Ground Offensive....?


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2014
I am neither Muslim nor Jew... I am a human being living in a world of other human beings.

Atrocities occur on both sides on a daily basis... Neither side is right nor HAS a right to kill another human being.

I have always tried my very best to remain neutral in this ongoing conflict and taken a pragmatic view of the situation between Israel and Palestine/Gaza.

Over the past weeks/months I have not been able to maintain that neutrality.

I have always felt that IF Hamas stopped firing rockets into Israel then the 'issues' would go away... I now understand how naive I was with my thinking, how absolutely ridiculous this whole situation is becoming!

I have many friends around the world, many with very different religious and political views to my own... The one thing that bonds us is, well, we actually like each other, as a simple human being, that is what we ALL are afterall. However, IF one of my friends decided to use their power to try and control me in some way I think I would respond in a very negative way. If one of my friends tried to take a piece of my land away from me I KNOW I would respond in a very negative way... If one of my friends habitually broke the law for their own selfish interests then I would respond in a negative way.

I cannot remember the last count of UN Resolutions against Israel that quite clearly state that they are in contravention of international law with their 'occupation' of Palestine and Gaza... Please don't throw stones at the word 'occupation' in relation to Gaza... Thats why I put it in single quotes... It is a questionable word... However, there are MANY organisations that recognise the word and do believe that Israel occupies Gaza... For Palestine, there is NO question that is the case.

There is NO justification for Israel using its military might against a small strip of land that has limited resources, limited arms to defend itself...

Israel achieves an 'untouchable' state simply by its financial connection with the USA. This cannot, will not, save Israel in the long term. Not even the USA can support the continued 'terrorism' that Israel dishes out with impunity.

Israel has taken so much land from Palestine and continues to do so... Israel breaks so many international laws and conventions and continues to do so...

One day Israel will pay for their belligerence!

As as self proclaimed religious state I really cannot understand the use of the word 'religion' when it comes to Israel.

Withdraw from Palestine and Gaza, release both from the economic terrorism that Israel currently holds over BOTH... Then and ONLY then can proper negotiations start taking place to find a solution to the situation...

My general feeling is that there is a growing dislike of Israel as a state, even amongst Jews, there needs to be some balance in place, some mediation taking place but ONLY once peace and borders are restored!

Sorry, I have gone on a little longer than I expects...

One more thing...

Mainstream media, press, TV etc need to be VERY careful how they represent this conflict and the participants. There is not a balanced view in the media and, at some point in the near future, there are going to be a lot of very embarrassed faces around!
One side propaganda in disguise of neutral.
You mentioning to the "IF" Hamas would stop, right now I don't see how Hamas surrendering nor accepting ceasefire so that if is a big if.
Hope you enjoy wonderland,
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The post is clearly NOT a voice of neutrality. Despite various truces, HAMAS/Islamists continue to fire rockets into Israel and refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist. When Israel was created, the Muslims refused to live under an "infidel" government and conducted an exodus of their own free will. They weren't thrown out.
My stance on it is that Israel should just go in and destroy everything within Gaza and the West Bank and be done with it.
One side propaganda in disguise of neutral.
You mentioning to the "IF" Hamas would stop, right now I don't see how Hamas surrendering nor accepting ceasefire so that if is a big if.
Hope you enjoy wonderland,


I think I made it quite clear in my post that I was no longer neutral on this issue, I do not think that this is the time to 'sit on the fence'.

Had you read my post correctly you would see that the "IF" was how I used to believe this situation would cease. I made it clear that I was wrong to think that, it is Israel who needs to act responsibly and withdraw from Gaza and Palestine and stop the 'posturing'.

I do not think that Hamas SHOULD "surrender" to an invader, I'm quite sure that MOST countries who were living under occupation, under control of another country would never give in.

Unfortunately, compared to the inhabitants of Gaza I DO live in a wonderland... It's a pace called Europe.

I make no apology for my decision to support Gaza and the Palestinian people. I just hope that there is more support from countries against this latest invasion.
The post is clearly NOT a voice of neutrality. Despite various truces, HAMAS/Islamists continue to fire rockets into Israel and refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist. When Israel was created, the Muslims refused to live under an "infidel" government and conducted an exodus of their own free will. They weren't thrown out.
My stance on it is that Israel should just go in and destroy everything within Gaza and the West Bank and be done with it.

