H.R. 1473 & Why The House Of Representatives Matters...Tranny Edition..


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Standard of Care Protection Act of 2013 - Declares that the development, recognition, or implementation of any guideline or other standard under any provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) or titles XVIII (Medicare) or XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act shall not be construed to establish the standard of care or duty of care owed by a health care provider to a patient in any medical malpractice case.

Declares also that no provision of PPACA or amendments made by it shall be construed to preempt any state law governing medical professional liability cases.

H.R.1473 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Standard of Care Protection Act of 2013

So if California wants to cut an insane man's (or young man, addled, influenced, unable to properly consent) 1473 gives a federal tug to tying the hands of friends or parents of said man (or woman/girl amputating breasts) seeking to remedy this macabre procedure by lawsuit.

H.R. 1473 "Standard of Care" is a Bill apparently passed last year that relaxes federal regulation over lawsuits against medical practitioners in order to free up the reins on their "innovative" medical procedures...you know...to better make money..er..I mean serve their patients.. The Reps no doubt will want to revisit that as they didn't thoroughly investigate the importance of what they did. A more conservative and organized House might be able to remedy it.

Relaxing medical standards has lead to things like elective amputation and mutilation surgeries where the envelope of protecting patients has been pushed beyond the pale.

Tranny Edition:

The doctors performing illegal mutilating surgeries make these guys sign a waiver saying just that. Only problem is, a doctor can’t make a patient sign any legal document when s/he has reason to believe the patient isn’t sane.

So the standard tranny surgery waiver goes like this at its essence (any jury would find that this is so): “I’m a doctor who knows that you can never be the opposite gender. Your wanting this unnecessary & dangerous surgery that causes permanent mutilation is a form of playing pretend to the extreme by wanting to amputate healthy body parts (you are suffering from delusions). But I’ll take your money anyway & cut you up as long as you, in your manifestly illegal capacity to sign legal forms, sign this legal form “

Here's a statement on authority that any NEW House of Representatives has to clarify the Bill as to transgender surgeries; which are outright malpractice.

H.R.1473 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Standard of Care Protection Act of 2013 (click link called "Constitutional Authority Statement"

H.R. 1473.
Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant
to the following:
Under Article I, Section 8, Clause 18, Congress has power
``To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for
carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers'' when the need
exists to clarify existing law.
[Page H1910]

Think who you pick for that piddly old House of Representatives doesn't matter? Think again.. It may be your son or daughter lined up for surgery at the urging first of the LGBT cult and then by "doctors" they own who are able to "relax" standards of butchery to include minors...which they are already doing... If your son or daughter chants the mantra "I'm going to kill myself if you don't sign this consent form to let me have my (??) chopped off!", with the "doctors" behind them and your hands tied to stop them (lawsuit H.R. 1473), what chance do you have of saving your child and their body?

Think about it...

Below is a standard form to rubber stamp surgery for people suffering from delusions they are the "wrong gender". Surgery Sample Letter


Surgery Sample Letter

[on letterhead]


Re: [patient name on insurance card], [patient's chosen name], [patient DOB]

Dear Doctor,

[Patient name] is a patient in my care at [your practice name]. They have been a patient here since [date]. They identify as [gender identity] and go by [pronouns]. They note that they first knew their gender identity differed from their assigned sex at age [age]. They have socially transitioned by [list how - change name, pronoun, dress, make-up, hair, tuck, pack, binding, coming out etc). They have been successfully and consistently living in a gender role congruent with their affirmed gender since [date]. They have been consistently on hormone therapy since [date] (If contraindicated or chosen not to take hormones, state that here). Despite, these interventions, they report significant anxiety, depression, and distress due to their experience of dysphoria. By my independent evaluation of [patient name], I diagnosed them with Gender Dysphoria (ICD-10 F64.1). They have expressed a persistent desire for [surgery]. Their goals of surgery are [goals]. Surgery will address their gender dysphoria in these ways: [explain].

[Patient name] is physically healthy to undergo this surgery. [list any medical and mental health diagnoses that may be relevant to having surgery]. Their current medications include [medications]. Their surgical history includes [surgical history]. They are stably housed and have prepared for their post-op recovery (if this is true, if not, state plan for post-op recovery). They have no issues with illicit drug use or abuse (if this is true, if not, explain plan of care for stabilization).

[Patient name] has more than met the WPATH criteria for [surgery]. I have explained the risks, benefits, and alternatives of this surgery and believe they have an excellent understanding of them. They are capable of making an informed decision about undertaking surgery. I believe that the next appropriate step for them is to undergo [surgery], and I believe this will help them make significant progress in further treating their gender dypshoria. Therefore, I hereby recommend and refer [patient name] to have this surgery.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself or my office.


[your name], MD

[your license number]

I'd like to see the MD explain in detail how amputating healthy vital organs, leaving the patient incontinent, sterile and at risk for infection and death helps the patient's mental delusions. Perhaps the House of Reps can clarify standards on this type of butchery?
Here's how Aetna Insurance starts their review process for the butcher shop:

With a little disclaimer at the end. Do you suppose an MD saying a person is of sound mind, who believes their penis doesn't belong attached to their body is guilty of deceiving the insurance company saying amputation will help the patient's mental problem?

Any person who knowingly files a request for authorization of coverage of a medical procedure or service with the intent to injure, defraud or deceive any insurance company by providing materially false information or conceals material information for the purpose of misleading, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and civil

Our lawmakers need to address this problem with federal oversight. Trump hinted around that he was going to have a public statement clarifying his position. But it is up to the US. House of Representatives to craft it and put it into law. Now, are you going to vote democrat or republican on your choice for the House of Reps? Will it be YOUR kid they've snookered into believing he needs to have his dick chopped off next?
This thread illustrates the fear, ignorance, stupidity, hate, and bigotry common to most on the right.
This thread illustrates the fear, ignorance, stupidity, hate, and bigotry common to most on the right.
Do you think it’s right for doctors to coerce or enable patients in any way to have healthy & vital intact genitalia permanently amputated? And if you don’t, shouldn’t this grotesque malpractice be address by the House clarifying 1473? Do you think a parent or other family member should be able to sue doctors who perform such amputations using legal forms signed by a patient suffering from manifest delusions?

Does who sits at the US House of Representatives matter?

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