Greg Hardy abuse photos Horrid!

Whiner Cowboys are desperate this year.........can't U cut'em a break?
Jones.only cares about winning. If it takes playing a woman beater. So Be It. Mister Plastic Face has No Class....
Jones.only cares about winning. If it takes playing a woman beater. So Be It. Mister Plastic Face has No Class....

J. Jones only cares about marketing 'Americas' Team'. If he cared about winning, he would have found a way to give DeMarco Murray an extra 18 mill to keep him this season.
Anything new that we learned from this? We already knew what he did. He is a scumbag. Unfortunately, for justice sake, the girl took a pay off. Do not really blame for that either.

So, this is where we are.

A lot like the Ray Rice situation. The video from the elevator changed nothing. Meaning, there was nothing new that was learned. Somehow the video changed EVERYTHING however. Shows the power of the visual sense and the affects it has on our psyche.

Again, there is nothing new that has come out.
Anything new that we learned from this? We already knew what he did. He is a scumbag. Unfortunately, for justice sake, the girl took a pay off. Do not really blame for that either.

So, this is where we are.

A lot like the Ray Rice situation. The video from the elevator changed nothing. Meaning, there was nothing new that was learned. Somehow the video changed EVERYTHING however. Shows the power of the visual sense and the affects it has on our psyche.

Again, there is nothing new that has come out.

If Jones turns his back and does nothung, he is lower than I thought he was. Snake Level.....
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If you really object to what Hardy did, turn of the Cowboys games or better yet turn off the NFL. The NFL tried to suspend this jerk and lost games in arbitration.

The bottom line we are more concerned about air pressure in footballs than we are domestic abuse.

Hardy is a sad excuse fr a human being.
Roger Goodell is still trying to get Tom Brady suspended for four games because he might have known something about someone possibly deflating footballs...yet not doing anything about a scumbag like Hardy getting paid millions to play football after beating the crap out of a woman? Gee, think Katie might be onto something about the league having it's priorities fucked up?
Greg Hardy: The New Face of the Dallas Cowboys

This guy is a scumbag, but it's too late for him, the Cowboys, Jones, and Goodell. The last three can wear Hardy around their necks like the proverbial albatross. Not for one minute do I believe that Goodell, the NFL, or the teams are serious about dealing with domestic violence. Not so long as it might effect the overall performance of the teams.

The only thing that will make a difference is if they start losing sponsors and that's not likely to happen any time soon. It would be nice to see the breast cancer folks disassociate themselves from the NFL. Seems somewhat pointless to turn to the NFL to heighten awareness for one killer of women when they seem to be harboring the potential instrument of another.

This OpEd is worth a read:

...I do not want to hear Cowboys vice president Charlotte Jones Anderson, Jerry's daughter, talk of using Hardy and his inability to keep his hands to himself as a teachable moment on domestic violence, or Cowboys coach Jason Garrett to talk about how disturbing the photos obtained by Deadspin of Nicole Holder’s beaten and bruised body were, or NFL commissioner Roger Goodell doing another version of his “shocked and appalled” lying, or any crawfishing BS from his media defenders.

They all saw and knew and did not care.

They signed Hardy, let him play again, giggled at the tone-deaf and sexist idiocy he delivered at his first opportunity to address the domestic violence charges he bought his way out of, defended him after he physically went after a coach, called him a real leader and talked of re-signing him.

They did this because he is a defensive beast and because they did not care and because no pictures had surfaced to give them 457 public relations reasons to pretend to care.

No, the NFL should be forced to wear Hardy like Holder did her bruises and scars...

Why Greg Hardy needs to remain on the field

Fuck Jones, fuck the Cowboys, and fuck the NFL.

If you don't agree, then I'd wager you have never known a victim of domestic violence.

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