Gun control hasn't made Baltimore safer.....says Data Analyst...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014

Has gun control made Baltimore safer? Data analyst says ‘No’

Baltimore and Washington DC are close in both proximity and population with 614,664 vs. 681,170 residents respectively. Violent crime of all types increased by 13 percent in Baltimore, but decreased by -15% in Washington DC. In fact, Washington DC’s crime decreased across the board: murders -16%, robberies -25%, and assaults -6%.

A one-quarter decrease in robberies is unprecedented. It happened only after the courts required Washington DC to end many of its restrictions on firearms and become a shall issue jurisdiction for handgun permits. Contrast this to Baltimore which has seen violent crime continue to rise in all categories by 13%.


The “C” grade is a pivotal point on the scale, as it marks a transition from checking and training to prohibitions. Most of the states in the country have a “D” or “F” grade.

The trend that emerges is that once firearms laws go beyond requiring a background check for purchase and safety training, robberies, assaults, shootings, and murders with firearms rise. This trend was not just present in Baltimore, but the “like” cities it was compared with.

The first three charts show Crime in Baltimore in Comparison to its Sister Cities in terms of Population, Wealth, and Proximity. Baltimore has the strongest Gun Laws and the highest Crime Rates in every case.


Philadelphia is more than twice the size of Baltimore in population and more than 1.5 times the size in land area; yet Baltimore had twenty six more murders, and a comparable number of robberies and assaults. Philadelphia has a Giffords gun grade of a “C+”, while Baltimore has a Giffords grade of “A-“.

When Giffords raised the Las Vegas grade from an “F” in 2017 to a “D” in 2018, the number of murders in Las Vegas increased by 30% from 158 to 205. When Portland Oregon had its grade raised from a “C” to a “C+”, murders rose by (71.4%), from 14 to 24, and it suffered an additional 59 robberies and an additional 68 assaul
And this point.......

The next series of charts plot crime in Baltimore City before and after the Firearms Safety Act of 2013.

The Firearms Safety Act of 2013 was implemented with the hope of making Maryland safer, but it did not make Maryland safer. Crime utilizing Firearms in Baltimore City got significantly worse in Baltimore City after the Firearms Safety Act, and Deaths caused only by Shooting with a Firearm DOUBLED and have not fallen since.

The single most significant causal attribute here was the implementation of the Firearms Safety Act of 2013.

It can be said with certainty that none of the extremely stringent Gun Control laws implemented in Maryland lowered crime in Baltimore City.
The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

You can't control or regulate evil and that's what drives people who murder, do drive by shootings, shoot up schools or motels.

Evil is as evil does and there is no control over evil.

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