Greta Van Susteren


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Since she has switched her Fox News show from tabloid to politics, I have become a major fan. She asks the questions of her guests that I want to hear the answers to. She doesn't let her guests spin, and her show clips along at a fast speed. :clap2:

Your thoughts on her show?
I suggest a second round of plastic surgery. She does ask some good questions. Much less confrontational with guests which is a plus too.
She is my second favorite show on FNC (The first being Special Report). I like it better when she focuses on political and economic stories instead of the latest tabloid fodder.

Her mouth does creep me out a bit - a little too Clutch Cargo like. But she really can't help that without some pretty extreme surgical intervention.
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I suggest a second round of plastic surgery. She does ask some good questions. Much less confrontational with guests which is a plus too.

I like the fact that she isn't a plastic fantastic looking pundit. I have heard that she has had a stroke, but don't know it is factual.

Thanks for your response, saveliberty. :)
She is my second favorite show on FNC (The first being Special Report). I like it better when she focuses on political and economic stories instead of the latest tabloid fodder.

Her mouth does creep me out a bit - a little too Clutch Cargo like. But she really can't help that without some pretty extreme surgical intervention.

I like Bret Bair too. And my all time fave, Charles Krauthammar. I also like Bill O-Reilly's show and that he has Dr. K. on once a week now too.

Thanks :)
She is my second favorite show on FNC (The first being Special Report). I like it better when she focuses on political and economic stories instead of the latest tabloid fodder.

Her mouth does creep me out a bit - a little too Clutch Cargo like. But she really can't help that without some pretty extreme surgical intervention.

You are one of the few people I have come across who remembers Clutch Cargo, rep to you.

As for Greta, I do my best to avoid Scientologists. ;)
I like Bret Bair too. And my all time fave, Charles Krauthammar. I also like Bill O-Reilly's show and that he has Dr. K. on once a week now too.

Thanks :)

Dr. K is one of the smartest commentators around, one of my personal favs as well.

I also really like Brit Hume. Bret is a good replacement, but he doesn't have Brit's gravitas.

I can't handle watching Bill anymore. He turns too many stories into "about him". And Hannity is completely unwatchable - he was better when paired up with Alan.
I like Bret Bair too. And my all time fave, Charles Krauthammar. I also like Bill O-Reilly's show and that he has Dr. K. on once a week now too.

Thanks :)

Dr. K is one of the smartest commentators around, one of my personal favs as well.

I also really like Brit Hume. Bret is a good replacement, but he doesn't have Brit's gravitas.

I can't handle watching Bill anymore. He turns too many stories into "about him". And Hannity is completely unwatchable - he was better when paired up with Alan.

I can only watch Hannity if he has a guest on that I wish to hear. Then turn him off. Bill is too soft on Obama...and that ticks me. I heard he is writing a book about him and that may be why he is "playing" the middle ground, if it is true about the book. Bill's show has changed but he is still a "must see" for me. I do like his bad ass attitude...

Bret is never offensive and so far hasn't quoted
I like Bret Bair too. And my all time fave, Charles Krauthammar. I also like Bill O-Reilly's show and that he has Dr. K. on once a week now too.

Thanks :)

Dr. K is one of the smartest commentators around, one of my personal favs as well.

I also really like Brit Hume. Bret is a good replacement, but he doesn't have Brit's gravitas.

I can't handle watching Bill anymore. He turns too many stories into "about him". And Hannity is completely unwatchable - he was better when paired up with Alan.

I pretty much stop watching Hannity after Alan left.

I guess it is because I can't get my weekly requirement of Liberal bashing in. And the fight between Beck and Maddow does not cut it.

Fox need to re-institute the Hannity and Colmes show. How about a (Glenn)Beck and (Michael)Moore show? Would that be over the top?

Sorry--I haven't caught Greta's show. I tend to switch between Fox, CNN and MSNBC(for the Rachel Maddow show mainly) when I watch cable news. I turn when either the host starts boring me or pissing me off.
I used to watch her many years ago on CNN and I liked her show for the most part.
I was pretty shocked to see her after her plastic surgery.

When she came over to FOX I didn't watch her much, mostly because it was a tabloid show. Snore ... wake me when it's over. Now that y'all are telling me she's moved back over to politics, I'll have to give her show another watch.

Special Report is #1 for me! The panel ... Charles, Steve, Juan, Mara, Bill and Bret. Love 'em all!
Beck ... on occassion.
Sheppard ... rarely
Bill ... often. Though his arrogance irritates me.
Hannity ... usually just the lead story. I think I liked him better when the Cryptkeeper ... I mean when Colmes was on with him. Hannity loves the sound of his own voice. I think that's what bugs me about him.
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Good point Aqua. Yea i couldn't watch her show when she was on the tabloid stuff. She's actually pretty talented and does some great interviews. I've started watching again. She has some pretty good ratings numbers so i think many agree with you on your assessment. Thanks.
Greta's content is usually very good, it's just a hard show to watch in general because it's so boring. And if i can be shallow for a moment, Greta isn't exactly someone i want to look at for a while.

O'Reilly and Greta, as far as the commentary/opinion shows go, are about as unbiased as you'll find on TV. Both still lean right but you won't usually see any gratuitous right wing bull shit which is all you get from Hannity. I used to think Hannity was amusing, but now i just think his show is stupid. It's one thing to be far right, but it's another to literally do absolutely nothing but spout of right wing talking points endlessly.

Matthews is a hack. Maddow is incredibly boring and scarier to look at than Greta even. Olbermann is the left-wing Hannity, except worse. If i'm going to watch TV commentary shows like that, it's basically just O'Reilly; no one else is worth spending an hour of my time on, in my opinion of course.
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I used to watch her many years ago on CNN and I liked her show for the most part.
I was pretty shocked to see her after her plastic surgery.

When she came over to FOX I didn't watch her much, mostly because it was a tabloid show. Snore ... wake me when it's over. Now that y'all are telling me she's moved back over to politics, I'll have to give her show another watch.

Special Report is #1 for me! The panel ... Charles, Steve, Juan, Mara, Bill and Bret. Love 'em all!
Beck ... on occassion.
Sheppard ... rarely
Bill ... often. Though his arrogance irritates me.
Hannity ... usually just the lead story. I think I liked him better when the Cryptkeeper ... I mean when Colmes was on with him. Hannity loves the sound of his own voice. I think that's what bugs me about him.

Steve Hayes is yummy.:eusa_drool:

Based on this thread I'm going to give Greta's show a try. I've been looking for someone who dials down the drama (that Beck, O'Reilly, and Hannity dial up) and who can follow a thought through to it's conclusion.

I'm sure there'll be some measure of the usual FauxNews spin...but here's hoping it's less than normal.
I try to watch Greta as often as possible. Her inteview style is stright to the point. She does ask the tough questions and always has some interesting guests.

I also watch O'Reilly and Bret Bair. Love CK. It think he's one of the smartest guys out there. Also like Steve Hayes.

Have never watched Hannity and catch the tail end of GB once in a while. I also will try to watch Maddow and that nitwit Shultz. Jeeze. Can't take much of that guy. I do flip aroung quite a bit at night.

My dogs don't mind. They watch what I watch. LOL.
I don't like Bill O'Reily because of his constant "Me me me, you're here because of me" crap. I cannot take Sean's voice any more, by the time Greta comes on I've already heard it all. I only like to watch when Steve Hayes is on cause he is nice to look at.

I still kind of blame Greta for OJ getting acquitted. lol

I heart Beck!

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