GWB agrees with DevNell. Praises SWIFT HaitiQuake Response

Who gives a shit?

Your little girl tantrum for the last two pages is getting tiresome.

It would appear that a useless shit like you doesn't care. So what? I don't give a rat's ass what YOU care about or don't care about, dicknose.And, further, asslicker, there has been no "tantrum." Your attempt at dismissive commentary is just you being a partisan hack lying fucktard again.

So, if you don't care about the topic, go fuck yourself and stop posting on the thread, ya ignorant illogical douche.

The topic is the response to the disaster in Haiti..

Not you having your panties twisted in a knot

He wears panties?

Who knew?

George W. Bush said the Obama admin deserves credit for a ''swift response'' to HaitiQuake
Who gives a shit?

Your little girl tantrum for the last two pages is getting tiresome.

It would appear that a useless shit like you doesn't care. So what? I don't give a rat's ass what YOU care about or don't care about, dicknose.And, further, asslicker, there has been no "tantrum." Your attempt at dismissive commentary is just you being a partisan hack lying fucktard again.

So, if you don't care about the topic, go fuck yourself and stop posting on the thread, ya ignorant illogical douche.

The topic is the response to the disaster in Haiti..

Not you having your panties twisted in a knot

Wrong needledick fly fucker.

The topic of the thread is the Dante crap about W telling us that President Obama's response to the Haiti disaster was "swift." Who cares? But what YOU were discussing was my commentary about DevNel/Dante's alternative usernames.

And, on the topic of the thread, the scumbag DevNel/Douchbag --err -- Dante made a dishonest claim regarding something I had supposedly said earlier (he lied, gee what a shock) and the fucking pussy can't even man-up about that.

So while a pussy like you has to jump to provide some cover for the faggot Dante/DullNev, the fact remains:

he's a liar and a pussy and has changed his username unless he's got a sock-puppet account.

No. It doesn't. That's just your limp and ineffectual effort to deflect.

Why DOES he have two differnet usernames?

Who gives a shit?

Your little girl tantrum for the last two pages is getting tiresome.

Just tell him/her the truth. I have secret powers that enable me to drive lunatics sane.

He/she's getting close. The teams in the black helicopters are outside his place right now waiting for orders to bag him up.
Just want to say I like that you are using your old name again. But why without the little "d" this time?
1. Just as we are not the policemen ofthe world, so too we are not the Emergency Responders for the world. Nevertheless, I'm glad the U.S. Government is responding in our name. I am also glad that the American people are responding on their own without awaiting the actions of Uncle Sam.

2. I don't actually fault how quickly (or slowly) the Obama Administration has responded and is responding. I'm just gonna suggest (and I'm not the first to believe this or say it): if President Bush were the one in Office at this time, and if the response took EXACTLY as long -- measure for measure -- as the Obama Adminsitration response, a majority of the American liberals and most of the Main Stream Liberal Media would be pontificating all about how racist the GOP is and how slow the response has been and how utterly inadequate it is.

But I will not treat President Obama to that kind of rhetoric on this issue. So far, I concur with his judgment and actions in response to the disaster in Haiti. I give him props for those things.

Good for you, L. #1 above is good. #2 above is irrelevant. Quit ocd'ing on race, please.
1. Just as we are not the policemen ofthe world, so too we are not the Emergency Responders for the world. Nevertheless, I'm glad the U.S. Government is responding in our name. I am also glad that the American people are responding on their own without awaiting the actions of Uncle Sam.

2. I don't actually fault how quickly (or slowly) the Obama Administration has responded and is responding. I'm just gonna suggest (and I'm not the first to believe this or say it): if President Bush were the one in Office at this time, and if the response took EXACTLY as long -- measure for measure -- as the Obama Adminsitration response, a majority of the American liberals and most of the Main Stream Liberal Media would be pontificating all about how racist the GOP is and how slow the response has been and how utterly inadequate it is.

