GRU Wagner Boss : "Shaigu ´s son is A GAY ! WHO LIKES TO SHAKE HIS BOOTY ON THE VIDEOS "


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
2:26 he said that shaigu ´s son is A GAY ! WHICH SOUNDS VERY OFFENSIVE IN Moscow ulus.



Now that all of your dumb ass propaganda, has been shown to be as stoopid and hollow, for the lies that they were, I would have thought you would have tucked your tail between your legs, and crept away.

Why not just quit while you are ahead?


Whining and name calling as the Russians decimate Ukraine now, is not going to help the situation. Instead, maybe you should turn to rational policy and intelligent solutions instead?

I would hate to see all of Kyiv look like Syria in the end. :sigh2:
Likewise, this type of bluster is dangerous. We don't want to have this thing get any bigger. If it does, it will mean the end of all life as we know it on the planet.

Col. Macgregor: Ukraine Is FALLING APART As Putin Marches West​


Now that all of your dumb ass propaganda, has been shown to be as stoopid and hollow, for the lies that they were, I would have thought you would have tucked your tail between your legs, and crept away.

Why not just quit while you are ahead?


Whining and name calling as the Russians decimate Ukraine now, is not going to help the situation. Instead, maybe you should turn to rational policy and intelligent solutions instead?

I would hate to see all of Kyiv look like Syria in the end. :sigh2:
Likewise, this type of bluster is dangerous. We don't want to have this thing get any bigger. If it does, it will mean the end of all life as we know it on the planet.

Col. Macgregor: Ukraine Is FALLING APART As Putin Marches West​

Rational policy and intelligent solutions is great. But you know what? Who are the main obstacle for these solutions? Such Putinsuckers and whining bitches like yourself and your like-minded fucktards here.

The Putin regime desperately hopes to break Western unity on their stance against Russia and to achieve tiredness there from the war. That is why such tools as McGregor and Ritter are used.

Take a hear what Prigozhin says about Bakhmut and the war as a whole, you stupid clown. Maybe that will help you get your head out of an ass (maybe not).
Rational policy and intelligent solutions is great. But you know what? Who are the main obstacle for these solutions? Such Putinsuckers and whining bitches like yourself and your like-minded fucktards here.

The Putin regime desperately hopes to break Western unity on their stance against Russia and to achieve tiredness there from the war. That is why such tools as McGregor and Ritter are used.

Take a hear what Prigozhin says about Bakhmut and the war as a whole, you stupid clown. Maybe that will help you get your head out of an ass (maybe not).
Yes! We must all be in lockstep with the State. Those not, are traitors!

Heil Hitler!

Glory to Ukraine!
Who are the main obstacle for these solutions? Such Putinsuckers and whining bitches like yourself and your like-minded fucktards here.

I'm no one. I'm not an obstacle to peace at all.

Stop being so illogical and emotional. Nothing said by any of these folks in theater can be trusted. Not by Ukrainian politicians, nor by Russian Generals. Are you really this dumb?

The only thing that matters? Are facts.

That facts are, some barely educated Russian oligarch, took hundreds of thousands of moderately equipped Russian Prisoners, and whipped the best NATO trained force & equipped force in Europe.

. . . and now?

They are going to take a little time off to rest and resupply, while the regular Russian forces move in to consolidate the gains.

When they go back into theater? That's it. Game over.

No Ukrainian Counter offensive, no rearguard slow with draw fighting to slow the pace to Kiev, nope. They will go all the way to that river, and make the west come to terms with the end of the Ukrainian regime, and either escalate this into WWIII, or beg for peace.

He's just using some Machiavellian/Sun Tzu/5d-Chess bullshit, on the global bloggers asses, the Russian political classes, to get more support that he needs to finish this, and to embolden and entrap the west. . . its all psychological.

But the only thing that matters? The facts.

. . and the fact is, now that Bakhmut has fallen, there is very little to stop the Russians from quickly making their way to the Dnieper before all those tanks, and any other mercenaries and jets can arrive.

It doesn't matter what you write, it doesn't matter what I write.

And it sure as hell won't matter what they write in the WaPo or the NYT either.


. . . and no, I don't like Putin, or Zeninskyy, or this whole stoopid war.
But it is now, thankfully, coming to its end. Deal with it.

I love this thread title.

I have no idea what's going on, but as a wise figure skater once said, no one knows what it means, it's provocative, gets the people goin'!

Ball so hard mothafuckas wanna fine me
I'm no one. I'm not an obstacle to peace at all.

