*Guess Who??: Is The Most Feared Women In America*

Sorry bout that,

1. One could go further and say ***Sarah Palin*** is the most feared women on *Earth*.

Sorry bout that,

1. Which would make her automatically the most interesting women on *Earth*.:clap2:

America could not be so lucky as to have the "Most Feared" woman running this beautiful land.

The leftests (Mr. H(orseshit)) who was mentioned should fear this woman... she is going to take our oval office back!!
Palin is feared because she is knoweledgeable and determined. She's got the balls to say what others only think and with the right help has the potential to bring this country back to the glory days.

Here's to it.

I would only be afraid of her if I thought there was enough stupid people in the country to get her elected....but I have a lot more faith in America than that....so, not to fear. Laugh at, maybe....but not fear.
Kathleen Sebelius and Janet Napolitano are greater threats to Americans' freedom.
I would only be afraid of her if I thought there was enough stupid people in the country to get her elected....but I have a lot more faith in America than that....so, not to fear. Laugh at, maybe....but not fear.

I fear her
but mostly I fear her followers

i think that the worst Americans are over-breeding, causing a surge in very stupid voters...

I believe that illogical, irrational conservative hate speech makes sense to the majority of Americans (stupid people)

just check the polls;

most Americans do NOT believe that conservative hate speech (with all of it's false and extreme accusations and suggestions of violence) had anything to do with the giffords shooting..

yet...at the same time...MOST Americans believe that LIBERAL hate speech DOES lead to violence!

last night, just poking around, I came across 2 different articles from the same on-line blog, the AMerican thinker (right wing site)

the first article (from 3 months ago) was "explaining" to its' deranged minions that liberal hate speech DOES LEAD to violence. They used an example on cape cod where a house was burned and someone spraypainted "death to the rich" on the house

the second article (same blog) explained to their deranged minions that trying to connect conservative speech to the giffords shootings was so stupid that only a hatefilled liberal (who obviously deserves to be shot) would ever make that connection....

2 articles.....2 opposing views....same blog...same conservative readers believing BOTH.

conservative pundits spend 1/2 their demonizing liberals and the other 1/2 stressing how evil liberals truly are because they (LIBERALS) demonize conservatives

you can buy (phony) liberal hunting permits on line and at NRA gun shows

you can buy targets of obama and hillary

you've got HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL pundits like coulter, malkin, limbaugh etc saying how nice America would be if only we(conservatives) would just do something about the "liberal problem" (kill liberals)

5 seconds after some deranged lunatic conservative makes a joke about killing liberals
(q: you're in a room with hitler, mussolini and a liberal but you only have 2 bullets...what do you do?
a: shoot the liberal twice)

that same conservative will
a. declare that ONLY (stress the ONLY part) liberals use hate speech

google "liberal hate speech" and you will find HUNDREDS of columns and blogs with conservatives saying that ONLY LIBERALS use hate speech......(how can they NOT see that THEY, TOO, use hate speech? just how deranged are they?)

and they will tell you how liberal HATE SPEECH DOES!!!!! LEAD to violence

then they turn around and write articles explaining (to very stupid conservative Americans) that
a. there is NO SUCH THING AS CONSERVATIVE HATE SPEECH (go to conservapedia and they have a lengthy piece on LIBERAL HATE SPEECH but NOT ONE WORD about conservative hate speech..because (in their deranged brains) it does NOT exist.....
b. the fact that liberals will try to blame violence on conservative "vitriol" is just more evidence of how ROTTEN liberals are and more reason why we should round them up and execute them

A large percentage of the country actually believes that;
liberals are evil
conservatives are good
liberals will DESERVE what they've got coming to them....

sadly enough
what is going on in AMerica today is almost EXACTLY what transpired in 1930s germany;
hitler is GOOD
hitler is being attacked by liberals and intellectuals
liberals are the enemy....

beware liberals and progressives....

the right wing is large
it's heavily armed
and they believe in their RIGHT to defend their beliefs by killing their enemies....
and they have NO ETHICS or SCRUPLES

lt james mattis (conservative christian republican) "killing SOME people (our enemies) is FUN!"

rush limbaugh "leave only SOME liberals left alive

fox news red eye show "let's just kill the liberals"

ann coulter "my only regret about 9/11 is that the terrorists did NOT kill everyone at the new york times"

note: so far ann coulter, sarah palin, michael savage, rush limbaugh, glenn beck etc have NOT KILLED ANY PEOPLE.....they merely put liberals in the cross hairs....

the same can be said for hitler...

he didn't kill anybody....

he just put his enemies in the cross hairs
and let his minions do the work....

if palin, coulter, limbaugh etc can NOT be blamed for the violence perpetrated by their followers then perhaps we should not blame hitler for the atrocities of WWII...?
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I would only be afraid of her if I thought there was enough stupid people in the country to get her elected....but I have a lot more faith in America than that....so, not to fear. Laugh at, maybe....but not fear.

