Sandy Hook Kids Graduating

It's ashamed Sandy Hook had no armed guards there to protect the kids. Sounds like they were sitting ducks to me. I can't imagine the terror those kids went through. I feel bad for Uvalde, as well. Those kids died heros, especially Amarie Jo Garza, who died while dialing 911 on her dead friends phone to try to summon help.

God bless those babies.

I think my opinion matters, perhaps more, than anyone else in this thread because I am a direct victim of gun violence, having been shot 6 times point blank by a drug addicted kneegrow. Had I had a gun to defend myself, he would have been carried off in a body bag. But alas, it is not legal to carry a firearm in a commercial vehicle engaged in interstate commerce. So me, being the law abiding citizen that I am, was unarmed.

And despite all this, I am STILL pro gun. Why? Because the kneegrow that shot me was a convicted felon in possession of a stolen firearm using it for armed robbery for drug money, then using it to almost commit murder. He broke at least 6 major gun felonies that I can think of, why would passing more legislation making it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns have helped me? The gun laws are what kept me from killing that bastard. But they didn't stop him from trying to off me for drug money.
Thanks for sharing your experience. What over-emotional Leftists refuse to acknowledge is crazy people and criminals don't give a shit about gun laws. Your story illustrates that fact.
I wonder if one or three of them are going looking for Alex Jones.

Thanks for sharing your experience. What over-emotional Leftists refuse to acknowledge is crazy people and criminals don't give a shit about gun laws. Your story illustrates that fact.
Most rapists don’t give a crap about rape laws, either. Time to get rid of them, I guess.
Most rapists don’t give a crap about rape laws, either. Time to get rid of them, I guess.

But rape laws don't make it more difficult for a woman to defend herself against rape. "Rape laws" are simply laws outlawing the act of rape. None of them make it illegal to defend yourself against rape. Gun laws do.

Gun laws DO make it more difficult to defend yourself against bad guys with guns. Have a 30 year old non violent felony? You're going to be a victim of violence the rest of your life as you can no longer defend yourself with a gun. Even though your crime had NOTHING to do with a gun, or violence, and is DECADES old. Doesn't matter. You literally can lose your right to defend yourself with a gun for the rest of your life by writing a bad check.

Just yesterday anti-gun Biden talked about "why do you need 12-100 rounds of ammo? Must mean you're a bad shot." Um no, you senile child molester, I could be shooting at multiple assailants trying to break into my house. THAT'S why I need so many rounds. Because in the heat of battle, a normal citizen won't have marksmanship level accuracy. So I guess to Biden, if someone is shooting at me and I expend all 10 rounds that I have, I deserve what violence is bestowed upon me after that. I've "used up" my self defense allotment.
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But rape laws don't make it more difficult for a woman to defend herself against rape. "Rape laws" are simply laws outlawing the act of rape. None of them make it illegal to defend yourself against rape. Gun laws do.

Gun laws DO make it more difficult to defend yourself against bad guys with guns. Have a 30 year old non violent felony? You're going to be a victim of violence the rest of your life as you can no longer defend yourself with a gun. Even though your crime had NOTHING to do with a gun, or violence, and is DECADES old. Doesn't matter. You literally can lose your right to defend yourself with a gun for the rest of your life by writing a bad check.

Perhaps you have a point of sorts.

God forbid someone could no longer walk into Subway Sandwich place with only three Glocks instead of three Glocks and three AR-15s.
Perhaps you have a point of sorts.

God forbid someone could no longer walk into Subway Sandwich place with only three Glocks instead of three Glocks and three AR-15s.

Is that really a problem? Can you even cite ONE example of this happening? Much less with a frequency enough to change gun laws over?
Is that really a problem? Can you even cite ONE example of this happening? Much less with a frequency enough to change gun laws over

Is that really a problem? Can you even cite ONE example of this happening? Much less with a frequency enough to change gun laws over?
I’m talking about the person in Texas who can no longer carry 3 AR-15’s into a Subway to protect himself.
Stereotype much? Abortion and trans persons have nothing to do with school children. 70% of women in the U.S. who get abortions identify as Christians, and certainly not all of them are Democrats. In fact, Republican women get abortions, work at clinics and own them. Concerning trans persons, what does that have to do with school shootings? Nothing. I have yet to understand why persons such as yourself are so concerned about voluntary gender reassignment treatments with parental consent.
Performing medical modifications to a child, a person that is under the age of 21 is barbaric and cruel. If you do not see that then it is use that needs mental counseling.

Before a person matures, life threatening, changing, decisions is the concern of society. We could do a entire thread on the subject.

