false flag conspiracy?

That’s defamation and is not protected as free speech

The point is that investigative reporters and general journalists have shown that some of the dead children did not even exist , or were already dead from natural causes .

Don't let a CIA Show Case trial intimidate you into believing their nonsense version .
This is how they prevent future whistleblowers ever being brave enough to step forward and to label dissenters as whacky nut jobs .

I bet that not one person here has read the Miles Mathis paper on this incident . I doubt that many could even cope with the level of detail scholarship .
That is, people simply regurgitate the MSM narrative which you have been bludgeoned into accepting ..
The point is that investigative reporters and general journalists have shown that some of the dead children did not even exist , or were already dead from natural causes .

Don't let a CIA Show Case trial intimidate you into believing their nonsense version .
This is how they prevent future whistleblowers ever being brave enough to step forward and to label dissenters as whacky nut jobs .

I bet that not one person here has read the Miles Mathis paper on this incident . I doubt that many could even cope with the level of detail scholarship .
That is, people simply regurgitate the MSM narrative which you have been bludgeoned into accepting ..
Did you ever meet a conspiracy theory you didn’t like?
Did you ever meet a conspiracy theory you didn’t like?
Now you are down grading a possible discussion to silly ego comforting snide remarks .
First, I never use the term Conspiracy Theorist, if only because it is a term, created by the CIA , to ridicule targets and to aid soppy sound bites.To shut up people .

Next , you need to consider the base line start point .

All groups produce leaders and give the group direction to successfully move forward and to protect their own positions of power and wealth .
That eventually leads to the Deep State situation where every major public event is staged and falsified for the benefit of the elite/ leaders / 1% / whatever .
Power and Control .
If you cannot see that or reject it , further discussion is pointless .
And here’s an example of other lies propagated by the right:

The lie that Jones is a hapless victim.

The lie that Jones’ free speech has been violated.

And the lie that holding accountable those who engage in reckless, irresponsible defamation is somehow un-American.
Democrat haters jump for joy when the State destroys people's lives. Alex Jones, Guiliani, John Gruden, Grant Napier are a few examples.
The point is that investigative reporters and general journalists have shown that some of the dead children did not even exist , or were already dead from natural causes .

Don't let a CIA Show Case trial intimidate you into believing their nonsense version .
This is how they prevent future whistleblowers ever being brave enough to step forward and to label dissenters as whacky nut jobs .

I bet that not one person here has read the Miles Mathis paper on this incident . I doubt that many could even cope with the level of detail scholarship .
That is, people simply regurgitate the MSM narrative which you have been bludgeoned into accepting ..
Retard. Alex hoaxer Jones was charged with lying about the Sandy Hook tragedy. If any of the Mathis allegations were true, why wasn’t it proven in court?

You claim that some of the dead kids did not even exist. Well, only 20 kids were killed so it would have been easy to prove the ones who never existed. So, who are they?

Are you beginning to see why I call you a retard? No? Read my post a few times and you will eventually get it. Good luck. :itsok:
He needs to GTFO of the Austin Region and start over clean ( New Infowars low budget low rent studio in Tulsa or Texarkana , Donated And gifted Middle Tier equipment , only a few Employees , and begin again , if he goes back towards a money making successful after that let him keep that $$$
Democrat haters jump for joy when the State destroys people's lives. Alex Jones, Guiliani, John Gruden, Grant Napier are a few examples.
Jon Gruden should have raped the NFL without a Condom in court ( But he wants to be a GM / QB Coach / Offensive Guru ... so he let them off the hook with a promise of gettin there
How long has been blackballed now 5 years? Total bullshit.
He is slowly gettin filtered back into the NFL ( Desensitization ) as a associate / offensive consultant with theNew Orleans Saints ( after relenting in his suit of the NFL with promise of return )

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