Stop being so illogical and emotional. Nothing said by any of these folks in theater can be trusted. Not by Ukrainian politicians, nor by Russian Generals. Are you really this dumb?

The only thing that matters? Are facts.

That facts are, some barely educated Russian oligarch, took hundreds of thousands of moderately equipped Russian Prisoners, and whipped the best NATO trained force & equipped force in Europe.

. . . and now?

They are going to take a little time off to rest and resupply, while the regular Russian forces move in to consolidate the gains.

When they go back into theater? That's it. Game over.

No Ukrainian Counter offensive, no rearguard slow with draw fighting to slow the pace to Kiev, nope. They will go all the way to that river, and make the west come to terms with the end of the Ukrainian regime, and either escalate this into WWIII, or beg for peace.

He's just using some Machiavellian/Sun Tzu/5d-Chess bullshit, on the global bloggers asses, the Russian political classes, to get more support that he needs to finish this, and to embolden and entrap the west. . . its all psychological.

But the only thing that matters? The facts.

. . and the fact is, now that Bakhmut has fallen, there is very little to stop the Russians from quickly making their way to the Dnieper before all those tanks, and any other mercenaries and jets can arrive.

It doesn't matter what you write, it doesn't matter what I write.

And it sure as hell won't matter what they write in the WaPo or the NYT either.


. . . and no, I don't like Putin, or Zeninskyy, or this whole stoopid war.
But it is now, thankfully, coming to its end. Deal with it.

I can't get what level of retard one should be to still quote McGregor or Ritter with a straight face. Where is sweeping Russian winter offensive, tool? Where is 500 000 Russian troops on the border ready to enter the fight by the first order?

Jesus, even Russian military bloggers don't say anything about second blitz on Kiev anymore. Take a look what they tell about Bakhmut. Read some Russian sources at least, you stupid idiot.

It doesn't matter what you like or not. You may dislike or despise Putin what you want. But you are being used by his propaganda to achieve their goals. You are Putin's tools, Putinsucker.
I can't get what level of retard one should be to still quote McGregor or Ritter with a straight face. Where is sweeping Russian winter offensive, tool? Where is 500 000 Russian troops on the border ready to enter the fight by the first order?

Jesus, even Russian military bloggers don't say anything about second blitz on Kiev anymore. Take a look what they tell about Bakhmut. Read some Russian sources at least, you stupid idiot.

It doesn't matter what you like or not. You may dislike or despise Putin what you want. But you are being used by his propaganda to achieve their goals. You are Putin's tools, Putinsucker.
Your emotions overcome logical thinking. You parrot the State when you condemn anyone who doesn’t support your childish views as Putin lovers.

You aren’t a serious person. You’re a dupe.
Your emotions overcome logical thinking. You parrot the State when you condemn anyone who doesn’t support your childish views as Putin lovers.

You aren’t a serious person. You’re a dupe.
Don't count on my emotions, fuckwit. I just call the things what they are. All reasoning with you clowns is futile and I have decided not to choose words.

What about personally you, I consider you one of the most dishonest sheets on this board. So, our feelings are mutual.
I love this thread title.

I have no idea what's going on, but as a wise figure skater once said, no one knows what it means, it's provocative, gets the people goin'!

Ball so hard mothafuckas wanna fine me
background : Wagner GRU chief calls for Moscow defence minister's son-in-law to be raped or 'given the sledgehammer' as extraordinary rift between Putin's top military cronies spirals out of control

Russian Defense Ministerâs daughter Ksenia Shoigu spends New Year's vacation in Dubai

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Putin lovers.
are you on GRU Wagner or Shaigu side of theis conflict ?

Wagner mercenary chief calls for Moscow defence minister's son-in-law to be raped or 'given the sledgehammer' as extraordinary rift between Putin's top military cronies spirals out of control​

Don't count on my emotions, fuckwit. I just call the things what they are. All reasoning with you clowns is futile and I have decided not to choose words.

What about personally you, I consider you one of the most dishonest sheets on this board. So, our feelings are mutual.
Thank you. Coming from an idiot warmonger like you, I find your comments about me most pleasing.
I love this thread title.

I have no idea what's going on, but as a wise figure skater once said, no one knows what it means, it's provocative, gets the people goin'!

Ball so hard mothafuckas wanna fine me
The victorious General that took Bakmut, did an interview with a Tucker Carlson type journo in Russia, to try to boost his political pull, among the Russian establishment, the Russian people, and probably, to boost military loyalty among his men. This was done, in all probability, to make sure he has a prominent roll going forward? Maybe to secure a future position in Russian politics and/or the financial sector?