I fear her
but mostly I fear her followers

i think that the worst Americans are over-breeding, causing a surge in very stupid voters...

I believe that illogical, irrational conservative hate speech makes sense to the majority of Americans (stupid people)

just check the polls;

most Americans do NOT believe that conservative hate speech (with all of it's false and extreme accusations and suggestions of violence) had anything to do with the giffords shooting..

yet...at the same time...MOST Americans believe that LIBERAL hate speech DOES lead to violence!

last night, just poking around, I came across 2 different articles from the same on-line blog, the AMerican thinker (right wing site)

the first article (from 3 months ago) was "explaining" to its' deranged minions that liberal hate speech DOES LEAD to violence. They used an example on cape cod where a house was burned and someone spraypainted "death to the rich" on the house

the second article (same blog) explained to their deranged minions that trying to connect conservative speech to the giffords shootinmgs was so stupid that only a hatefilled liberal (who obviously deserves to be shot) would ever make that connection....

2 articles.....2 opposing views....same blog...same conservative readers believing BOTH.

conservative pundits spend 1/2 their demonizing liberals and the other 1/2 stressing how evil liberals truly are becaUSE they (LIBERALS) demonize conservatives

you can buy (phony) liberal hunting permits on line and at NRA gun shows

you can buy targets of obama and hillary

you've got HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL pundits like coulter, malkin, limbaugh etc saying how nice America would be if only we(conservatives) would just do something about the "liberal problem" (kill liberals)

5 seconds after some deranged lunatic conservative makes a joke about killing liberals
(q: you're in a room with hitler, mussolini and a liberal but you only have 2 bullets...what do you do?
a: shoot the liberal twice)

that same conservative will
a. declare that ONLY (stress the ONLY part) liberals use hate speech

google "liberal hate speech" and you will find HUNDREDS of columns and blogs with conservatives saying that ONLY LIBERALS use hate speech......

and they will tell you how liberal HATE SPEECH DOES!!!!! LEAD to violence

then they turn around and write articles explaining (to very stupid conservative AMericans) that
b. the fact that liberals will try to blame violence on conservative "vitriol" is just more evidence of how ROTTEN liberals are and more reason why we should round them up and execute them

A large percentage of the country actually believes that;
liberals are evil
conservatives are good
liberals will DESERVE what they've got coming to them....

sadly enough
what is going on in AMerica today is almost EXACTLY what transpired in 1930s germany

beware liberals and progressives....

the right wing is large
it's heavily armed
and they believe in their RIGHT to defend their beliefs by killing their enemies....

lt james mattis (conservative christian republican) "killing SOME people (our enemies) is FUN!"

rush limbaugh "leave only SOME liberals left alive

fox news red eye show "let's just kill the liberals"

ann coulter "my only regret about 9/11 is that the terrorists did NOT kill everyone at the new york times"

note: so far ann coulter, sarah palin, michael savage, rush limbaugh, glenn beck etc have NOT KILLED ANY PEOPLE.....they merely put liberals in the cross hairs....

the same can be said for hitler...

he didn't kill anybody....

he just put his enemies in the cross hairs
and let his minions do the work....

if palin, coulter, limbaugh etc can NOT be blamed for the violence perpetrated by their followers then perhaps we should not blame hitler for the atrocities of WWII...?

Very sad.....
I would only be afraid of her if I thought there was enough stupid people in the country to get her elected....but I have a lot more faith in America than that....so, not to fear. Laugh at, maybe....but not fear.

I fear her
but mostly I fear her followers

i think that the worst Americans are over-breeding, causing a surge in very stupid voters...

I believe that illogical, irrational conservative hate speech makes sense to the majority of Americans (stupid people)

just check the polls;

most Americans do NOT believe that conservative hate speech (with all of it's false and extreme accusations and suggestions of violence) had anything to do with the giffords shooting..

yet...at the same time...MOST Americans believe that LIBERAL hate speech DOES lead to violence!

last night, just poking around, I came across 2 different articles from the same on-line blog, the AMerican thinker (right wing site)

the first article (from 3 months ago) was "explaining" to its' deranged minions that liberal hate speech DOES LEAD to violence. They used an example on cape cod where a house was burned and someone spraypainted "death to the rich" on the house

the second article (same blog) explained to their deranged minions that trying to connect conservative speech to the giffords shootinmgs was so stupid that only a hatefilled liberal (who obviously deserves to be shot) would ever make that connection....

