Guns Don't Kill People...


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People but-----but people are more likely to kill people in places where gun ownership laws are most lax.


New analyses show that where guns are plentiful, they get used.

In what states are guns most likely, and least likely, to kill people? Every day in America, nearly 90 people are killed by guns, a total of roughly 32,000 annually, according to federal gun violence statistics.

But blue states are far safer than red states, according new analyses of the most recent data. That’s because states with the most gun controls, which are almost all blue, tend to have fewer gun owners and fewer guns used in suicides, crime and domestic disputes.

Nearly two-thirds of all gun deaths are suicides. There, states with the highest gun ownership rates and loosest laws have the highest percentages of deaths this way. Otherwise, poverty is a major factor, correlating with gun violence.

“The five states with the highest per capita gun death rates in 2011 were Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana,” the Violence Policy Center (VPC) said in its latest analysis of federal statistics. “Each of these states has extremely lax gun violence prevention laws as well as a higher rate of gun ownership. The state with the lowest gun death rate in the nation was Rhode Island, followed by Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. Each of these states has strong gun violence prevention laws and has a lower rate of gun ownership.”

“The overwhelming trend is that the strong gun law states have seen dramatic declines in violence,” John Roman, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute, told, which also reported on states with the most gun violence. “Weak gun law states have not seen the same decline.”

What states have the most gun-related death?
1. Louisiana.
2. Mississippi.
3. Alaska.
4. Wyoming.
5. Montana.


July 3, 2014

The five states with the highest per capita gun death rates in 2011 were
and Montana.
Each of these states has extremely lax gun violence prevention laws as well as a higher rate of gun ownership.
The state with the lowest gun death rate in the nation was Rhode Island, followed by Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. Each of these states has strong gun violence prevention laws and has a lower rate of gun ownership.
“Gun violence is preventable, and states can pass effective laws that will dramatically reduce gun death and injury,” states VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann. “Our analysis also shows that states with weak gun violence prevention laws and easy access to guns pay a severe price with gun death rates far above the national average.”​
Why are we discussing something that is a GUARANTEED right in the Constitution of the United States of America? It's old, worn out, and out of Hitler's playbook.. Shut it already.
What are they basing their red state vs blue state data in this article? In your other thread I proved that your red vs blue certainly wasn't based on Governors of a state.

Are you putting up bullshit data on only Presidential voting?
The study counts suicides so is immediately ignorable at that point. The reality is quite the opposite. But no progressive will ever admit that. The book was a compilation of crime data from every COUNTY in the US. I know who's data I'm going to pay attention.

Question: What does the title mean: More Guns, Less Crime?

John R. Lott, Jr.: States with the largest increases in gun ownership also have the largest drops in violent crimes. Thirty-one states now have such laws—called “shall-issue” laws. These laws allow adults the right to carry concealed handguns if they do not have a criminal record or a history of significant mental illness.

Question: It just seems to defy common sense that crimes likely to involve guns would be reduced by allowing more people to carry guns. How do you explain the results?

Lott: Criminals are deterred by higher penalties. Just as higher arrest and conviction rates deter crime, so does the risk that someone committing a crime will confront someone able to defend him or herself. There is a strong negative relationship between the number of law-abiding citizens with permits and the crime rate—as more people obtain permits there is a greater decline in violent crime rates. For each additional year that a concealed handgun law is in effect the murder rate declines by 3 percent, rape by 2 percent, and robberies by over 2 percent.

Concealed handgun laws reduce violent crime for two reasons. First, they reduce the number of attempted crimes because criminals are uncertain which potential victims can defend themselves. Second, victims who have guns are in a much better position to defend themselves.

Interview with John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime
Also noting the high gun ownership rate of the top 5.

