Divine Wind
Platinum Member
Be careful what you ask for. There are a lot of things anachronistic about the Constitution. For example, why allow any fucking moron with a finger the "right to vote"? All they do is add to the noise or, worse, do as Alexander Fraser Tytler said, " themselves largess out of the public treasury". Obviously that is not in the nation's best interests. Best to have a qualification test for voting. IQ, education and, IMO, military service.IMO "well-regulated militia" is anachronistic unless SCOTUS defines an updated context. The second amendment needs well-defined regulations that still protect the right to self and property defense and lawful recreational use.....
We'd also get rid of the "automatically a citizen" bullshit too. People would respect their citizenship more if they had to earn it. Too fucking stupid or lazy to do so? Fine. If someone is born here of citizen parents, then they can stay, they just can' suck off the public tit, vote or do anything else a citizen is allowed to do.