Half-Truths, Delusions, and Immigration


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Half-Truths, Delusions, and Immigration

February 18, 2013
By Bruce Thornton


That paradigm that made immigration a success in America has been weakened and compromised. Now immigrants, including illegal ones, are encouraged to demand public and political validation and recognition of the country and culture that failed them. They are encouraged to demand all the rights and benefits of living in a land of freedom, prosperity, and opportunity without paying any cost in loyalty or changing their beliefs or identity. Indeed, as victims of American imperialism, racism, and oppression, they are encouraged to consider these benefits as justified payback for those historical crimes. The result is to further the balkanization of American society that has eroded our common national identity.

Again, not all illegal immigrants have rejected becoming American. Millions are better Americans that many native-born Americans are. But as yet we have shown no inclination for sorting out the ones who are making that transformation from the ones who want to stay Mexican or Guatemalan or Ecuadoran yet still enjoy all the opportunity, rights, and benefits denied them by their home countries. And that is the major flaw in the “comprehensive reform” legislation both parties are touting. When they legalize 11 million illegal immigrants, they will not have a clue about the character of those upon whom they will bestow the gift of citizenship in the freest, most prosperous country in the world. Instead, these politicians simply repeat feel-good half-truths and sentimental myths as they prepare an amnesty that will worsen the problem rather than solve it.

Half-Truths, Delusions, and Immigration
Immigration ‘Reform’ Lies

February 19, 2013
By Michael Volpe

A recent study, which claimed that immigration resources are at their historical height and constitute a substantial portion of the federal budget, became the flashpoint for a contentious hearing in the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee.

In January 2013, the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) released a study that concluded, among other things, that federal immigration enforcement accounted for more of the budget than all other forms of law enforcement combined. Other points made by the study include that deportations are at an all-time high and border crossing are the lowest in more than a decade.

This study, released in January 2013, has been cited by a number of leading Democrats, including Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano when she used the study to claim gains in border security. Here’s how ABC covered the release of the report in January 2013:


Immigration ?Reform? Lies
Yeah! "Everybody" knows those previous generations of immigrants became overnight American's and never looked back....right?


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rubio wants to flood the country with the lowest class of mexico, which is pretty low.

From what I've seen BOTH sides have shown no interest in stopping illegal immigration.
We all know we are perfectly capable of shutting down our border if we wanted to. Yet it never happens.
And we get amnesty programs shoved down our throats on a regular basis from both sides of the aisle.
And they wonder why people get disenchanted with the Government.
rubio wants to flood the country with the lowest class of mexico, which is pretty low.

From what I've seen BOTH sides have shown no interest in stopping illegal immigration.
We all know we are perfectly capable of shutting down our border if we wanted to. Yet it never happens.
And we get amnesty programs shoved down our throats on a regular basis from both sides of the aisle.
And they wonder why people get disenchanted with the Government.

i agree. what gets me is how limbaugh worships rubio, yet rubios amnesty is no different from obama's amnesty.
Obungler and company gave us an estimated 11 million illegals in the US. If that coincides with his job creation numbers, it is likely we have more that 35 million illegals living high on the hog. Those illegals who have filed tax returns are getting thousands in refunds claiming dozens of dependents.Ostumbler and crew remain silent. All for the votes, nothing more. That being said, why not have a background investigation on The Prez and see what that turns up. But I assume that's 'ray-ciss'

Again.. this shit comes from both sides of the aisle. The U.S. government is screwing us.
Not just the left or the right,but both.
The country is divided by design. It keeps us busy while they screw us over.
Both side want to be "humane". We're dealing with human termites, humaneness shouldn't enter into the discussion.
Obama’s cruel immigration hoax

Yolanda Alaniz
volume: volume 34
issue 2
April 2013


June 15, 2012. Immigrant students take to the streets of Los Angeles to demand an end to deportations. Photo credit: Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images

The sparring between President Obama and Congressional factions about immigration reform covers up a basic fact. Not one of the plans being floated would create a better life for undocumented workers; each would instead increase the everyday terror these immigrants face.

This is true for a simple reason: top-down immigration reform isn’t designed to help immigrants — it’s designed to help business.

Obama’s game plan. Comprehensive immigration reform proposals generally have three main components: cracking down on what’s defined as illegal immigration; offering the hope of legal status for immigrants currently without papers; and enlarging guest worker programs.

