Haiku Moments

Go fuck yourself dude
Petty rules are for losers
Compliance is meh
There once was a lad
Fell asleep in a canoe
Woke up with hand full


hues of hokkaido
follows snow melt into spring
A limerick is a wordy art multiplex,
Whose points run mostly on sex.
It deals with professed virgins,
And heady masculine urgings.
for sublime besotted effects.
one night was awful
woke up with screaming bad pain
leg cramps all over

potassium helps
prevent another seizure
said homeopath

Take one and one an hour later...
if your read is low on potassium

(& it worked!!! Yea!!!)​
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There once was a guy from Nantucket
Whose **** was so long he could **** it
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin

If my ear was a *** I might **** it.

(Best to start with a classic.)
A poet with little ability,
dwelt in a correctional facility.
But a wordsmith from here,
doused words on the leer,
Ending his forum virility.
Competition day
crowd machines scream colors flash speed
Wild Nascar Sunday
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