Greatest poster yet....


Oct 5, 2010
I just saw this and still cannot stop laughing......
BTW, yesterdays elections were....GREAT


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How well did it work on Clinton?

How about the fact that the right elected a guy who wears diapers to his prostitute?
Don't worry Varna..Darrell Issa has your back. He'll find something, get that impeachment going.

Feel bettah now?
Someone should remind the woman Slick Willie wasn't impeached for getting a B.J. from the lovely woman, Ms. Lewinsky.
David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vitter critter was relected.

Rs only care abuot sex scandals if the other guy doess it.

And that policy swings both ways, don't pretend it doesn't.

As for impeaching Obama, any attempt to do so will only result in a shot to the foot of the Republican party. There are too many issues in this country that need to be addressed and I don't think Obama has done a damn thing worthy of impeachment.
Someone should remind the woman Slick Willie wasn't impeached for getting a B.J. from the lovely woman, Ms. Lewinsky.

Slick Willie was impeached out of political spite more than anything else. Lying under oath? Come on. Sure, he was a lawyer and should have known better. Sure, he was President and should have known better. But if you're going to shoot your wad on a process as serious as impeachment, make it count. Take the guy out for good, don't just embarrass him.

When Republicans chose to impeach Clinton, they did almost irreparable damage to the government. I am of the opinion that that decision and process has led us to where we are today. The acrimony, anger and disgust that we all witnessed during the Bush years and still lingers today? The Gotchya politics that is more prevalent than ever? The unwillingness to work together? Yeah, I believe the roots of all that go back to the decision to impeach Slick Willie for lying under oath. The should have censured him and moved on.
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David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vitter critter was relected.

Rs only care abuot sex scandals if the other guy doess it.

Oh, really? How many Republican sex scandal-ers hung around in office, versus how many Democrat sex-scandal-ers? Wanna count?

Jack Ryan - allegedly propositioned his own wife - outta there.
Mark Foley - sent inappropriate e-mails to pages - outta there.
Larry Craig - allegedly tapped his foot in a bathroom - outta there.

Ted Kennedy - left a girl allegedly pregnant by him in an Oldsmobile to drown - died in office decades later
Bill Clinton - flashed an employee, had sexual relations with an intern, was credibly accused of rape - finished second term and continues to campaign for Democrat candidates
Barney Frank - homosexual prostitute ran a call-boy ring out of his house - still in office
John Edwards - cheated on cancer-stricken wife and produced illegitimate child with mistress - continued to campaign for Democrat candidates and causes
Gerry Studds - had sex with a 17-year-old Congressional page - re-elected to the House six more times

Anyone else notice that, not only does the Republican Party toss its people off the train when they get in a scandal, but that Republican sex scandals don't seem to involve anyone actually having sex?
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David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vitter critter was relected.

Rs only care abuot sex scandals if the other guy doess it.

Oh, really? How many Republican sex scandal-ers hung around in office, versus how many Democrat sex-scandal-ers? Wanna count?

Jack Ryan - allegedly propositioned his own wife - outta there.
Mark Foley - sent inappropriate e-mails to pages - outta there.
Larry Craig - allegedly tapped his foot in a bathroom - outta there.

Ted Kennedy - left a girl allegedly pregnant by him in an Oldsmobile to drown - died in office decades later
Bill Clinton - flashed an employee, had sexual relations with an intern, was credibly accused of rape - finished second term and continues to campaign for Democrat candidates
Barney Frank - homosexual prostitute ran a call-boy ring out of his house - still in office
John Edwards - cheated on cancer-stricken wife and produced illegitimate child with mistress - continued to campaign for for Democrat candidates and causes
Gerry Studds - had sex with a 17-year-old Congressional page - re-elected to the House six more times

Anyone else notice that, not only does the Republican Party toss it's people off the train when they get in a scandal, but that Republican sex scandals don't seem to involve anyone actually having sex?
Republicans send their offenders home. Democrats send theirs back to Washington.
David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vitter critter was relected.

Rs only care abuot sex scandals if the other guy doess it.

Oh, really? How many Republican sex scandal-ers hung around in office, versus how many Democrat sex-scandal-ers? Wanna count?

Jack Ryan - allegedly propositioned his own wife - outta there.
Mark Foley - sent inappropriate e-mails to pages - outta there.
Larry Craig - allegedly tapped his foot in a bathroom - outta there.

Ted Kennedy - left a girl allegedly pregnant by him in an Oldsmobile to drown - died in office decades later
Bill Clinton - flashed an employee, had sexual relations with an intern, was credibly accused of rape - finished second term and continues to campaign for Democrat candidates
Barney Frank - homosexual prostitute ran a call-boy ring out of his house - still in office
John Edwards - cheated on cancer-stricken wife and produced illegitimate child with mistress - continued to campaign for for Democrat candidates and causes
Gerry Studds - had sex with a 17-year-old Congressional page - re-elected to the House six more times

Anyone else notice that, not only does the Republican Party toss it's people off the train when they get in a scandal, but that Republican sex scandals don't seem to involve anyone actually having sex?
Republicans send their offenders home. Democrats send theirs back to Washington.

BAM! :clap2:
David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vitter critter was relected.

Rs only care abuot sex scandals if the other guy doess it.

And that policy swings both ways, don't pretend it doesn't.

As for impeaching Obama, any attempt to do so will only result in a shot to the foot of the Republican party. There are too many issues in this country that need to be addressed and I don't think Obama has done a damn thing worthy of impeachment.

Never heard of anyone being impeached for incompetence.

Also never heard of anyone being impeached because they were a left or right wing ideologue.
I just saw this and still cannot stop laughing......
BTW, yesterdays elections were....GREAT

Do Republicans ever have original material? That was copied from the Bush era where posters said the same thing: "Would someone please give Bush a blowjob..." I sometimes think some of you were born yesterday.
Are you saying Bush never got a BJ?

I think WH maintenance boarded up that closet off the Oval Office so there'd be no temptation. GWB was watched like a hawk because of his prior drinking problem. He never would have gotten away with even trying.

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