Despite various truces, Israel continue air strikes into Gaza and refuse to acknowledge Hamas right to exist...

Does that sound familiar?

My stance on it is that Israel should pull out of Gaza and Palestine and abide by the UN resolutions that are in place AGAINST Israel...

I am neither Muslim nor Jew... I am a human being living in a world of other human beings.

Atrocities occur on both sides on a daily basis... Neither side is right nor HAS a right to kill another human being.

I have always tried my very best to remain neutral in this ongoing conflict and taken a pragmatic view of the situation between Israel and Palestine/Gaza.

Over the past weeks/months I have not been able to maintain that neutrality.

I have always felt that IF Hamas stopped firing rockets into Israel then the 'issues' would go away... I now understand how naive I was with my thinking, how absolutely ridiculous this whole situation is becoming!

I have many friends around the world, many with very different religious and political views to my own... The one thing that bonds us is, well, we actually like each other, as a simple human being, that is what we ALL are afterall. However, IF one of my friends decided to use their power to try and control me in some way I think I would respond in a very negative way. If one of my friends tried to take a piece of my land away from me I KNOW I would respond in a very negative way... If one of my friends habitually broke the law for their own selfish interests then I would respond in a negative way.

I cannot remember the last count of UN Resolutions against Israel that quite clearly state that they are in contravention of international law with their 'occupation' of Palestine and Gaza... Please don't throw stones at the word 'occupation' in relation to Gaza... Thats why I put it in single quotes... It is a questionable word... However, there are MANY organisations that recognise the word and do believe that Israel occupies Gaza... For Palestine, there is NO question that is the case.

There is NO justification for Israel using its military might against a small strip of land that has limited resources, limited arms to defend itself...

Israel achieves an 'untouchable' state simply by its financial connection with the USA. This cannot, will not, save Israel in the long term. Not even the USA can support the continued 'terrorism' that Israel dishes out with impunity.

Israel has taken so much land from Palestine and continues to do so... Israel breaks so many international laws and conventions and continues to do so...

One day Israel will pay for their belligerence!

As as self proclaimed religious state I really cannot understand the use of the word 'religion' when it comes to Israel.

Withdraw from Palestine and Gaza, release both from the economic terrorism that Israel currently holds over BOTH... Then and ONLY then can proper negotiations start taking place to find a solution to the situation...

My general feeling is that there is a growing dislike of Israel as a state, even amongst Jews, there needs to be some balance in place, some mediation taking place but ONLY once peace and borders are restored!

Sorry, I have gone on a little longer than I expects...

One more thing...

Mainstream media, press, TV etc need to be VERY careful how they represent this conflict and the participants. There is not a balanced view in the media and, at some point in the near future, there are going to be a lot of very embarrassed faces around!

Hi, welcome to the discussion. Please don't be put off with the wild accusations and insults by some of the posters here, I think the term is "hazing the newbie".

My own journey has similarities with yours except that once I actually supported the Israeli position vis-a-vis the Palestinians and to my shame and embarassment would probably have joined in with the invective, once. It's not until you look beyond "mainstream" coverage and start asking questions about inconsistancies in the narrative that you begin to uncover the truth behind the propaganda.
One side propaganda in disguise of neutral.
You mentioning to the "IF" Hamas would stop, right now I don't see how Hamas surrendering nor accepting ceasefire so that if is a big if.
Hope you enjoy wonderland,


I think I made it quite clear in my post that I was no longer neutral on this issue, I do not think that this is the time to 'sit on the fence'.

Had you read my post correctly you would see that the "IF" was how I used to believe this situation would cease. I made it clear that I was wrong to think that, it is Israel who needs to act responsibly and withdraw from Gaza and Palestine and stop the 'posturing'.

I do not think that Hamas SHOULD "surrender" to an invader, I'm quite sure that MOST countries who were living under occupation, under control of another country would never give in.

Unfortunately, compared to the inhabitants of Gaza I DO live in a wonderland... It's a pace called Europe.

I make no apology for my decision to support Gaza and the Palestinian people. I just hope that there is more support from countries against this latest invasion.

Which of the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS have you supplanted then, which one has been fired for not being up to the job. You are far from unbiased as shown in the first sentence of your post, you are a paid ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST and your style is exactly the same as others.

