Greenland Ice Shelves Collapsing

Out of ten thousand scientists over 30 years? Not one? I find that more than a little hard to believe. And even if they were "bought and paid for", no one has made a mistake? No one has slipped up? No one got drunk and told his Australian diplomat buddy what they were doing?
Judith Curry.
She said that is what happens
I'll bet she does. Does she have incontrovertible proof or just vaguely disparaging comments that make use of your intense confirmation bias while maintaining her own plausible deniability?

What I want is a confession.
I'll bet she does. Does she have incontrovertible proof or just vaguely disparaging comments that make use of your intense confirmation bias while maintaining her own plausible deniability?

What I want is a confession.
Go ask her
Your words are only lies.

I provide links with the graphs I post. The data are available via those links. So what did Willie tell all those right wing lawyers about climate data?


YOU are the biggest freaking liar in the entire forum, you keep posting Marcott's chart with that added on red line that he himself states isn't valid statistically gave you his full quoted statement on it with link around 20 separate times and you ignore it to continue using it anyway because there is nothing else out there and not only that it is statistical malpractice anyway which is WHY Marcott wanted to discredit it.

You do the same thing with Shakun's chart with is brazenly dishonest and easily exposed by hard data you ignore being corrected over it a number of times.

You pretend that Sherwood found the "hot spot" which has been exposed as pure junk science to this day isn't accepted by the NOAA who has the Radio Balloon database which I showed to you by link recently which you duly ignored so after 12-15 years after his junk papers are published his made-up radio sonde data never gets accepted by anyone else because it is stupid!

You are so pathetic.

YOU are the biggest freaking liar in the entire forum, you keep posting Marcott's chart with that added on red line that he himself states isn't valid statistically gave you his full quoted statement on it with link around 20 separate times and you ignore it to continue using it anyway because there is nothing else out there and not only that it is statistical malpractice anyway which is WHY Marcott wanted to discredit it.
The only thing statistically invalid in that graph is the connection between proxy and instrumented data and that is only because he's being a stickler. The instrumented data are valid. The proxy data are valid. You act as if Marcott had said the whole thing was a lie. Try again.
You do the same thing with Shakun's chart with is brazenly dishonest and easily exposed by hard data you ignore being corrected over it a number of times.
Let's see a fucking link.
You pretend that Sherwood found the "hot spot" which has been exposed as pure junk science to this day isn't accepted by the NOAA who has the Radio Balloon database which I showed to you by link recently which you duly ignored so after 12-15 years after his junk papers are published his made-up radio sonde data never gets accepted by anyone else because it is stupid!
The hot spot has been found by at least four different groups and was meaningless in regard to AGW in any case. ANY form of warming should produce a tropospheric hot spot. It's absence didn't refute AGW. It said that either no warming factor would produce a hot spot or that it wasn't being seen.
You are so pathetic.
You are such a liar.
The hot spot has been found by at least four different groups and was meaningless in regard to AGW in any case. ANY form of warming should produce a tropospheric hot spot. It's absence didn't refute AGW. It said that either no warming factor would produce a hot spot or that it wasn't being seen
East Anglia emails says it all

I must admit a mistake. Earlier, I stated that four groups had detected a tropospheric hot spot. That appears to be incorrect and, as my conversants have suggested, Sherwood and Nishant in the 2015 paper are the only group to have done so.

If NOAA has rejected Sherwood's tropospheric hot spot, let's see a link, because I can find no such thing.

And, again, the hot spot has NO specificity to warming from greenhouse gases. It's presence or absence in this context is completely irrelevant.
I must admit a mistake. Earlier, I stated that four groups had detected a tropospheric hot spot. That appears to be incorrect and, as my conversants have suggested, Sherwood and Nishant in the 2015 paper are the only group to have done so.

If NOAA has rejected Sherwood's tropospheric hot spot, let's see a link, because I can find no such thing.

And, again, the hot spot has NO specificity to warming from greenhouse gases. It's presence or absence in this context is completely irrelevant.
How can there be huge energy increase and no heat?
How can there be huge energy increase and no heat?
The sun is constantly supplying energy to the Earth. In equilibrium, it is equalled by energy leaving the Earth. If you slow the rate at which it leaves, energy accumulates on Earth, raising its temperature. I would have though you knew that a long time ago.
The sun is constantly supplying energy to the Earth. In equilibrium, it is equalled by energy leaving the Earth. If you slow the rate at which it leaves, energy accumulates on Earth, raising its temperature. I would have though you knew that a long time ago.
It seems like you remain confused. See you claimed huge increase so if there’s a huge increase, heat has to be prevalent. I thought you’d know that
It seems like you remain confused. See you claimed huge increase so if there’s a huge increase, heat has to be prevalent. I thought you’d know that
I know there is no requirement for any additional heat. The greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions has been more than enough.
That's certainly great news if true- which I really doubt.

It would be tremendous if Greenland were to reverse the climate change its had over the past millennium so it can return to the lush state it was in when it first got the name of "Green land"
Did the Greenland ice sheets finish collapsing? They must have, it is not like a collapse takes hours, days, weeks, months, or years.

Another build more solar panels hoax.
I know there is no requirement for any additional heat. The greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions has been more than enough.
So when one walks in a greenhouse, it isn't warmer than the outside? Are you sure? So what is the signal to show what GHG's are doing?
The Weather Channel was founded by two men: Coleman and Batten. Coleman has a degree in journalism and worked as a TV weatherman. Batten is a businessman. Neither has ever been involved in climate research.
still waiting on the climate scientist from your posted IPCC AR6 report. Where's the name sweetie?
Out of ten thousand scientists over 30 years? Not one? I find that more than a little hard to believe. And even if they were "bought and paid for", no one has made a mistake? No one has slipped up? No one got drunk and told his Australian diplomat buddy what they were doing?
still waiting on the list of these scientists which support your totals. Let's see a link! come on sis, time to start backing up your horseshit.
The founder of the Weather channel for one. And to repeat, my personal observations from going to the same beach for over 50 years confirms that the oceans are NOT rising, pictures of the poles confirm that the polar ice is growing, not shrinking as claimed by you AGW cultists. but you made Al Gore a rich man so there's that for you to be proud of.
there isn't one photo of an ocean rising. None, zip. Nowhere anytime.
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