Half naked man walks in on Arizona Pima County Board zoom meeting


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Imagine everyone’s surprise when openly gay Matt Heinz (D) on the Pima County Board of Supervisors had a young man walk in on his Zoom call meeting.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the Party of Groomers:


LOL, awkward!!! Guy's a doctor and says he's working 3 full time jobs along with caring for his father, I actually give him credit for taking meeting while on vacation.
Imagine everyone’s surprise when openly gay Matt Heinz (D) on the Pima County Board of Supervisors had a young man walk in on his Zoom call meeting.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the Party of Groomers:

View attachment 747432

Oh dear God you prudes have lost it.
Don't you worry, Missouri passed a rule that women must cover their arms when in the state legislature building. Too many arm pit fetish Repubs who can't control themselves.
Don't you worry, Missouri passed a rule that women must cover their arms when in the state legislature building. Too many arm pit fetish Repubs who can't control themselves.
I thought you were kidding,

but would not tighten the dress code for men
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All of us working remotely have had a significant other/child/pet/etc walk in by accident while on a video call.

Shit happens.

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