great piece of investigative journalism by GQ exposes horrifying details about Otto Warmbier's death


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The Untold Story of Otto Warmbier, American Hostage

after Trump learned of his condition he ordered an American plane to land in Pyongyang w/o asking for North Korean permission to get Otto out ASAP

There was a day when no nation on earth would dare imprison and torture an American citizen to death....time to send that message out there not mess with us...
I'm glad they pulled that poor young man out of NK.

To bad he couldn't tell anyone what had happened.
Pretty good article, except near the end where the author seems to insert his own opinion on the Trump administration. What's clear is Otto Warmbier was tortured as the article states:

Even if North Korea didn't beat Otto, that doesn't mean that he wasn't tortured, as the mental suffering the regime inflicted on him constitutes torture under the U.N. definition. As Tomás Ojea Quintana, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights for North Korea, said, “Otto's rights were violated on every level.”

Trump's course of action throughout this horrible ordeal led to the summit to denuclearize. It's unspeakable what happened to Otto Warmbier, but I choose to believe his death will ultimately help millions of others and aid President Trump in negotiations.
Ok being a pilot I would like to point something out that I thought of after reading this article.

Trump sent an American plane to NK without permission to get this man out of the country. That is a violation of NK airspace. They would have been within their rights to shoot it down no questions asked (Like Israel did with the Syrian jet yesterday). The fact that they didn't shows me that they are scared of war with the US because they know it would have been an act of war.
Ok being a pilot I would like to point something out that I thought of after reading this article.

Trump sent an American plane to NK without permission to get this man out of the country. That is a violation of NK airspace. They would have been within their rights to shoot it down no questions asked (Like Israel did with the Syrian jet yesterday). The fact that they didn't shows me that they are scared of war with the US because they know it would have been an act of war.
Obviously, they are scared of a war with the U.S. Which is why they were/are not a realistic threat.
They can be scared of war with the US and still be a threat. In fact, when scared, people are more dangerous.

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