Halal supermarket - Sell Alcohol & Pork or Face Closure

Seems they are not catering to all the locals and it is a local authority owned premises and the store breaches French Republican principles, so fairy nuff.

Sell alcohol and pork or we will shut you down, French town tells halal supermarket

A halal supermarket in a Paris suburb has been told it must sell pork and alcoholCREDIT: PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP/GETTY
4 AUGUST 2016 • 7:03PM

Ahalal supermarket in a Paris suburb has been told by local authorities it must start selling alcohol and pork or else it will be shut down.

Good Price discount mini-market in Colombes has been told by the local housing authority, from which it rents its premises, that it has not followed the conditions on the lease that stipulate that the shop must act as a "general food store."

The authority argues that all members of the local community are not being served properly if there are no alcohol or pork products in the Good Price store, which is run as a franchise and which last year replaced another small supermarket.

“The mayor of Colombes, Nicole Goueta, went there herself and asked the owner to diversify the range of products by adding alcohol and non-halal meats,” the mayor’s chief of staff, Jérôme Besnard, told The Telegraph.

He said locals, particularly older residents, had complained that they could no longer get the full range of products at Good Price, which replaced a regular supermarket, and had to travel some distance now to do their shopping.

“We want a social mix. We don’t want any area that is only Muslim or any area where there are no Muslims,” Mr Besnard said, adding that the town’s reaction would have been the same had a kosher shop opened on that spot.

The Colombes housing authority argues that the store breaches French republican principles by prioritising a certain group within society rather than catering to all categories.

It has taken legal action to bring an end to the lease which would normally run until 2019. The case goes to court in October....

Sell alcohol and pork or we will shut you down, French town tells halal supermarket
I see a Allahu Akbar in the future.
The a-priori evidence suggests there is no such "right".

You sir, must be a democrat.

The Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, so I expect you to be foaming soon..

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I'm still wondering why people on this thread are trying to use American laws to interpret if the actions of the state were legal or not?

I mean..........American laws and the way we do things here are much different than what France does.
You sir, must be a democrat.

The Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, so I expect you to be foaming soon..

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
No you stupid sh!t.

I am nonpartisan independent -- the new majority in America according to the latest polling.

You should never ass-u-me ... it makes you look even stupider than you really are.
You see that post at the beginning from Pot Head -- something about "wedding cakes"?
You see how he ran away after that?

That's because when I issued the same challenge to him, he went crawling all over the site looking for evidence of somewhere I posted about "wedding cakes". After a while he began to cry when it dawned on him that he wasn't going to find any such thing --- because there IS no such thing. I've never made such a post, ever.
So, then you agree with people who do not want to make homo cakes because of their religious conviction, right?
You sir, must be a democrat.

The Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, so I expect you to be foaming soon..

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
No you stupid sh!t.

I am nonpartisan independent -- the new majority in America according to the latest polling.

You should never ass-u-me ... it makes you look even stupider than you really are.

Nonpartisan independent means right-wing fascist in the U.S.
Well, look who's shown up on the meat market thread.

Have you come to socialise, Monte?
No you stupid sh!t.

I am nonpartisan independent -- the new majority in America according to the latest polling.

Of course, there are no democrats... :eusa_whistle:

You should never ass-u-me ... it makes you look even stupider than you really are.

You get very angry when your ignorance is highlighted.

You must spend most of your life angry!
No you stupid sh!t.

I am nonpartisan independent -- the new majority in America according to the latest polling.

Of course, there are no democrats... :eusa_whistle:

You should never ass-u-me ... it makes you look even stupider than you really are.

You get very angry when your ignorance is highlighted.

You must spend most of your life angry!
I don't get angry I just get even.

Getting even with you Uncensored2008 is merely a matter of pointing out your abject stupidity and low I/Q.

You sir, must be a democrat.

The Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, so I expect you to be foaming soon..

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
No you stupid sh!t.

I am nonpartisan independent -- the new majority in America according to the latest polling.

You should never ass-u-me ... it makes you look even stupider than you really are.

