Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS, Donors

The IRS thought it was some kind of biomedicine charity.

WASHINGTON -- The anti-abortion group that released an undercover "sting" video of a Planned Parenthood doctor this week appears to be a dummy nonprofit that may have deceived the Internal Revenue Service and the public about its mission.

The two-year-old Center for Medical Progress, which claims to be in the business of reporting on biomedical research, released undercover footage Tuesday of a Planned Parenthood doctor allegedly discussing the sale of fetal body parts after abortions. The video, which Planned Parenthood has denounced as misleading and heavily edited, was circulated widely and prompted House Republicans to launch an investigation into the family planning provider.

But as Slate reports, the Center for Medical Progress appears to be nothing more than a front organization for the anti-abortion group Live Action. That is not how the IRS understood it when considering the group's application for tax-exempt status, and not how the group originally presented itself to the public in soliciting donations.

If the Center for Medical Progress deliberately misled the IRS and donors about the nature of its nonprofit work, it could be subject to civil and criminal fraud penalties. IRS forms are signed under penalty of perjury, and a nonprofit misleading its donors about the nature of its work is "up there with all other kinds of fraud," according to Bruce Hopkins, an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law.

"The authorities have the right to shut down the charity, and the individuals behind the fraud can go to prison or pay a substantial fine," Hopkins said.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards apologized in a video on Thursday for Nucatola's tone and statements in the video, but she maintained that the allegations about selling fetal body parts were "not true." Richards said that women seeking abortions sometimes choose to donate fetal tissue for scientific and medical research, and that Planned Parenthood follows "all laws and ethical guidelines" in doing so and makes no profit from the donations.

More: Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS, Donors

The anti-choice zealots have no shame.

Which has nothing to do with the content and validity of the video.
it has every thing to do with it ... if you are going to air just parts of the interview that makes it appears that they are doing something illegal, then it does ... here plan parenthood thought they were want to see how the people were running the place ... listing themselves under a false pretense so they can cook up some damaging report on them to justify their agenda, then I would say it has everything to do with it .... anti-file haven't any morals when it comes to the truth ... just lie you way in
it has every thing to do with it ... if you are going to air just parts of the interview that makes it appears that they are doing something illegal, then it does ... here plan parenthood thought they were want to see how the people were running the place ... listing themselves under a false pretense so they can cook up some damaging report on them to justify their agenda, then I would say it has everything to do with it .... anti-file haven't any morals when it comes to the truth ... just lie you way in

You know - what you say here sounds so familiar...can't quite...oh is what the media do every single day!!!
it has every thing to do with it ... if you are going to air just parts of the interview that makes it appears that they are doing something illegal, then it does ... here plan parenthood thought they were want to see how the people were running the place ... listing themselves under a false pretense so they can cook up some damaging report on them to justify their agenda, then I would say it has everything to do with it .... anti-file haven't any morals when it comes to the truth ... just lie you way in

You know - what you say here sounds so familiar...can't quite...oh is what the media do every single day!!!

in the list of news outlets, that were listed as liberal lies, there has been times when they have said things that were consider as wrong or not the truth ... in that case its not a lie... the difference here is and this is what I personally have seen, is if it is a liberal media company and when it is pointed out to be incorrect, they correct it and apologise ... I have never seen and republican news ever correct a statement or apologise for it ... thats something you on the right don't do cases in point ... when a republicans are caught doing something wrong when fox news gets ahold of it they have been know to show them as being democrats by puting a "D" by their name ... when called out for it they don't speak of it, and they don't correct it ... Steve Folley D for example clearly he's a republican ... they even tag John McCain at one time as being a democrat and never corrected it ... so you tell me who are the liars ... the media that you don't like to hear, or the media who correct their miss-reporting
I was just reading about how the progressives are Famous for the "SMEAR"

If you notice in the article it says, (they MAY be) . so you see they don't need ACTUAL proof. all they do is suggest it and release that on the people

it's time people woke to these snakes in our medias, the politicians, and all those on the Left/progressive/commies/dem
The ONLY thing that matters here is whether Planned Parenthood is selling human baby body parts... Is it true? Yes or No. If "No", then they're off the hook. If "Yes", then they are scum. As is anyone caught defending them in this matter

its not a crime to be reimburse for dead baby parts ... thats the only money they get what they paid out... the doctors haven't committed any crime... partial birth abortion are not illegal ... everything you have described is not illegal try again ...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.


The challenge here is not to identify what is Legal.

The challenge here is to identify what is ethical or moral or right.

Law generally mirrors morality.


Those who fall back upon The Law to defend Baby-Body-Part after-market transactions are defending the despicable and morally indefensible.

the problem you have is your morality and others morality aren't the same ... what others see as moral, what you is say as moral, is your point of view or opinion and thats all it is ... just a point of view or opinion .... Which I don't share your point of view or opinion... the fact that you feel its immoral is your problem not mine ... DEAL WITH IT!!!!
Oh, we (The People) WILL deal with it... have no fear... the selling of Human Baby Body Parts by Planned Parenthood will be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Shoving aside the scum who defend such despicable and evil practices.

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