Stereotyping? Not at all. I do not see how Democrat politicians, the trans advocates, and the abortion advocates, care about the lives of children.

School shootings, and how does my reply relate? I replied to a specific comment that is not based in reality, not based on the position conservative Christians hold. My reply to a comment, that was, is a false premise based on stereotyping was completely relevant to the comment.

A better question is why are you concerned with what I stated in reply to a comment but not concerned at all that the comment was false.

And if my comment has nothing to do with this thread, why are you trolling and flaming my comment, seeking a reply that in your eyes, will be further off subject?

Hypocrite much?
Most rapists don’t give a crap about rape laws, either. Time to get rid of them, I guess.
That is a ludicrous analogy. And I never said get rid of gun laws. What you and the rest of the anti-Gun Leftist want is NEW gun legislation banning this weapon or that weapon. That is waste of time and resources. Focus on gun safety and identifying the nut cases before they go over the edge and shoot up a store or a schoo.
Performing medical modifications to a child, a person that is under the age of 21 is barbaric and cruel. If you do not see that then it is use that needs mental counseling.

Before a person matures, life threatening, changing, decisions is the concern of society. We could do a entire thread on the subject.

Stereotyping? Not at all. I do not see how Democrat politicians, the trans advocates, and the abortion advocates, care about the lives of children.

School shootings, and how does my reply relate? I replied to a specific comment that is not based in reality, not based on the position conservative Christians hold. My reply to a comment, that was, is a false premise based on stereotyping was completely relevant to the comment.

A better question is why are you concerned with what I stated in reply to a comment but not concerned at all that the comment was false.

And if my comment has nothing to do with this thread, why are you trolling and flaming my comment, seeking a reply that in your eyes, will be further off subject?

Hypocrite much?
Wrong. You made a blanket statement that Democrats didn't care about children. That is a stereotype. Democrats that may support abortion and gender modification treatments do NOT validate your statement. There are many Democrats that oppose abortion and gender modification treatments.

But the fact remains that people can care about BORN children and still support abortion rights, and they can also be in favor of bodily autonomy when teens want gender reassignment treatments backed by their parents.

There is no hypocrisy from me at all.

BTW, your bunk about flaming and trolling is absurd.
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Democrats do not care about children in any way shape or form. Abortion proves that. Trans-mutilations prove that. Even the President of the USA proves Democrats do not care for children.

Quit pretending this about saving the children.
You deflect from the issue of slaughtering kids because you have no answer.
Thousands of children die every year because some yahoo thinks he's a race car driver or can drive when he's drunk. How many have to die before we forcibly limit cars to 35mph or less? And you should have to apply for a permit to have a drink in a pub, then be limited to one drink per hour, with each one registered with the local police.
You need a license to drive a car and psss a test. ANy prick can get a gun.
Start wiith that if you want to discuss cars. Its just pathetic whataboutism.
Wrong. You made a blanket statement that Democrats didn't care about children. That is a stereotype. Democrats that may support abortion and gender modification treatments do NOT validate your statement. There are many Democrats that oppose abortion and gender modification treatments.

But the fact remains that people can care about BORN children and still support abortion rights, and they can also be in favor of bodily autonomy when teens want gender reassignment treatments backed by their parents.

There is no hypocrisy from me at all.

BTW, your bunk about flaming and trolling is absurd.
The person I replied to made a blanket false statement, I gave him an educated, accurate, reply.
Name one Democrat politician, not supporting abortion and medically altering the sexes of children
Ah so there it is! You are advocating for gun confiscation. Please explain how you would implement that.
Well first I'd end all gun sales and manufacturing. I'd implement a nation wide gun buy back program. I'd criminalize the transfer of ownership unless they were permanently disabled so people with period pieces or family heirlooms could still pass them down. And I'd destroy all weapons confiscated from gun buy back programs or confiscated during criminal investigations. It's not a magic solution but it's not by any means impossible even if it takes a generation.
tammy tainant, you do not care at all, you are just here trolling,
Sandy Hook is in an extremely strong democrat state. Why did you democrats allow Sandy Hook to happen, why do you refuse to protect the children
Tell me you dont give a shit about murdering kids.
I think I give a bigger shit than you do. But that doesnt take much effort.
Well first I'd end all gun sales and manufacturing. I'd implement a nation wide gun buy back program. I'd criminalize the transfer of ownership unless they were permanently disabled so people with period pieces or family heirlooms could still pass them down. And I'd destroy all weapons confiscated from gun buy back programs or confiscated during criminal investigations. It's not a magic solution but it's not by any means impossible even if it takes a generation.

A lot easier for you to just move to another country.

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