Great News for Hillary Clinton!!!

I'm not pro- Hillary Clinton by any stretch of the imagination, but anybody who thinks she isn't going to win the 2016 US Presidential race is living in a happy delusion.

Anybody who thinks the many scandals plaguing her will "bring her down": delusional.

Anybody who thinks the lackluster performance of the present administration will foil her chances: delusional. Ms. Clinton has--and will continue to--effectively "decouple" herself from the current administration.

Anybody who thinks the US electorate will ultimately turn on her: delusional.

Ms. Clinton is going to win the 2016 US Presidential race. It is a statistical inevitability. It is going to happen. You may desperately not want it to happen. It's going to happen anyway.

Accept it now. Spare yourself the emotional highs and lows of 18 months of polling, none of which is relevant.

I don't like Ms. Clinton. She's a liar, a cheater, an establishment crony, and a horrible human being--possibly even more so than Mr. Bush, who will inevitably win the Republican nomination. None of this is relevant. She will win the 2016 election. Don't let your dislike of her delude you into thinking otherwise. You'll be sorely disappointed.
You're delusional.
Hillary will not win and Bush will not receive the nomination.
Ever notice how the rwer's here are so ashamed of their candidates that they don't ever discuss them in a thread...It's always Hillary compulsive disorder disease running rampant...Where are the issues you idiots always claimed the GOP had the answer to? As of now, the clown car GOP has yet to clarify much at all...
Why would we discuss GOP candidates in a thread about hillary clinton?
Republicans have only won the popular vote in one presidential election in the last 25 years....2004. So they realized that the only way they can win is by blocking the black vote, having the Supreme Court allow unlimited secret campaign contributions, gerrymandering the House districts, and by parliamentary tricks like the filibuster and shutting down the government.
Presidents are not elected by popular vote. So.... the rest of your post is as irrelevant as all your others.
The Republican agenda....lower taxes for the rich, raise them on the middle class, restrict women's reproductive rights, suppress the black vote, allow corporations free reign to pollute at will, privatize schools, prisons, the military, Medicare, Social Security, and sell off state assets to corporate donors.
Sounds like a winning combination
Top 10 Poorest States:

1. Mississippi - Republican
2. Arkansas - Republican
3. West Virginia - Republican/Democrat
4. Alabama - Republican
5. Kentucky - Republican
6. New Mexico - Republican/Democrat
7.Tennessee - Republican
8. Louisiana - Republican
9. South Carolina - Republican
10. Oklahoma - Republican
All with very high minority populations.
Not!!! :lol:


The Hildabeast's favorability among Independents has dropped 11 points since last year. It is now down to 45%. She will not win unless those numbers improve to at least 50%.

Fox Poll Hillary Clinton s Favorability Plummets 11 Points Among Independents Washington Free Beacon

Also, head to head against Jeb Bush she loses according to a recent Fox Poll.

And finally, another recent poll shows the Hildabeast losing by 10 points or more in six key battleground States that Obama won.

Woopsie!!! :(

A key quote:

"The survey, conducted on behalf of the conservative super-PAC American Crossroads, found an unnamed GOP candidate taking 51 percent support among voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.

Clinton takes only 41 percent support among voters in those states, according to the poll.

The survey found Clinton’s favorability rating deep underwater, with 40 percent reporting a positive view of the former secretary of State against 53 percent who said they view her negatively."
the more trouble hillary gets into, the younger the crowd she will take questions and speak to. looks like this week she will only campaign to an audience of 15 year old girls. apparently all 15 year old boys have learned a new word. "Cankles".
She's going to win the 2016 US Presidential election,

care to make a wager on that ? a lot of things can happen and change, i do not trust the election process 100%, B. Hussein proved it is more corrupt than any time in U.S.A. history, i do trust fate, it has played out many times in past times.

i predict we'll witness a very important event before Nov. 8, 2016AD

there are many days between now and November 8, 2016AD
She's going to win the 2016 US Presidential election,

care to make a wager on that ? a lot of things can happen and change, i do not trust the election process 100%, B. Hussein proved it is more corrupt than any time in U.S.A. history, i do trust fate, it has played out many times in past times.

i predict we'll witness a very important event before Nov. 8, 2016AD

there are many days between now and November 8, 2016AD
so long as "you know who" doesnt ship illegals to every purple state next year.
Hillary cannot be the Democrat nominee.

Too white.

Too (arguably) female.

Not transgendered.


Hillary has one of the strongest leads of any primary candidate in the last 50 years who wasn't an incumbent.
How certain are you that she will not be the Democratic nominee? At least 80%? 90%? More?
You're delusional.
Hillary will not win and Bush will not receive the nomination.

That's very strong language and indicates a high degree of certainty. Question: if someone offered to make a $25 bet with you that at least one of these two events will occur, would you take it on the side of neither occurring?
I don't bet on politics as I have no control over the outcome. If I did, I'd be putting money on Marco Rubio.

I'm not sure what having control over the outcome has to do with anything. If someone offered to bet you on whether the sun will rise tomorrow, I expect you'd take that bet on the yes side.
There are excellent odds on the sun rising. Right now, I'd say the odds are only 60/40 that hillary won't win the White House. I bet on poker where I control the odds I take thus, great control of the outcome.
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There are excellent odds on the sun rising. Right now, I'd say the odds are only 60/40 that hillary won't win the White House. I bet on poker where I control the odds I take thus, great control of the outcome.

60/40 doesn't seem at all like an unreasonable estimate. So when you called people thinking Hillary would win delusional, did you mean they were delusional for thinking it has a very high probability? So if they say estimated 40/60, then you wouldn't call them delusional?
Hillary cannot be the Democrat nominee.

Too white.

Too (arguably) female.

Not transgendered.


According to you:
Too white = not republican enough
Too (arguably) female = not republican enough
Not transgendered enough = Nobody cares.

This is a list for a right wing primary, not the general electorate. You simply lose for not knowing your place in the stratosphere.
She'll go down in flames.

You sound very confident that she will lose. Can you assign a probability to that claim?
About 99%. Americans arent voting for a known liar who thinks they are fools.

I asked you the last time you made a ridiculous probability estimate if you would be willing to wager on it, and you responded primarily with insults.

In that context, you seem to be more interested in making ridiculous claims that your own political side will definitely win elections than any attempt at seriously thinking about the actual probabilities. Frankly, I find you annoying, and as an actually Jewish person, am not sure if I should find your highly unjustified screen name offensive: Actual Rabbis are taught to distinguish what they want to be true from what is true- this is an especially important thing in deciding issues of halacha.

Do you post here to just wreck signal to noise ratio?
There are excellent odds on the sun rising. Right now, I'd say the odds are only 60/40 that hillary won't win the White House. I bet on poker where I control the odds I take thus, great control of the outcome.

60/40 doesn't seem at all like an unreasonable estimate. So when you called people thinking Hillary would win delusional, did you mean they were delusional for thinking it has a very high probability? So if they say estimated 40/60, then you wouldn't call them delusional?
OK... Let me rephrase. I think people who WANT hillary to win are delusional. People who THINK hillary will win are just plain wrong.

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