Gun prosecutions under Obama down sharply... yet he whines about gun control.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Why is the left, especially Obama, so disconnected from reality? The Obama administration has prosecuted 25% less of the very laws they constantly cry about wanting to strengthen
Just an observation but have you noticed those who talk the loudest about stricter gun control politicians, hollywood celebrities, pro athletes either have armed security provided as part of their job or are rich enough to hire armed private security?
Liberals, if you haven't noticed, aren't really into ENFORCEMENT - immigration, tax laws, perjury, gun-running to Mexican drug cartels, sanctuary cities, etc....

They like to PASS laws, not enforce them, bitch that the new laws don't work, then declare we need new laws, new restrictions, and less rights for law-abiding citizens. It's all about the slow seisure of more and more control, not fixing anything.

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