Biden Won't Commit To A Drug Test

Joe wouldn't pass a drug test. No way. He's been in hiding for over a week working on his tuneup. By debate time, he will probably be able to qualify as a superfund site. MAGA
Does this thing look like he's got 4 more years in him? This is reality folks, Joe is fading fast.

Many drugs that can be used to help Biden through, cause the mouth to droop lower on one side. Watch for it when he's not speaking.
The baseline for Joe's mouth can be seen in #25.
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Biden is an honest, law abiding citizen. He is not required to take drug tests

As a CONVICTED FELON, it is Trump who is required to pee in a cup when requested
Not until he's been sentenced.

But the president should submit to drug tests because of the importance of their position.

We can't have a situation where they have to prevent the president from getting the nuke codes because he's high on Adderall or Cocaine.
Biden is going to be wired for the debate.

Joe Biden is going to be hopped up on drugs because he refused to submit to a drug test before or after the debate.

So we have a president who is too old and feeble-minded to stand trial, and to top that off he's a drug addict.

Kind of takes the sting out of his claims that Trump is a convicted felon when your president is too high and too mentally or physically handicapped to stand trial, or function without performance enhancing drugs.

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He slurs, misspeaks, and stumbles at every public appearance.

Maybe Joe should be taking these drugs 24/7.

It's like an airplane. When an airplane crashes everything is broken up into a million, billion pieces EXCEPT the black box with all the recording information they always obtain.

So, why not make the airplane out of what the make the black box out of?
He slurs, misspeaks, and stumbles at every public appearance.

Maybe Joe should be taking these drugs 24/7.
So if this is true WHY is he not taking them now? Seems like a lot of ass covering before the debate.
WHY don't we just watch it and draw our own conclusions????
Why would an educated successful human such as DJT willingly go into the snake pit that is CNN DEMS Commee Deep State with that smelly puppet ? I would cancel at the last minute and say its' rigged. It will be rigged of course. If possible to make that old brain-dead cheat look good they will try.
The drugs they have Biden on causes you to lose weight.

Wouldn't any DRUGS at all to "hop him up" cause the 90 yr old bad heart to crap out? Or the Brain that has already non-functioned at least once? For Christs sake the fossil probably travels around with his personal Brain surgeon on hand. What a country of excess for such weak and lowIQ humans that infect DC.

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