Haiku Moments

praying for justice
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
will surely bless us
As I sorta recall----reading-----George was from a long line of Anglicans----
but slightly indifferent----more a social sunday guy. So he sorta was a DEIST--
like Franklin and Jefferson. -----ie He overcame his roots
Didn't think my illness was reflective, irosie91, but symptoms are what they are, except I omitted the fever pitch. Thanks. A blessing on your head. I do need a little nap.
OMIGOD----YOU GOT THE VIRUS? I went thru it too------a real bitch----sorry
Thanks, irosie91. The doctor's test showed I didn't have covid. She mumbled something about chronic bronchitis, though. This wasn't like any bronchitis I ever had. My flem was thick as pea soup except for not being green. Whatever I had/have is a really unwelcome visitor. At least my coughing is less than yesterday, but my back and chest are sore from hacking away. Think I'll stick to my haiku poetry. <giggle>

this summer weather
broke all the records it seems
never been hotter​
Thanks, irosie91. The doctor's test showed I didn't have covid. She mumbled something about chronic bronchitis, though. This wasn't like any bronchitis I ever had. My flem was thick as pea soup except for not being green. Whatever I had/have is a really unwelcome visitor. At least my coughing is less than yesterday, but my back and chest are sore from hacking away. Think I'll stick to my haiku poetry. <giggle>

this summer weather
broke all the records it seems
never been hotter​
the doc MAY have been saying that you have chronic bronchitis with an acute viral infection
on top----Bronchitis patients are VULNERABLE. Uhm ---it is clear that I am not your doc--BUT
if you smoke GIVE IT UP (off the record)
the doc MAY have been saying that you have chronic bronchitis with an acute viral infection
on top----Bronchitis patients are VULNERABLE. Uhm ---it is clear that I am not your doc--BUT
if you smoke GIVE IT UP (off the record)
I smoked one cigarette when I was a teenager, and it made me throw up. Cured me of forming a deadly habit. My mother was a 3-packs-a-day smoker for the first 20 years of my life. I was just fine until we moved to Wyoming, and I spent 35 frosty years of cruelly cold winters until we retired. I had bronchitis every winter for 35 years, basically. I just picked up some airborne virus, here where we're having 103-106 Farenheit daylight lately. I now avoid any contact with cigarette smoke. It makes me susceptible to restarting my chronic bronchitis episodes. Thanks for your kind words. Love, beautress :sleep:
I smoked one cigarette when I was a teenager, and it made me throw up. Cured me of forming a deadly habit. My mother was a 3-packs-a-day smoker for the first 20 years of my life. I was just fine until we moved to Wyoming, and I spent 35 frosty years of cruelly cold winters until we retired. I had bronchitis every winter for 35 years, basically. I just picked up some airborne virus, here where we're having 103-106 Farenheit daylight lately. I now avoid any contact with cigarette smoke. It makes me susceptible to restarting my chronic bronchitis episodes. Thanks for your kind words. Love, beautress :sleep:
your history fascinated me. My dad was a heavy smoker---and in my high school
the girls complained all the time---MY MOM WON'T LET ME SMOKE---so naturally
I decided to try it. I took one of my dad's cigs---lit up and INHALED deeply---like
he always did----I was coughing for a week and never tried it again. Dad died of
respiratory failure---age 69 which for him was young since he had absolutely
nothing else---NOTHING--no hypertension or cardiac or obesity---nothing but
a lifetime of CIGARETTES
Hickory Dickory doc
What kinda med school did he go
Welcome to the 17-syllable world of haiku, BackAgain.

I hope you try again.

Line 1 requires 5 syllables (or counts)
Line 2 , 7 syllables
Line 3, 5 syllables

I'm going to take a stab at using some of your words above in true Haiku 17 counting, but it likely will not have the same meaning as your 16-count 3 liner.

Hickory tic-toc.........................................5 counts
At Woody's medical school...................7 counts
He lost his timing....................................5 counts

Haiku has a wavy feel when you catch on to the counts
And getting it right makes it very relaxing as a poetry medium.
The third line is best when it refers to a lesson learned, makes others think, and when it references the gentle coolness of the wavy feel.
Now, trash what I just said and have a good time with the 5-7-5 line count in any way you want to share an observation that can be best said by only you.
I hope you try again in traditional Haiku language count. After you realize how relaxing the 5-7-5 completed lines, which sometimes takes a little change
You will catch on to how relaxing it can be. That is truly beneficial on a day when nothing else seems right. And you'll feel classy when you catch onto the always-laconic
haiku world.
Again, welcome to the relaxing world of haiku.
Welcome to the 17-syllable world of haiku, BackAgain.

I hope you try again.

Line 1 requires 5 syllables (or counts)
Line 2 , 7 syllables
Line 3, 5 syllables

I'm going to take a stab at using some of your words above in true Haiku 17 counting, but it likely will not have the same meaning as your 16-count 3 liner.

Hickory tic-toc.........................................5 counts
At Woody's medical school...................7 counts
He lost his timing....................................5 counts

Haiku has a wavy feel when you catch on to the counts
And getting it right makes it very relaxing as a poetry medium.
The third line is best when it refers to a lesson learned, makes others think, and when it references the gentle coolness of the wavy feel.
Now, trash what I just said and have a good time with the 5-7-5 line count in any way you want to share an observation that can be best said by only you.
I hope you try again in traditional Haiku language count. After you realize how relaxing the 5-7-5 completed lines, which sometimes takes a little change
You will catch on to how relaxing it can be. That is truly beneficial on a day when nothing else seems right. And you'll feel classy when you catch onto the always-laconic
haiku world.
Again, welcome to the relaxing world of haiku.
Hickory dickory I don’t care
What the fuck? Where!
And so forth.

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