But I will not treat President Obama to that kind of rhetoric on this issue. So far, I concur with his judgment and actions in response to the disaster in Haiti. I give him props for those things.

Good for you, L. #1 above is good. #2 above is irrelevant. Quit ocd'ing on race, please.

Jokey, your entire post (and posting history, for that matter) as well as your opinion on any and all topics remain irrelevant.

I haven't OCD'd on race, in the first place. Just a clue to help set you straight. A Herculean task.
Just a clue to you, Liability, is that you don't have a clue about you.

^ :cuckoo:


Even your best efforts end up as complete flops -- always and in all things.

Sincerely yours,

Your superior in every way imaginable,

1. Just as we are not the policemen ofthe world, so too we are not the Emergency Responders for the world. Nevertheless, I'm glad the U.S. Government is responding in our name. I am also glad that the American people are responding on their own without awaiting the actions of Uncle Sam.

2. I don't actually fault how quickly (or slowly) the Obama Administration has responded and is responding. I'm just gonna suggest (and I'm not the first to believe this or say it): if President Bush were the one in Office at this time, and if the response took EXACTLY as long -- measure for measure -- as the Obama Adminsitration response, a majority of the American liberals and most of the Main Stream Liberal Media would be pontificating all about how racist the GOP is and how slow the response has been and how utterly inadequate it is.

But I will not treat President Obama to that kind of rhetoric on this issue. So far, I concur with his judgment and actions in response to the disaster in Haiti. I give him props for those things.

Good for you, L. #1 above is good. #2 above is irrelevant. Quit ocd'ing on race, please.

Jokey, your entire post (and posting history, for that matter) as well as your opinion on any and all topics remain irrelevant.

I haven't OCD'd on race, in the first place. Just a clue to help set you straight. A Herculean task.

Damn Liability!

You still pissing and moaning on this thread? Don't you realize everyone is laughing at how pissed off they got you?

Playing into their hands
Good for you, L. #1 above is good. #2 above is irrelevant. Quit ocd'ing on race, please.

Jokey, your entire post (and posting history, for that matter) as well as your opinion on any and all topics remain irrelevant.

I haven't OCD'd on race, in the first place. Just a clue to help set you straight. A Herculean task.

Damn Liability!

You still pissing and moaning on this thread? Don't you realize everyone is laughing at how pissed off they got you?

Playing into their hands

Damn Leftwinger:

No pissing, no moaning and no whining. No matter how often you repeat such a lie, it remains but a lie. You do that a lot. It's not a good thing. You really ought to try being honest someday.

Your notion of "everybody" is also dishonest. It is limited to the like-minded dishonest liberoidal trolls like you. About them and their opinions, not only don't I give a damn, I can't imagine why anybody would.
Jokey, your entire post (and posting history, for that matter) as well as your opinion on any and all topics remain irrelevant.

I haven't OCD'd on race, in the first place. Just a clue to help set you straight. A Herculean task.

Damn Liability!

You still pissing and moaning on this thread? Don't you realize everyone is laughing at how pissed off they got you?

Playing into their hands

Damn Leftwinger:

No pissing, no moaning and no whining. No matter how often you repeat such a lie, it remains but a lie. You do that a lot. It's not a good thing. You really ought to try being honest someday.

Your notion of "everybody" is also dishonest. It is limited to the like-minded dishonest liberoidal trolls like you. About them and their opinions, not only don't I give a damn, I can't imagine why anybody would.

Yea right...what a whiny little bitch you are

I even caught your thread about DevNell changing names. Grow up little lady!
Damn Liability!

You still pissing and moaning on this thread? Don't you realize everyone is laughing at how pissed off they got you?

Playing into their hands

Damn Leftwinger:

No pissing, no moaning and no whining. No matter how often you repeat such a lie, it remains but a lie. You do that a lot. It's not a good thing. You really ought to try being honest someday.

Your notion of "everybody" is also dishonest. It is limited to the like-minded dishonest liberoidal trolls like you. About them and their opinions, not only don't I give a damn, I can't imagine why anybody would.

