You need to read up on Thurmond. He said he was wrong in his earlier beliefs. Also Lott was forced to resign after he complimented on Thurmond. Did he not?
That's the point I made about the double standard Democrats practice. Byrd, a Democrat, is forgiven by Democrats because he was a Democrat. Democrats still chastise Thurmond despite both, when younger, doing similar things.
I think this point was already made waaaaay back but the difference is that Byrd repudiated it while Thurmond didn't.
Both opposed civil rights legislation back in the day. Byrd eventually adjusted. Thurmond's response was to bolt the political party and go join the Republicans where he'd have more support. A move, we should note, that had been considered unthinkable for 99 years.
Thanks for proving my claim about the Democrat double standard. Not only did you do it, you provided excuses for Byrd. I don't need to quote anything. You did it for me.
So you have.... let's total it up...... carry the zero.....
I have YOUR words and excuses doing exactly what I said Democrats do for their own. You asked and I provided it. Now, you won't even accept you said them.
All you posted was "post 294". And that's about the OP and his fallacious reasoning.
I should know what 294 is about. I wrote it.