Sandy Hook Kids Graduating

It appears you project yourself on me and once again stereotype Democrats in the process. Why don't you follow the thread if you are able to do so and you will see why I responded the way I did to you in all my comments. I won't assume you have ADD, ADHD or something else, but perhaps you don't know how to follow a thread.

Yes, I know the thread started about Sandy Hook; however, I responded to your false stereotyping because it is exactly what you did--stereotype and continue to stereotype--by saying originally Democrats don't care at all for kids based on two false assumptions that had nothing to do with Sandy Hook. And to say Democrats have no place in society because, according to you they lack comprehension skills, is absurd.
False, you proved I wss not stereotyping at all and intenionally moved far left with your comments. You also lied about what was stated, mischaracterizing the comments.

Curious is how you have done nothing but offer contradictions.

You prove over and over that what I stated was true by your comments
False, you proved I wss not stereotyping at all and intenionally moved far left with your comments. You also lied about what was stated, mischaracterizing the comments.

Curious is how you have done nothing but offer contradictions.

You prove over and over that what I stated was true by your comments
Keep lying. No, you were stereotyping when you lied about Democrats. Well, at least most of them aren't phony Christians who like most Trumpers. Note: MOST, not all like you would say about Democrats. Let's hope God sends Trump back to Satan soon.
Well first I'd end all gun sales and manufacturing. I'd implement a nation wide gun buy back program. I'd criminalize the transfer of ownership unless they were permanently disabled so people with period pieces or family heirlooms could still pass them down. And I'd destroy all weapons confiscated from gun buy back programs or confiscated during criminal investigations. It's not a magic solution but it's not by any means impossible even if it takes a generation.
So you would wipe out all those people working in weapons manufacturing and sales and the companies themselves. Then you would spend countless billions in tax dollars to "buy back" guns and then destroy them. I appreciate that you at least provided an answer. I believe there are multiple major problems with your plan.
Keep lying. No, you were stereotyping when you lied about Democrats. Well, at least most of them aren't phony Christians who like most Trumpers. Note: MOST, not all like you would say about Democrats. Let's hope God sends Trump back to Satan soon.
You have not proved it is a lie or even close to not being true, you choose to attack me personally and not address the elephant in the room.

And now you think you can goad me by stating that you hope God sends Trump to Satan.

You prove over and over that it is the worst traits of human character that dictates Democrats thoughts and actions. You are very lousy person taking cheap shots hoping you can hurt me, you prove Democrats only care about themselves.

It is true, abortion, trans medical mutilations, school shootings of children, are all convenient issues democrats launch hate filled attacks from.
You have not proved it is a lie or even close to not being true, you choose to attack me personally and not address the elephant in the room.

And now you think you can goad me by stating that you hope God sends Trump to Satan.

You prove over and over that it is the worst traits of human character that dictates Democrats thoughts and actions. You are very lousy person taking cheap shots hoping you can hurt me, you prove Democrats only care about themselves.

It is true, abortion, trans medical mutilations, school shootings of children, are all convenient issues democrats launch hate filled attacks from.
What we see everyday is that MOST Democrat supporters are incapable of discussion and quickly devolve into hyper emotional blather. I have found some who will communicate but they are the exception.
You have no specific examples. Until you provide them, your words are meaningless.
I take it you failed creative writing. Figures. What a sad creature you are.

You advocate laws they contradict the 2nd Amendment. You expect and desire legislation from the bench because you know you cannot get the necessary Amendments.
That poster is a kiwi. An uptight, American hating troll from a puny island nation.

They happily threw away their rights long ago.
Freedom and guaranteed rights require the people to act like adults and to be responsible. As I've said many times, freedom is dangerous, messy and chaotic. It's also preferable to the alternatives. What people are not realizing is, yes, you CAN prevent people from killing a large number of other people at one time if you do the following:

1. Remove all firearms from society. Oooh, that one has the left leaping about with great joy. They seem to think the government will never force them to do something they don't want to do.
2. Remove all pointed knives from society. Look at Great Britain if you think that's ridiculous.
3. Remove all fertilizer and gasoline from society. Can't have people mixing up things that go bang, now, can we? Don't worry, though, you'll still be able to get around, just walk.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Once you start giving the government power to strip rights from the people in the name of "safety", what you INEVITABLY end up with is a society unable to defend itself and a government that has society totally at its mercy, because note this, the government will NEVER disarm itself. Think all the guns are gone? Nope, the government still has them. In fact, the government will always have the dangerous things that kill people, you just won't.

I'll close with a famous quote:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Well first I'd end all gun sales and manufacturing. I'd implement a nation wide gun buy back program. I'd criminalize the transfer of ownership unless they were permanently disabled so people with period pieces or family heirlooms could still pass them down. And I'd destroy all weapons confiscated from gun buy back programs or confiscated during criminal investigations. It's not a magic solution but it's not by any means impossible even if it takes a generation.
And the end result is...guns are still around, you just can't get one. Do you honestly think the government will totally stop gun manufacturing? Heck, no, it will just nationalize the industry and continue cranking them out, because the government will NOT disarm itself, ever.
So you would wipe out all those people working in weapons manufacturing and sales and the companies themselves. Then you would spend countless billions in tax dollars to "buy back" guns and then destroy them. I appreciate that you at least provided an answer. I believe there are multiple major problems with your plan.
Like what? Are they real problems? Bigger problems than a gun violence rate 20 times higher than any other developed nation? Those people can find other jobs like everyone who worked at AOL or Circuit City or Radio Shack or the people who made and sold beepers and the billions we spend on gun buy backs will safe us countless more from the social, emotional and economic costs of gun violence.

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