Sandy Hook Kids Graduating

The ammosexual response, fer shure.

As though it hasn't been amended previously.
The Constitutionally aware response. One would have to be utterly stupid to toss away one of the greatest limitations on government.

The 2nd hasn't been amended. I really hope you are a foreign troll, this country deserves better than fascists like you.
Lanza's mother bought both rifles that Lanza used to kill her as well as the AR-15 that he used to kill the others. What legislation do you suggest to stop a deranged kid from killing his mother and stealing HER weapons?
There is a simple solution to your question. Just take everyone's guns away. Oh, wait, the left claim they don't want to do that so I guess it would have happened anyway, despite "common sense" gun control legislation. Or, the left really do want to take everyone's guns away.

Pretend such legislation doesn't work or doesn't exist all you like.

Pretend you don't know what it means all you like.

After all, it's still other people's school kids, right?

A bargain for easy access to firearms.

Nothing's changed.
We know what it means. It means you want to round up everyone's guns, the hell with the second amendment.
You obviously do not live in Connecticut. We have the most tyrannical, draconian gun laws in the USA. All guns must be registered. To buy a single bullet, one must take a class, get a special permit, and then every single bullet purchased is recorded and reported to the Connecticut government.

Nowhere else in the USA is tracking every bullet sold, or maybe there are other places? Connecticut is the only place I know that a person needs a special permit.
Actually, many of the areas where there have been a lot of shootings have strict gun control legislation, Chicago, for one example.
Or I could ignore your strawman and look up stats about our gun violence compared to the rest of the developed world....

What would that look like?
You are so whacko left that not even Democrats would agree with you that we should tear up a dusty old piece of parchment.
So, you're ok with people owning weapons capable of murdering dozens of children in minutes?
I think within that time frame the word weapon becomes a bit superfluous. A hammer, a knife, a shovel, basically anything with enough heft could kill dozens of children in minutes, it would just require a lot more effort and more passivity from the public.
I think within that time frame the word weapon becomes a bit superfluous. A hammer, a knife, a shovel, basically anything with enough heft could kill dozens of children in minutes, it would just require a lot more effort and more passivity from the public.
And yet you have this anti-gun obsession. You don't care if other murder weapons are used, just as long as it isn't guns.

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