Greatest country in the world my Ass......

In a nutshell....who cares?

So the UN ranked us 8th. Doberman Pinchers are the 23rd most popular dogs in the United States...but I'll swear that I've never had a better, more intelligent, more loving and gentle dog in my entire life than my 110-lb red dobie that is presently curled up on my couch beside me with his head in my lap as I type this. Everyone should experience the joy of owning this breed...they should be #1. People have differing opinions.

The UN survey looked at a variety of criteria...but it also left out many other characteristics that may have put the United States higher...even if it did...what would it matter.

I don't think that the United States is the best nation in the world because the UN tells me it is...I think that the United States is the best nation in the world because it is the nation of my birth, it is the nation that's freedoms, liberties, and opportunitites have provided me and my family with the wonderful life we have today, and its a nation that leads the world in a variety of areas - a nation where people from all over the world come for education, technology, art, and to raise their families. I do not need the UN to tell me that this is a great country...I know it.

And if the UN wants to call it #8 - thats fine...doesn't bother me a bit.

Damn woman, what are YOU doing come 2008?

I'm too sure any American is going to take serious, anything that the United Nations of Liberals think.

And what, they are giving out the ten best of anything, wonder what list THEY are on.

The ten best of giving in to the terrorist of the world?

How such an organization has turned into such a surrender monkey, appeasement, stick your head in the sand, give them what they want, bunch of chickenshit do nothings, is a whole nother thread.

My thoughts on the matter.....:finger:

Kick some ass Gem...................:thup:

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