Nonpartisan independent means right-wing fascist in the U.S.
Nonpartisan is what your absentee voter ballot says when you are NOT GOP nor DEM nor any of the small fry.
You see that post at the beginning from Pot Head -- something about "wedding cakes"?
You see how he ran away after that?

That's because when I issued the same challenge to him, he went crawling all over the site looking for evidence of somewhere I posted about "wedding cakes". After a while he began to cry when it dawned on him that he wasn't going to find any such thing --- because there IS no such thing. I've never made such a post, ever.
So, then you agree with people who do not want to make homo cakes because of their religious conviction, right?
A you/ewe is a female sheep defcon4 .

Who is you/ewe your antecedent?

If anyone is in business then I believe the customer is always right and you do whatever you can legally to help them.

If they want homo cakes you bake them.

Jeeze what a bunch of homophobe plebes here.
A you/ewe is a female sheep defcon4 .

Who is you/ewe your antecedent?
Very interesting ad hom showing your logical fallacy in understanding my post. I did not express my agreement or disagreement in regards of baking homo cakes. My question was posed to Pogster with a specific goal what you missed but you felt compelled to butt in for some unknown reason. Maybe you had the false impression that your faggotry was under attack.
If anyone is in business then I believe the customer is always right and you do whatever you can legally to help them.

If they want homo cakes you bake them.
That's the generally accepted idea , however we, the people actually in business used to say "the customer is always right EXCEPT when a customer is wrong" Ponder that for a few hours, maybe it will sink in. Then again, maybe you will never understand it.
Jeeze what a bunch of homophobe plebes here.
Again, asking the question did not express any agreement or disagreement about homosexuality. Your own homosexuality triggered an urge to assume I did.
Hahaha.. your reference to "plebes" is also interesting. It could be interpreted that you have the impression of belonging to an upper class of nobility. Any specific reason for that?

Who is you/ewe your antecedent?

If anyone is in business then I believe the customer is always right and you do whatever you can legally to help them.

If they want homo cakes you bake them.

Jeeze what a bunch of homophobe plebes here.

Do you think the Halal market makes lots of "homo cakes," shit fer brains? :dunno:
Very interesting ad hom showing your logical fallacy in understanding my post. I did not express my agreement or disagreement in regards of baking homo cakes. My question was posed to Pogster with a specific goal what you missed but you felt compelled to butt in for some unknown reason. Maybe you had the false impression that your faggotry was under attack.
If anyone is in business then I believe the customer is always right and you do whatever you can legally to help them.

If they want homo cakes you bake them.
That's the generally accepted idea , however we, the people actually in business used to say "the customer is always right EXCEPT when a customer is wrong" Ponder that for a few hours, maybe it will sink in. Then again, maybe you will never understand it.
Jeeze what a bunch of homophobe plebes here.
Again, asking the question did not express any agreement or disagreement about homosexuality. Your own homosexuality triggered an urge to assume I did.
Hahaha.. your reference to "plebes" is also interesting. It could be interpreted that you have the impression of belonging to an upper class of nobility. Any specific reason for that?
defcon4 kindly put @pogster in your response someplace and fix your antecedent problem so that we know what the fokk you are talking about, thank you very much.

Nonpartisan is what your absentee voter ballot says when you are NOT GOP nor DEM nor any of the small fry.

Not in most states, Forrest. In most states they say "independent."

Standard Disclaimer: Mama always said your head was like the space beneath the outhouse Forrest; full of shit with nothing pleasant in it....
No you stupid sh!t.

I am nonpartisan independent -- the new majority in America according to the latest polling.

Of course, there are no democrats... :eusa_whistle:

You should never ass-u-me ... it makes you look even stupider than you really are.

You get very angry when your ignorance is highlighted.

You must spend most of your life angry!
I don't get angry I just get even.

Getting even with you Uncensored2008 is merely a matter of pointing out your abject stupidity and low I/Q.


True but he's the low hanging fruit around here. I challenged him on his shit back at the start of this thread (post four) and he ran away and hid for days. Now that he thinks I'm gone here he comes trolling somebody else.

Even though he never came up with the goods. Just runs and hides under his bed going la la la, then comes back.
Low hangin' fruit. :rolleyes:

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