Has it crossed any left wing loons mind that those states would have a higher than average number of hunters than Rhode Island? Therefor would have a higher gun ownership rate?
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Anti-gun nutbags are all talk. If they were confronted by a bunch of thugs--late at night, and I happened by just as they were about to get the crap kicked out of them, or worse, and I just happened to have my S&W 9mm with me---they would be begging to kiss my ass if I would make Swiss cheese out of those worthless scumbags.
Every state listed as having the most gun related deaths are also very good hunting states. I have hunted in 4 out of 5 of them. Not got to Alaska yet, but there is very little there I would want to hunt.
If more guns means less crime and guns have been around for the last 300 years of American history then why hasn't crime stopped yet?
If more guns means less crime and guns have been around for the last 300 years of American history then why hasn't crime stopped yet?

Because the legal system keeps letting the bad guys out to prey on the innocent. We KNOW that 8% of the criminal population commits 80% of the violent crime...and those are the very scumbags that are continuously released.
Why are we discussing something that is a GUARANTEED right in the Constitution of the United States of America? It's old, worn out, and out of Hitler's playbook.. Shut it already.

Because they hates guns and don't want any of us to have them.
Another thread from a brainless gun grabber..........:coffee:

The research......real research on the subject leads anybody to conclude just one thing.........

more guns = less crime

Its not even debatable according to Harvard University.

They concluded a long study in April 2013 and published in the Journal of Law and Public Policy. The summary................

"Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate."

Here is the entire paper for interested parties >>>>

Lets face it.....the gun grabber idiots are limpwristers who walk around the world worried every day that a house is going to fall out of the sky on them. Ruled only by their emotions they invariably tend to the hysterical. There are a handful on this forum.......bonifide k00ks.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Here is a video to get a good idea of how utterly fucked these people are. Fascinating.....but laughable beyond words >>>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

You hear these people and you realize......if there were a few too many deaths from swinging dicks in a mens room, they'd want to be banning the penis.:up:
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Democrats in government don't care about the crime rate, they care about disarming the citizens in case they deem it necessary to use force as they impose their will on us.
Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People but-----but people are more likely to kill people in places where gun ownership laws are most lax.


New analyses show that where guns are plentiful, they get used.

In what states are guns most likely, and least likely, to kill people? Every day in America, nearly 90 people are killed by guns, a total of roughly 32,000 annually, according to federal gun violence statistics.

But blue states are far safer than red states, according new analyses of the most recent data. That’s because states with the most gun controls, which are almost all blue, tend to have fewer gun owners and fewer guns used in suicides, crime and domestic disputes.

Nearly two-thirds of all gun deaths are suicides. There, states with the highest gun ownership rates and loosest laws have the highest percentages of deaths this way. Otherwise, poverty is a major factor, correlating with gun violence.

“The five states with the highest per capita gun death rates in 2011 were Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana,” the Violence Policy Center (VPC) said in its latest analysis of federal statistics. “Each of these states has extremely lax gun violence prevention laws as well as a higher rate of gun ownership. The state with the lowest gun death rate in the nation was Rhode Island, followed by Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. Each of these states has strong gun violence prevention laws and has a lower rate of gun ownership.”

“The overwhelming trend is that the strong gun law states have seen dramatic declines in violence,” John Roman, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute, told, which also reported on states with the most gun violence. “Weak gun law states have not seen the same decline.”

What states have the most gun-related death?
1. Louisiana.
2. Mississippi.
3. Alaska.
4. Wyoming.
5. Montana.


I tried to carry a people as protection but found it to be bulky. I think a carrying a gun would be better suited protection much more then carrying a people.
Chicago (Chiraq) has some of the strictest "gun ownership laws" on the books.

If you have such faith in these laws, take a stroll on the south side. Where the colored girls say "Doo do doo do doo do do doo..."
Chicago (Chiraq) has some of the strictest "gun ownership laws" on the books.

If you have such faith in these laws, take a stroll on the south side. Where the colored girls say "Doo do doo do doo do do doo..."

Chiraq is just proof that what laws do exist aren't working. Time to try something else.

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