Yea right...what a whiny little bitch you are

I even caught your thread about DevNell changing names. Grow up little lady!

Wow, dipshit. You "caught" a thread posted publicly on a public board. Your parents must have been so proud of you!

The fact is, you assbite, that you seem to be laboring under the misimpression that your dishonest douchebag opinions are of interest to me.

They aren't.

You are more of a gnat than a real member here.

You started off great, with a deliberately dishonest username. :eusa_liar:

This pretty much establishes who and what you are.

And your psts have all been on par with that kick-off. You are a little needle-dick fly fucker. You are a void.

Go unknot your panties, pussy. Get over the fact that nobody with a brain takes any of your posts seriously.
Wow, Liability, you are a hoot! All you can do is scream, throw tantrums, stand there red eyed, then whine and pout. You, son, are a loser on this thread and every thread.

Grow up.
Just saw former Presidents George W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton, along with President Barack Hussein Obama, on the news.

Bush used the exact phrase DevNell did ''Swift Response'' to describe President Obama's handling of the Haiti earthquake situation.

DevNell, on behalf of himself and the rest of the USM community, accepts the apology owed from the right wingnut community @ USMB..

DevNell, initiated a thread saying the response of President Obama was swift. The right wingnuts attacked both the idea and anyone who agreed with it.

The thread compared the Katrina response with the HaitiQuake response. The Katrina response was called a 'national disgrace' by most all of America.

Apology accepted.

yours truly, and in the spirit of forgiveness

I just want Obama to be as swift in his response when it comes to terrorism. I sure miss Bush though, he may not be able to pronounce all the words correctly, but he does have heart.
Last edited:
Wow, Liability, you are a hoot! All you can do is scream, throw tantrums, stand there red eyed, then whine and pout. You, son, are a loser on this thread and every thread.

Grow up.

Its fun watching him blow isn't it?

What a loser
Just saw former Presidents George W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton, along with President Barack Hussein Obama, on the news.

Bush used the exact phrase DevNell did ''Swift Response'' to describe President Obama's handling of the Haiti earthquake situation.

DevNell, on behalf of himself and the rest of the USM community, accepts the apology owed from the right wingnut community @ USMB..

DevNell, initiated a thread saying the response of President Obama was swift. The right wingnuts attacked both the idea and anyone who agreed with it.

The thread compared the Katrina response with the HaitiQuake response. The Katrina response was called a 'national disgrace' by most all of America.

Apology accepted.

yours truly, and in the spirit of forgiveness

I just want Obama to be as swift in his response when it comes to terrorism. I sure miss Bush though, he may not be able to pronounce all the words correctly, but he does have heart.
I do not miss Bush..except for time like when he dodged the thrwon shoe in Iraq. Iloved how he brushed it off. tff Obama is a lot like Bush in that regard. Very little ruffles their feathers.

But I must say...from what ve seen. Obama's repsonse to terrorist threats has been swift. But then again I stopped watching cable television news a year or so ago.
Wow, Liability, you are a hoot! All you can do is scream, throw tantrums, stand there red eyed, then whine and pout. You, son, are a loser on this thread and every thread.

Grow up.

Too Funny, eh?

Renting space in that kid's head was worthy every plug nickle.

Space...lots of it in that rental. Lots of closet space in there too...not that there's anything wrong with that.
Liability's head is like a vaccuum. No, wait. . . wait. . . I can see two rooms in there. One is emply. The other has a sign on an easel. "Room for rent."
Wow, Liability, you are a hoot! All you can do is scream, throw tantrums, stand there red eyed, then whine and pout. You, son, are a loser on this thread and every thread.

Grow up.

Its fun watching him blow isn't it?

What a loser

That's going a bit far, donlt you think? I say let's be fair to losers. Liability is in a category of his/her own.

psst, has their gender been established? could that meltdown have just been a symptom of PMS?

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