Great Socialist China Willing To Put West Back To Work--GOP & Ivy League Opposed!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So the Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts--Dumping Substance And Other Treasure Into the Sea--have been compared and contrasted with the humanitarians of Bejing again! Unlike the Tea Party/Ivy League Liberals, then Socialist China intends assitance in infrastructure spending that Americans won't do for themselves!

Billions worlwide have noted that GOP Ivy League liberals intend a Laissez Faire outcome like in drought-stricken East Africa, or like in Haiti. That alternative is now shown the World: The Agenda especially of Boehner, McConnell, Cantlor, Romney, Gingrich, Huntsman, Pawlenty, Bachman, Cain, and Paul, Paul, et. al.

China 'Keen' to Invest in West's Infrastructure - ABC News

China is an interventionist kind of Policy Committee. GOP said, "No!" and Ivy League sent all the money to the teachers and the bureaucrats who caused the downturn in the first place. The Tax Base was not allowed to be lubricated, later to be excited with more stimulation!

Enter the concept of facts of life, from more than a billion people!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many can advise the traveling Holy Father to not forget his rubbers(?). in their way of things!)
China wants to invest in our infrastructure, but the Republicans in Congress don't.


Because the Republicans in Congress know it will help the economy, and they care more about winning the election than they do about helping the American people.

Oh my goodness, this news does so crack me up.

A former third world Asian nation, now rich thanks to our FREE TRADE policy that has been slowly bankrupting the WEST, is now in a position to do for US what we have done to third world nations for the last century or so.

And it only took about thirty years of our idiotic trade policies for this turnaround to happen, too.

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