Alex Jones offers $55m to Sandy Hook families to satisfy $1.5bn judgment

Is this about Alex Jones? NO. You're off topic and trolling.
I was doing ONE FACT check. . which, IMO? Was very pertinent to the topic at hand.

Which is this. The establishment decided to destroy Jones over a lie, which he did not purposely spread, he really believed the narrative he was spreading.


When your speech creates actual harm to people it is no longer protected.

This is the problem. There is a protected clsss now and it isn't a controversial, dirtbag media guys like him. After the Floyd murder, there was encouragement by politicians and many people were killed. No consequences. Maxine Waters told people to "get in their faces" referring to Trump supporters. Does she know the stand your ground laws in Florida?. Is it possble to know if anyone was killed due to her proclamation? I bet at lesst one person was killed or assaulted because they were reminded of the words she stated and took it as permission. Look, the world sees this, just because media.doesn't report it eqaly.doesn't mean people are stupid.

The murders started with Floyd in those instances.

My fact check PROVED. . that the establishment KNEW, before the trial, from coroner reports, that the only liability that the officers had for Floyd's death, was perhaps not noticing how high and intoxicated he was. Thus, their negligence was in not administering Narcan in a timely fashion before applying unwarranted and bullying restraint. :rolleyes:

The establishment is responsible for FAR MORE HARM, in both deaths, injuries, and property damage, than Jones is, by perpetrating a farcical narrative, than the one Jones did.

. . . and yet? You folks are acting the fool, happy to give up the freedom and liberty our republic is supposed to guarantee.

All because you refuse to analyze the information that is available, already out there, in a non-biased and intelligent manner.

That isn't what the autopsy reports found. You are repeating propaganda.

The Truth about George Floyd's Death | Glenn Loury & John McWhorter | The Glenn Show​

I just wasted more than half an hour listening to that broadcast.
All he did was bitch about George Floyds funeral, and talking about Chauvin's body cam, which Chauvin probably presented at trial showed Floyd was messed up before Chauvin killed him.

It in no way clears Chauvin.
I just wasted more than half an hour listening to that broadcast.
All he did was bitch about George Floyds funeral, and talking about Chauvin's body cam, which Chauvin probably presented at trial showed Floyd was messed up before Chauvin killed him.

It in no way clears Chauvin.
Of course not, not when there is an agenda at play. :rolleyes:
Alex Jones offers $55m to Sandy Hook families to satisfy $1.5bn judgment

Anybody want to put this train back on it's rails?
It's about the judgement against Alex Jones. Posting about his childhood would also be off topic.
Of course that would.

If you don't get how the establishment uses a rigged trial and law-fare to attack Jones, and how that is connected to his banning across multiple platforms that are in bed with the government. . . YOU TOO, are as dumb as a post. (Most of your posts in fact! :auiqs.jpg:)

. . . but? I don't think you are.

I just think you know you have lost this round. . . and you have nothing left but to. . .


.. . . reach for straws. . . go on. . . reach buddy . . reach!
So. . . if I disagree that eight people getting; $1.5 billion/8 = $187,500,000 million each, is a bit excessive?

If I believe that they each had damages of that amount, due to Jones' negligence. . . .

I am, "downplaying?" Seriously? :rolleyes:

If that is the case, why does the Texas trial have damage caps, but not the Connecticut trial? :dunno:
Does the rest of the nation & world down play putative damages, and only Connecticut get this right. . . b/c. . .

muh state propaganda! :rock:

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Texas has damage caps because the republican controlled government in texas passed what was called Tort Reform. Essentally, it capps liability judgements, no matter what the liability might be, or what damages might be incurred. Rich people loved it. Oil compnies and cigarrette companies no longer had to pay full price for damages they caused. Doesn't matter what they do, their liability will never raise beyond that cap.
Let's not confuse the reality that Jones is a real scumbag to say and promote the b.s he was promoting. To basically suggest that the deaths didn't happen is beyond the pale and it had to be excrutiating for the parents, if they paid any attention at all to him. Regardless, such a massive penalty actually undermines his actions. They matched his disgusting and absurd comments with an absurd ruling IMO. Even dirtbags who say offensive things should be ruled fairly under the law. I used the P&G example from the movie Erin Brockovich as a comparison and Jones didnt poison hundreds of people as they did
Wow. You are a piece of work.

Stop acting like you give a shit about the supposed victims of Jones negligence.

You would be happy if he were driven out of business and those folks never saw a dime.

He has lots of money to pay his victims. I wouldn't mind if that left him pennyless and out of business
If he can afford to offer this much, he can afford to pay for the entire thing.

Take it from him.
This is not right. Show me someone who should have his life trashed for committing so called slander while our Congress is immune to the law? Did anyone ever see a drop of blood?
If he can afford to offer this much, he can afford to pay for the entire thing.

Take it from him.
Another Democrat who failed 6th grade math. Marc thinks there's no difference between $55 Million and $1.5 BILLION. Wow dude.
This is not right. Show me someone who should have his life trashed for committing so called slander while our Congress is immune to the law? Did anyone ever see a drop of blood?
Government immunity doesn't clear citizens of their responsibility. The government can lie us into a war, and bear no responsibility. But someone who commits libel or slander has to pay for their lies.
Another Democrat who failed 6th grade math. Marc thinks there's no difference between $55 Million and $1.5 BILLION. Wow dude.
I think the point is, if Alex Jones has $55 million, he's got much more, and everything he has, or will have in the near future, should go entirely toward his victims. Nobody believes Jones has or can make $1.5 billion.
I think the point is, if Alex Jones has $55 million, he's got much more, and everything he has, or will have in the near future, should go entirely toward his victims. Nobody believes Jones has or can make $1.5 billion.

Did you read the article?

According to the 30-page plan submitted on Friday, Jones offered to pay a lump sum of at least $5.5m a year, to be shared among the plaintiffs. The payment would also be accompanied by a percentage of his personal annual revenue, and a slice of Infowars revenue. His debt would be considered satisfied after 10 years.

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