Were in Europe do you live and what is your nations emblem ?
The post is clearly NOT a voice of neutrality. Despite various truces, HAMAS/Islamists continue to fire rockets into Israel and refuse to acknowledge Israel's right to exist. When Israel was created, the Muslims refused to live under an "infidel" government and conducted an exodus of their own free will. They weren't thrown out.
My stance on it is that Israel should just go in and destroy everything within Gaza and the West Bank and be done with it.

Despite various truces, Israel continue air strikes into Gaza and refuse to acknowledge Hamas right to exist...

Does that sound familiar?

My stance on it is that Israel should pull out of Gaza and Palestine and abide by the UN resolutions that are in place AGAINST Israel...


Then explain why if there is a "truce" does hamas allow constant attacks from rockets, mortars, IED's and small arms into Israel. And why do you think that Israel should not retaliate to these attacks . Israel recognises the right to exist of hamas as shown by the letters of memorandum exchanged, it is hamas through its charter that refuses to recognise the right of Israel to exist.

Israel is not in Gaza it is outside stopping the transfer of illegal weapons to hamas and this is legal under the Geneva Conventions and the U.N.
The same goes for the occupation of the west bank and as the UN resolutions state the end will come when the Palestinians sit down and talk peace and mutual borders. So when will the Palestinians abide by the UN charter that they have signed and by the many resolutions that have been levied against them. ( read the resolutions against Israel and see they also involve Palestine )
I am neither Muslim nor Jew... I am a human being living in a world of other human beings.

Atrocities occur on both sides on a daily basis... Neither side is right nor HAS a right to kill another human being.

I have always tried my very best to remain neutral in this ongoing conflict and taken a pragmatic view of the situation between Israel and Palestine/Gaza.

Over the past weeks/months I have not been able to maintain that neutrality.

I have always felt that IF Hamas stopped firing rockets into Israel then the 'issues' would go away... I now understand how naive I was with my thinking, how absolutely ridiculous this whole situation is becoming!

I have many friends around the world, many with very different religious and political views to my own... The one thing that bonds us is, well, we actually like each other, as a simple human being, that is what we ALL are afterall. However, IF one of my friends decided to use their power to try and control me in some way I think I would respond in a very negative way. If one of my friends tried to take a piece of my land away from me I KNOW I would respond in a very negative way... If one of my friends habitually broke the law for their own selfish interests then I would respond in a negative way.

I cannot remember the last count of UN Resolutions against Israel that quite clearly state that they are in contravention of international law with their 'occupation' of Palestine and Gaza... Please don't throw stones at the word 'occupation' in relation to Gaza... Thats why I put it in single quotes... It is a questionable word... However, there are MANY organisations that recognise the word and do believe that Israel occupies Gaza... For Palestine, there is NO question that is the case.

There is NO justification for Israel using its military might against a small strip of land that has limited resources, limited arms to defend itself...

Israel achieves an 'untouchable' state simply by its financial connection with the USA. This cannot, will not, save Israel in the long term. Not even the USA can support the continued 'terrorism' that Israel dishes out with impunity.

Israel has taken so much land from Palestine and continues to do so... Israel breaks so many international laws and conventions and continues to do so...

One day Israel will pay for their belligerence!

As as self proclaimed religious state I really cannot understand the use of the word 'religion' when it comes to Israel.

Withdraw from Palestine and Gaza, release both from the economic terrorism that Israel currently holds over BOTH... Then and ONLY then can proper negotiations start taking place to find a solution to the situation...

My general feeling is that there is a growing dislike of Israel as a state, even amongst Jews, there needs to be some balance in place, some mediation taking place but ONLY once peace and borders are restored!

Sorry, I have gone on a little longer than I expects...

One more thing...

Mainstream media, press, TV etc need to be VERY careful how they represent this conflict and the participants. There is not a balanced view in the media and, at some point in the near future, there are going to be a lot of very embarrassed faces around!

You " forget" to mention that this started with the 67 War when the Arabs tried to occupy Israel . Israel did leave Gaza in 2005 and immediately got " rewarded" with More Rockets . They had Rocket Fire for several days before they responded. Exactly how should Israel respond? . " Negotistions??" :lol: You make me laugh. Do a little research about the Palestinians demands before you blame Israel
Phoenall - Where I choose to live in Europe and my "nations emblem" is of no consequence in this discussion... If you MUST put a 'label' on me then let's say I am a white, middle class European.

