Guacamole recipes


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
I made this last week for the first time and really enjoyed it with some pork chops and rice, it was a simple recipe with avacado, onions, garlic and parsley I got off the net, anyone have any good ones they can share?
i usually make mine with cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, soy or Worcestershire sauce, sour cream and salsa.
2 large avocados
1 small onion
Handful of fresh cilantro
Clove of garlic
Juice of 1 lime
Tsp salt
Tsp Mexican spices
6 cherry tomatoes, chopped

Peek and cut up avocados and place in a large bowl
Chop onion cilantro and garlic in food processor
Add to avocados in bowl
Add salt and spices and lime juice
Pound and mash with edge of a wooden implement
And tomatoes and mash some more
Serve immediately

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