Give Us The Server And Nobody Gets Hurt!

Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.



The DNC has THE DNC SERVER and has not allowed anyone to look at it.
Are you really that dense?

The server the FBI has is Hillary Clinton's Illegal Secret State Department Server which The Democrat Party, The DNC, Hillary Clinton, all claimed WAS NOT HACKED.

I expressly stated I was talking about The Mysterious DNC SERVER.


He (she/it) knows exactly what you are saying, and has no answer for it so is trying to deflect and by the way-----> the only reason the DNC would not release the server, would be if the other facts on it would be more damaging to them than a Russian hack was to Trump.

They aren't fooling anyone, and the RNC has figured out exactly what was said here I urge you to watch what happens in the coming weeks as the Dems and these gaslighters paint themselves into a proverbial corner of their own making.

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That's the thing. I think The Dems knew they were losing ground in my opinion, and that their internal polls showed an unfavorable Electoral Map.

So what they did was dream up a Cover Story just like was done in Benghazi (standard MO for The Clintons) give them deflection from the ugly comments made by The DNC members, Power Brokers etc. that showed they were racists, mean spirited and ugly people who only cared about the pursuit of power, so much so, that they were willing to rig their own primaries to keep Bernie The Jew from being nominated.

Remember The DNC had two disgraced DNC chairs embarrassed over this. Schultz and Brazile. Schultz got fired, and so should have Brazile. Technically she is fired now, or she would have been in Elison's seat.

But back to my point. If The DNC Server Were Hacked, they would not have to Steal Debate Questions, or Rig their Primaries.
They would just hold a press conference and show America The Evidence. And if they had that evidence not a single soul anywhere would have to ask them to show it. They'd do it willingly and without hesitation, because the actual evidence that such a thing occurred was 10 times more capable of landing the White House for Hillary Clinton that the FAKE ALLEGATIONS of RUSSIAN HACKING THAT NEVER OCCURRED. Allegations cannot be propped up without EVIDENCE.....and the Dems had none, and they still have none.

The good honest Democrats that still have hope for their party and who love this country, knew what the score was, and knew they were being lied to, and it was those people that voted for Trump. The Disenfranchised Bernie Voter said "NEVER CLINTON" and voted accordingly!

Had The DNC Establishment been honest and forthright in everything they did, Bernie Sanders would have been their nominee, and Bernie Sanders would have had a far better chance at defeating Donald Trump than the corrupt rotting carcass of Hillary Clinton.
Hillary's Server was not Hacked. She said so, the DNC said so, The Democrat Party said so. The FBI confirmed that.

The DNC is claiming THE DNC SERVER was HACKED, and they refuse to let anyone look at it.

Pay attention SHEEPLE.

It is clear in this thread that I repeatedly was referencing THE DNC SERVER & the fake and unsubstantiated claim that THE DNC SERVER was hacked by Russians while Clinton's far less secured server was not.

You really are dumb aren't you?

exactly, the FBI had it ... DDDUUURRRRRRR
had what exactly? you lost us.


I did fella. what exactly does the fbi have that you're referring to. You detoured the thread to discuss Hitlery's when the discussion was the DNC's. Are you telling us the FBI has the DNC Server now?

The e-mail server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton when she served as secretary of state was turned over to the FBI late Wednesday afternoon from a private data center in New Jersey, according to an attorney familiar with the transfer.

“It was picked up about 4 p.m.,” said Barbara J. Wells, a Denver lawyer who represents Platte River Networks Inc., a small computer services firm that has managed the Clintons’ private e-mail system since mid-2013.

"quoted" ^^^^^^^^^^^

what part of that are you too goddamn stupid to understand ????
Wow, deflection on a massive scale. That server isn't even the point of the OP. Please do try again.
This whole thing is a hoax. And came from The Clinton IT Team and Jean Camp who is a Phd Degreed Hacker and Cyber Security Expert a donor to the Clinton Campaign as well as her primary IT adviser.

Clinton Ally Michael Morell says no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion

Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell, who endorsed Hillary Clinton and called Donald Trump a dupe of Russia, cast doubt Wednesday night on allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

Morell, who was in line to become CIA director if Clinton won, said he had seen no evidence that Trump associates cooperated with Russians. He also raised questions about the dossier written by a former British intelligence officer, which alleged a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia
Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
Intelligence Chiefs say NO Evidence of Trump-Russia Connection

If anyone has Russian Ties, it is The LEFT

Hillary Rotten Clinton took $125 Million from Putin for the Uranium One Deal.
Both Podestas worked for The Kremlin and got huge cash and stock options to lobby on behalf of Putin.
Obama Bin Lying got a $64 Million Book Deal from a Publishing Company with Deep Russian Ties

The only servers that were hacked were a Russian Bank Server, and a Trump Tower Server which Clinton's IT Professional and Phd Hacker (JEAN CAMP) planted a False Beacon Ping between the two servers to try to discredit the Trump Adminstration. She also crafted the false Russian Hacking Narrative of The DNC Server.

Here is your Russian Hacker

Hillary Clinton donor pushed Trump-Russia computer narrative investigated by FBI

Revealed: Hillary Fanatic Pushed Bogus Trump-Russia Narrative Investigated by FBI

Russian Hacking Conspiracy Theory Implodes

FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization -

"Hard-Core Clinton Fanatic" Manufactured "Viral Fake News" That MSNBC Used To Discredit Wikileaks

Email her and ask her why she did it. Her email address and mailing address is in the first link.
Her email at Indiana University is in the 2nd link.


Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia

Economics of Information Security | L. Jean Camp | Springer
Every Butt Hurt Thread Started By Lefty is a waste of every forum member's time to read.
Speaking of many threads is this trying to turn attention away from Trump's horrible week last week?

You know your guy "won" right?

Maybe it's time to stop beating off to Hillary's pantsuits and start paying attention to the idiot that you put in the White House
Every Butt Hurt Thread Started By Lefty is a waste of every forum member's time to read.
Speaking of many threads is this trying to turn attention away from Trump's horrible week last week?

You know your guy "won" right?

Maybe it's time to stop beating off to Hillary's pantsuits and start paying attention to the idiot that you put in the White House

If the place weren't innundated with Trolls and Bots being paid to push Negative Messaging, "We The People" would not have to counter with Facts. We could have actual discussions.

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