Challenger - It sounds our 'stories' match pretty well. I am not put off by insults and belligerent comments from zionists OR Muslims for that matter.

I find it a real shame that those who choose to throw insults, those who choose to not actually read what I have written.

Maybe you should watch what Sir Gerald Kaufman has to say in relation to Gaza

It should not be about religion it should be about humanity!
Phoenall - Where I choose to live in Europe and my "nations emblem" is of no consequence in this discussion... If you MUST put a 'label' on me then let's say I am a white, middle class European.

Challenger - It sounds our 'stories' match pretty well. I am not put off by insults and belligerent comments from zionists OR Muslims for that matter.

I find it a real shame that those who choose to throw insults, those who choose to not actually read what I have written.

Maybe you should watch what Sir Gerald Kaufman has to say in relation to Gaza

It should not be about religion it should be about humanity!

Then you are a LIAR and will no doubt be some olive skinned ISLAMONAZI that reads from the script provided by the imam.
You just sealed your fate by producing the video of one ISLAMONAZI talking to a NEO MARXIST on Russian internet T.V. Yes Galloway is despised and hated by everyone in the UK and will find himself out of work next year. Thanks for showing your true colours and allegiances to NEO MARXISM and ISLAMONAZIS both working towards a common goal of world domination and eradication of all other ideologies.
One side propaganda in disguise of neutral.
You mentioning to the "IF" Hamas would stop, right now I don't see how Hamas surrendering nor accepting ceasefire so that if is a big if.
Hope you enjoy wonderland,


I think I made it quite clear in my post that I was no longer neutral on this issue, I do not think that this is the time to 'sit on the fence'.

Had you read my post correctly you would see that the "IF" was how I used to believe this situation would cease. I made it clear that I was wrong to think that, it is Israel who needs to act responsibly and withdraw from Gaza and Palestine and stop the 'posturing'.

I do not think that Hamas SHOULD "surrender" to an invader, I'm quite sure that MOST countries who were living under occupation, under control of another country would never give in.

Unfortunately, compared to the inhabitants of Gaza I DO live in a wonderland... It's a pace called Europe.

I make no apology for my decision to support Gaza and the Palestinian people. I just hope that there is more support from countries against this latest invasion.

Anyway I'm not aware of what you know or what you don't but let me draw it metaphorically and you be the judge,
Israel is a wall - possessing high technologies and defensive systems.
Hamas is the responsible parent of Gaza - with a major support in Gaza.
Hamas is driving a car with kids in the back seat directly into the wall, -regarding of the Israeli tolerance over the years (which can be debatable) - Hamas continue driving again and again directly to that wall causing fatalities only in one side, from time to time the wall suffer casualties but lower than Hamas, so when Israel call for humanitarian ceasefire Hamas continue driving directly into that wall again and again..Who should we hold the blame for that?

Now how about I'll tell you some extra facts like Hamas using Human Shields, Hamas aiming 90%(99%) of the assaults only against civilians, Hamas giving false reports to the Gazans on the back seat, Hamas knows they are banned in Egypt, Hamas never bother sheltering or warning the people of Gaza for what will happen if they will continue driving directly to the wall , and I can go on with this, Who should we hold the blame?
bottom line in addition to that is, Israel accepted ALL ceasefire attempts before and will accept in the future with zero preconditions, are they out of their mind?! [MENTION=50048]Humanity[/MENTION]
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You couldn't win the argument on the other two thirds so you figure you'd start a third thread and things will be different. Want peace, stop firing rockets into Israel and leave the Jews in peace. It really is that simple.
Phoenall - Where I choose to live in Europe and my "nations emblem" is of no consequence in this discussion... If you MUST put a 'label' on me then let's say I am a white, middle class European.

Challenger - It sounds our 'stories' match pretty well. I am not put off by insults and belligerent comments from zionists OR Muslims for that matter.

I find it a real shame that those who choose to throw insults, those who choose to not actually read what I have written.

Maybe you should watch what Sir Gerald Kaufman has to say in relation to Gaza

It should not be about religion it should be about humanity!

Thanks for the link, I've always admired Gerald Kaufman although I've not always agreed with his politics, I have nevertheless always found him to be a man of principle and integrity. This is one of his best speeches

Those who throw the most insults (and I think you've 'met' most of them now) should be treated as background noise, "all sound and fury, signifying nothing."
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