Gun control groups now going after gun researchers who don't support gun control...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....since the truth, and reality never support the left and their dumb beliefs, they are left with one last trick....attack the people who they disagree with...try to get them fired, and hurt them as individuals to silence them and intimidate the others.....

Gun Control Organizations and Media Try to Intimidate CPRC Academic Board of Advisors - Crime Prevention Research Center

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) has spent some time putting together contact information for the CPRC’s academic board of advisors and the deans of their schools (see here and here). The notion is that they think that they can intimidate all these prestigious academics into hiding. Media Matters and other gun control media have tried getting others to join in contact their deans. However, as one of our academic board members wrote back to us: “I don’t think they can intimidate any of us at this point. It won’t work.”


Most economists who have done research on gun control find large net benefits from guns. A survey of academic research on concealed handgun laws shows that most find a benefit from these laws. The hope by gun control groups is simply to silence those that they disagree with so that there is only one academic left.



Gun laws really worked well to keep the recent incident in Virginia from happening.

Two dead on live TV by the hands of a liberal who decided to take matters into his own hands by getting a license and purchasing a firearm.


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Hmmmm...did gun control keep guns out of the hands of all the mass shooters.....? Or any of the gang members who murdered 8,454 people in 2013........

Yeah, they ignored the background checks and either stole the guns, bought them from the guy who stole them, or had someone who could pass the background check buy them......

The only people who actually get a background check each time they buy a gun.....the law abiding citizen who needs protection from the mass shooters and the criminals.

Funny how you anti gun extremist nuts think that that makes any sense at all.......

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