2 articles.....2 opposing views....same blog...same conservative readers believing BOTH.

conservative pundits spend 1/2 their demonizing liberals and the other 1/2 stressing how evil liberals truly are becaUSE they (LIBERALS) demonize conservatives

you can buy (phony) liberal hunting permits on line and at NRA gun shows

you can buy targets of obama and hillary

you've got HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL pundits like coulter, malkin, limbaugh etc saying how nice America would be if only we(conservatives) would just do something about the "liberal problem" (kill liberals)

5 seconds after some deranged lunatic conservative makes a joke about killing liberals
(q: you're in a room with hitler, mussolini and a liberal but you only have 2 bullets...what do you do?
a: shoot the liberal twice)

that same conservative will
a. declare that ONLY (stress the ONLY part) liberals use hate speech

google "liberal hate speech" and you will find HUNDREDS of columns and blogs with conservatives saying that ONLY LIBERALS use hate speech......

and they will tell you how liberal HATE SPEECH DOES!!!!! LEAD to violence

then they turn around and write articles explaining (to very stupid conservative AMericans) that
b. the fact that liberals will try to blame violence on conservative "vitriol" is just more evidence of how ROTTEN liberals are and more reason why we should round them up and execute them

A large percentage of the country actually believes that;
liberals are evil
conservatives are good
liberals will DESERVE what they've got coming to them....

sadly enough
what is going on in AMerica today is almost EXACTLY what transpired in 1930s germany

beware liberals and progressives....

the right wing is large
it's heavily armed
and they believe in their RIGHT to defend their beliefs by killing their enemies....

lt james mattis (conservative christian republican) "killing SOME people (our enemies) is FUN!"

rush limbaugh "leave only SOME liberals left alive

fox news red eye show "let's just kill the liberals"

ann coulter "my only regret about 9/11 is that the terrorists did NOT kill everyone at the new york times"

note: so far ann coulter, sarah palin, michael savage, rush limbaugh, glenn beck etc have NOT KILLED ANY PEOPLE.....they merely put liberals in the cross hairs....

the same can be said for hitler...

he didn't kill anybody....

he just put his enemies in the cross hairs
and let his minions do the work....

if palin, coulter, limbaugh etc can NOT be blamed for the violence perpetrated by their followers then perhaps we should not blame hitler for the atrocities of WWII...?

Very sad.....

I agree

it is very sad that America is going the way of nazi germany in the 1930's
Kathleen Sebelius and Janet Napolitano are greater threats to Americans' freedom.
What FreeDumb ? You idiots lost your freedom when GW B00B invented the "patriot" ACTS
As usual, you did nothing.........other than tremble every time that Nazi, Tom Ridge pulled out a different colored card.
Kathleen Sebelius and Janet Napolitano are greater threats to Americans' freedom.
What FreeDumb ? You idiots lost your freedom when GW B00B invented the "patriot" ACTS
As usual, you did nothing.........other than tremble every time that Nazi, Tom Ridge pulled out a different colored card.

Did Tom Ridge shove colored cards into your wife's pelvis?

Where did the Patrio Act state Janet Napolitano could penetrate your wife before she could board a plane?
In March, Palin released a map featuring 20 House Democrats that used crosshairs images to show their districts. (You can see it here.) Critics suggested at the time that she was inciting violence by using the crosshairs imagery and for later writing on Twitter to her supporters,

"'Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!'"
-Sarah Palin, March 2010

“We’re on Sarah Palin’s targeted list ..... But the thing is the way that she has it depicted has the cross hairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they’ve got to realize there’s consequences to that.”
- Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), 2010

"What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country.
- Rush Limbaugh, Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Confirmed: Rush #Limbaugh - Jared #Loughner Has 'Full Support' Of Democratic Party (HuffingtonPost) | Facebook
That loud "hissssss" that you hear is the sound of "air" rushing out of Sarah Palin's and The Tea Party's political "balloon!"

The longer this story goes on, the more the "far-right" will be put on the defensive as its rhetoric is put under the media's "microscope!"

Up until now Rush, Sarah and The Tea Party have been dismissed as the rantings of small minority of "red necks" letting off steam - those days have gone!
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Most feared woman in America?


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