Hacked Email Shows Democrat Party to Spend $800,000 to Disrupt RNC and Harass Delegates


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

A bit of an aside to The Shrillary Atrocity, we learn that a hacker came up with the DNCs plan to disrupt the Republican convention in Cleveland. It will, of course, include thugs harassing any and all whom they see to be Republicans.

Story @ Hacked Email Shows Democrat Party to Spend $800,000 to Disrupt RNC and Harass Delegates
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..

The RNC is not making plans and spending $800K to disrupt the Dem Convention you Socktwat
Nice. It would be interesting to see what they could do with a couple million dollars more.
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..

The RNC is not making plans and spending $800K to disrupt the Dem Convention you Socktwat

You think the right won't have staff members at the Democratic convention? You think Fox won't be there to interview those republicans? Don't be silly. The link just allowed for 16 staff members. The rest was for advertising and signs and such. You really don't think the right will do all that too?
You saw what they do at San Jose. And Arizona highway. Why lazy corrupt congress not go after them? Got to be some violation to pay thugs to start riot. Pussy RINO make me puke last 20 yrs
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..

The RNC is not making plans and spending $800K to disrupt the Dem Convention you Socktwat
Frank, are you saying that Republicans wouldn't hack or spend money to disrupt? Remember Florida 2000 when teams of Republican aides were sent to disrupt drooping chad counts? The cost was never divulged that I know of, but it was an organized assault. So please don't try to convince anyone of Republican 'honor'.
You saw what they do at San Jose. And Arizona highway. Why lazy corrupt congress not go after them? Got to be some violation to pay thugs to start riot. Pussy RINO make me puke last 20 yrs

Did the DNC fund people to break any laws, or is your imagination loose again?
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..

I don't recall Soros paying people to undermine Hitlery or Bernie rallies... #cutthecheck
Ahhhhhh remember the Craiglist ad, lodging included? The 5'8" black punk caught after chasing kid was from far out from SJ fir example. It was posted.

But hey, the guy in Furgeson did no time. He on car shout burn this MoFo down. HRC not prosecuted? Anything goes now.
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..

They sure as hell won't have a big group of worthless scumbags there who're paid to riot and harass citizens trying to go about their constitutionally protected right to peacefully assemble!
I'd be more worried about the #NeverTrump forces. Anyone see Kornacki's interview with that Colorado GOP delegate last night, filling in for Rachel?
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..

They sure as hell won't have a big group of worthless scumbags there who're paid to riot and harass citizens trying to go about their constitutionally protected right to peacefully assemble!

And you think the DNC will?
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..

They sure as hell won't have a big group of worthless scumbags there who're paid to riot and harass citizens trying to go about their constitutionally protected right to peacefully assemble!

And you think the DNC will?

Clear you're just shooting off your mouth without reading the OP.
I think it would be very funny if they could give out a fake address so all the uninformed protesters would go make a nuisance of themselves somewhere far away. Very funny indeed, because you know very well a lot of the semi-pro rent-a-mob protesters (who really don't know what they're protesting) would be dumb enough to show up there.
You don't think the RNC will have their people on hand at the Democratic convention? Another crazy right winger trying to call foul on standard procedure at every convention by both parties..

They sure as hell won't have a big group of worthless scumbags there who're paid to riot and harass citizens trying to go about their constitutionally protected right to peacefully assemble!

And you think the DNC will?

Clear you're just shooting off your mouth without reading the OP.

Nope. I read it. According to the link they did allow $15.00 each for 100 silly things they call gimmics, but I don't see anything that hasn't been done at every other convention. You're trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill-------again.
LOL With the circus going on in GOP politics, do you think that the Dems need to do any disrupting? I think we will see plenty of disruption by the different groups within the GOP itself.

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