Great News for Hillary Clinton!!!

I'm not pro- Hillary Clinton by any stretch of the imagination, but anybody who thinks she isn't going to win the 2016 US Presidential race is living in a happy delusion.

Anybody who thinks the many scandals plaguing her will "bring her down": delusional.

Anybody who thinks the lackluster performance of the present administration will foil her chances: delusional. Ms. Clinton has--and will continue to--effectively "decouple" herself from the current administration.

Anybody who thinks the US electorate will ultimately turn on her: delusional.

Ms. Clinton is going to win the 2016 US Presidential race. It is a statistical inevitability. It is going to happen. You may desperately not want it to happen. It's going to happen anyway.

Accept it now. Spare yourself the emotional highs and lows of 18 months of polling, none of which is relevant.

I don't like Ms. Clinton. She's a liar, a cheater, an establishment crony, and a horrible human being--possibly even more so than Mr. Bush, who will inevitably win the Republican nomination. None of this is relevant. She will win the 2016 election. Don't let your dislike of her delude you into thinking otherwise. You'll be sorely disappointed.

Interesting opinion. Right's not supported by any facts or data. Of course, a lot can change in 500 days.

But right now.....the Hildabeast is in big trouble.
I'm not sure I'll still be around by November 2016, but why don't we make a bet here and now.

$100.00, from the loser to the winner's registered charity of choice, on his honour.

You're so sure Ms. Clinton is going to lose: get me to cough up $100.00 to any registered charity you deem fit as soon as she does. If I'm right and she wins the election, you pay $100.00 to the registered charity of my choice.


Notice the phrase I used was "right now." :lol: The second key phrase was "of course, a lot can change in 500 days."

Get back with me about two weeks before the election and we'll talk. :D
Fair enough.
Ever notice how the rwer's here are so ashamed of their candidates that they don't ever discuss them in a thread...It's always Hillary compulsive disorder disease running rampant...Where are the issues you idiots always claimed the GOP had the answer to? As of now, the clown car GOP has yet to clarify much at all...

First Grader: Miss Hillary, is it true that you deleted all of the emails pertaining to your involvement and screw ups with the benghazi scandal, and also, why do most Americans use the term "Cankals" when they speak of you?
Ever notice how the rwer's here are so ashamed of their candidates that they don't ever discuss them in a thread...It's always Hillary compulsive disorder disease running rampant...Where are the issues you idiots always claimed the GOP had the answer to? As of now, the clown car GOP has yet to clarify much at all...

I notice nutballs on both sides who refuse to criticize their side(s). You happen to be a left wing nutball that can't criticize his side.
Here's the biggest problem that the anti-Hillary people refuse to see (no, I'm not pro-Hillary), she's female and a liberal, that appeals to the younger generations of voters who want to part of "history" by electing the first female President. The younger generations who are mostly clueless about issues but are still seriously into "fads", electing the first female president is, to them, the ultimate "fad" as it will go down in history. The younger generations who have bought into the leftist propaganda denigrating Republicans and all conservatives in general, unfortunately for them the right had a hand in reinforcing that belief at least as far as they see it.
Take that voter bloc in conjunction with a very motivated Democrat political machine and I strongly suspect Hillary will be the next President. The only thing that can stop that is for someone to actually find a "smoking gun" in one of the scandals surrounding her, good luck with that, the Clintons are very good at this game, very good.
I heard Hillary will be sitting on a round table with 7/8 first graders during her next visit to Iowa.

Seven or eight extensively screened and coached first graders. Heaven forbid she get asked too tough a question by one of them after all.
First Grader: Miss Hillary: My mommy tells me that you want to be the first woman president, but then she tells me that you look,act and dress like a man, so how can you run to be the first woman president when you come off as a dude?
"The survey, conducted on behalf of the conservative super-PAC American Crossroads..." A biased poll. Has little integrity or viability.
Ever notice how the rwer's here are so ashamed of their candidates that they don't ever discuss them in a thread...

we do not need to, you liberturds do it for us. :lmao: .... :up:
Admit it: your "go down in flames" assessment is 10% reality, 90% your overwhelming desire that she not win the election.

I don't like her any more than you do, but I'm telling you people: you're living in a fantasyland. She's going to win the 2016 US Presidential election, and it's going to hit you in the face like a two-by-four. Accept that fact now and curb your enthusiasm accordingly. It will make it a lot easier to tolerate the gloating by the local Democrats when it happens.
As her popularity--and thus her electibility--sink watch Democrat start to pile on and call for her to withdraw. Dems are driven by desire to win, not ethics.
As her popularity--and thus her electibility--sink watch Democrat start to pile on and call for her to withdraw. Dems are driven by desire to win, not ethics.
and why would anyone pay any amount to hang out with Hillary? no matter what u ask her, all your gonna get is "What Difference Does It Make".

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