These warmongers have picked it apart, cherry picking the most silly things out of it, because basically, everything they have been saying and repeating, for the last six months has been bunk.

. . . and while, yes, the Russian side too, spreads propaganda about their intentions and abilities in Ukraine, it is starting to materialize, that the Russian strategy, as the facts are bearing out, is much closer to their propaganda, then the western propaganda.

The thread title is pretty much all you need, to figure this out. :rolleyes:
The victorious General that took Bakmut, did an interview with a Tucker Carlson type journo in Russia, to try to boost his political pull, among the Russian establishment, the Russian people, and probably, to boost military loyalty among his men. This was done, in all probability, to make sure he has a prominent roll going forward? Maybe to secure a future position in Russian politics and/or the financial sector?

These warmongers have picked it apart, cherry picking the most silly things out of it, because basically, everything they have been saying and repeating, for the last six months has been bunk.

. . . and while, yes, the Russian side too, spreads propaganda about their intentions and abilities in Ukraine, it is starting to materialize, that the Russian strategy, as the facts are bearing out, is much closer to their propaganda, then the western propaganda.

The thread title is pretty much all you need, to figure this out. :rolleyes:

very good point here, Warning of revolution as Moscow left exposed in Bakhmut | Gen. Sir Richard Shirreff​


really ?
read this :

From that article;

". . . Wagner remains important to Russia. Ukrainian military officials say that the group’s units are among their enemy’s most effective, not least because of their willingness to sacrifice men." (This is a fact)

"Meanwhile, Re:Russia, another think-tank, notes that, according to Mr Prigozhin, General Surovikin has begun to represent Wagner’s interests among Russia’s senior commanders."

(This is a subjective interpretation. Yes, politics does play a part of the funding and control of troops, but Mr. Prigozhin, is the controller of them, and who is he really targeting these comments to? You? Me? Or the Russian people? HE IS A SPOOK, AND THE OWNER/LEADER OF THE WAGNER GROUP!)

"According to a 2022 investigation by Bellingcat, The Insider, and Der Spiegel, Prigozhin's activities "are tightly integrated with Russia's Defence Ministry and its intelligence arm, the GRU".[9]"

And the conclusion of this Atlantacist Propaganda?

". . . Still, the outlook for Mr Prigozhin is unclear. Because Russia’s winter offensive proved a damp squib, analysts suspect that Mr Putin is now dividing responsibility between the rival factions in his military. The generals who support Wagner’s brutal tactics could regain their clout. But it is possible that those same army figures are trying to establish control over Wagner at the expense of its increasingly erratic founder. That could explain Mr Prigozhin’s desperate statements."

"still?" "unclear?" "could?" "possible?" "could?" :wtf:

IOW? These folks don't have the first clue what any of this means, any more than what an American silicon valley oligarch, hosting the presidential declaration of Trump's biggest competitor, having "technical difficulties," was just. . . um, a "glitch." :rolleyes:

Don't be so easily duped.
From that article;

". . . Wagner remains important to Russia. Ukrainian military officials say that the group’s units are among their enemy’s most effective, not least because of their willingness to sacrifice men." (This is a fact)

"Meanwhile, Re:Russia, another think-tank, notes that, according to Mr Prigozhin, General Surovikin has begun to represent Wagner’s interests among Russia’s senior commanders."

(This is a subjective interpretation. Yes, politics does play a part of the funding and control of troops, but Mr. Prigozhin, is the controller of them, and who is he really targeting these comments to? You? Me? Or the Russian people? HE IS A SPOOK, AND THE OWNER/LEADER OF THE WAGNER GROUP!)

"According to a 2022 investigation by Bellingcat, The Insider, and Der Spiegel, Prigozhin's activities "are tightly integrated with Russia's Defence Ministry and its intelligence arm, the GRU".[9]"

And the conclusion of this Atlantacist Propaganda?

". . . Still, the outlook for Mr Prigozhin is unclear. Because Russia’s winter offensive proved a damp squib, analysts suspect that Mr Putin is now dividing responsibility between the rival factions in his military. The generals who support Wagner’s brutal tactics could regain their clout. But it is possible that those same army figures are trying to establish control over Wagner at the expense of its increasingly erratic founder. That could explain Mr Prigozhin’s desperate statements."

"still?" "unclear?" "could?" "possible?" "could?" :wtf:

IOW? These folks don't have the first clue what any of this means, any more than what an American silicon valley oligarch, hosting the presidential declaration of Trump's biggest competitor, having "technical difficulties," was just. . . um, a "glitch." :rolleyes:

Don't be so easily duped.
doesn´t sound like 1917 to you ?


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