Guns in America


Oct 30, 2012
This is why we need more gun control. This never would have happened if these people didn't have guns :evil:
Again, there is no need to control gun sales more than the present system to check for age, criminal record and mental stability.

What needs control is the people who handle firearms. Compulsory training could be one method. Buy a weapon after clearing a program of instruction.
Anyone who is so batshit crazy that they can't be trusted with a weapon should be locked up. Issue solved.
Anyone who is so batshit crazy that they can't be trusted with a weapon should be locked up. Issue solved.

Really? In the last two years, just in Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, we have had children of policemen that carelessly left their guns out killed by those guns. We have had neighbors calling the police because there was a child playing with a gun, only to find out the child's father was a policeman that had left his service revolver out.

Most accidental deaths with guns are not caused by crazy people, but by careless people. As a gun owner for well over 50 years, I am appalled at the way that most people regard and handle guns. They are not just a tool like a hammer or crescent wrench.

And how do you determine who is crazy ahead of time? The NRA continues to push for the right of anyone not incarcerated to be able to buy whatever weoponery they desire. So we get crazies armes like a video game 'hero'. And then horrors like Sandy Hook become inevitable.
Anyone who is so batshit crazy that they can't be trusted with a weapon should be locked up. Issue solved.

Really? In the last two years, just in Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, we have had children of policemen that carelessly left their guns out killed by those guns. We have had neighbors calling the police because there was a child playing with a gun, only to find out the child's father was a policeman that had left his service revolver out.

Most accidental deaths with guns are not caused by crazy people, but by careless people. As a gun owner for well over 50 years, I am appalled at the way that most people regard and handle guns. They are not just a tool like a hammer or crescent wrench.

And how do you determine who is crazy ahead of time? The NRA continues to push for the right of anyone not incarcerated to be able to buy whatever weoponery they desire. So we get crazies armes like a video game 'hero'. And then horrors like Sandy Hook become inevitable.

Totally different issue. Now you want to use accidents as a reason to take away the 2nd amendment?
Anyone who is so batshit crazy that they can't be trusted with a weapon should be locked up. Issue solved.

Really? In the last two years, just in Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, we have had children of policemen that carelessly left their guns out killed by those guns. We have had neighbors calling the police because there was a child playing with a gun, only to find out the child's father was a policeman that had left his service revolver out.

Most accidental deaths with guns are not caused by crazy people, but by careless people. As a gun owner for well over 50 years, I am appalled at the way that most people regard and handle guns. They are not just a tool like a hammer or crescent wrench.

And how do you determine who is crazy ahead of time? The NRA continues to push for the right of anyone not incarcerated to be able to buy whatever weoponery they desire. So we get crazies armes like a video game 'hero'. And then horrors like Sandy Hook become inevitable.

Obviously, we must disarm the police.

These incidence involving 4 police officers should be used to condemn all police officers everywhere.

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