Obama’s blueprint, put forward in detail in 2011, reads like sci-fi.

At the border, it would increase the fences, drones, agents, cameras, and radar already multiplied by Obama.

It would make mandatory the E-Verify program that employers use to check job applicants’ status, which could easily lead to requiring ID cards for everyone. And the plan would introduce a biometric identifier like fingerprinting or a retina scan into hiring.

The misnamed “path to citizenship” is the carrot to attract popular support for Obama’s wretched plan. But don’t be fooled! The path is strewn with daunting obstacles: “rigorous security check,” a series of fines, competency in English, payment of back taxes.


Obama?s cruel immigration hoax | www.socialism.com

Amnesty & the Bankrupting of America

May 7, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


A report released by the conservative Heritage Foundation threatens to blow a big hole in the so-called Gang of Eight’s attempt to implement comprehensive immigration reform. An analysis of the costs associated with granting amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens is staggering: according to the report, taxpayers would be forced to shell out $6.3 trillion, even when the 10-year barrier preventing newly legalized individuals from seeking government benefits is factored into the equation. ”No matter how you slice it, amnesty will add a tremendous amount of pressure on America’s already strained public purse,” Robert Rector, the Heritage scholar who prepared the report, said in a statement.

The study focuses on four types of government benefits considered relevant to the issue. These include “Direct Benefits,” such as Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation; “Means-tested Welfare Benefits” such as Medicaid, food stamps, the refundable Earned Income Tax Credit, public housing, Supplemental Security Income, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; “Public Education,” which is subsidized for low-income families; and “Population-based Services” that include police, fire, highways, parks, and similar services, that must be expanded when the population of a community increases.


Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint offers an apt analogy regarding what comprehensive immigration reform legislation is really all about. “I think if people read the bill, that it will be blocked,” he said on ABC’s This Week. “Because once you get into it, just like Obamacare, it is not the way it’s been advertised.”

Americans are only beginning to grasp the travesty that “comprehensive healthcare” represents. Comprehensive immigration reform that would fundamentally alter the character of the nation, even as the rule of law is kicked to the curb for political expediency’s sake, would be far worse.

Amnesty & the Bankrupting of America | FrontPage Magazine

As Amnesty Advances, Conservatives Fire Back

May 24, 2013 By Michael Volpe


We write to express our serious concerns regarding the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill, S. 744. We oppose this bill and urge you to vote against it when it comes to the Senate floor. No matter how well-intentioned, the Schumer-Rubio bill suffers from fundamental design flaws that make it unsalvageable. Many of us support various parts of the legislation, but the overall package is so unsatisfactory that the Senate would do better to start over from scratch.


For immigration reform to be effective there must be aggressive border enforcement, work enforcement, as well as visa tracking and enforcement. While proponents of the bill have maintained that enforcement will be a priority, numerous troubling details covered by FrontPage Magazine have shown that true enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws continues to be lacking.

As Amnesty Advances, Conservatives Fire Back | FrontPage Magazine
Senate immigration bill could double guest workers


The Senate immigration bill could nearly double the number of guest workers allowed into the U.S., according to a new analysis the Center for Immigration Studies is releasing Wednesday that says the jump is four times the increase of the last immigration bill in 2007.

That previous bill failed in part because liberal lawmakers felt the new guest workers would compete with Americans for jobs.

But this year, those concerns have been more muted as most Democrats have agreed to accept more workers in exchange for the chance to legalize illegal immigrants.


Read more: Senate immigration bill could double guest workers - Washington Times
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The Amnesty Mob vs. America

June 19, 2013 By Michelle Malkin



After America said no to a pork-filled security-undermining amnesty bill in 2007, the No Illegal Alien Left Behind lobbyists changed their overtly thuggish tactics. They put down their upside-down American flags, stopped wearing their commie Che Guevara T-shirts and cloaked their radical “Aztlan” aspirations in the less divisive rhetoric of “reform” and “opportunity.”

It was all just an act, of course. Inevitably, the mask has slipped. Over the weekend, illegal alien protesters descended on the private residence of Kansas Secretary of State and immigration enforcement lawyer Kris Kobach. As Twitchy.com reported on Saturday, 300 amnesty activists marched into Kobach’s neighborhood and barged up his driveway and right onto his doorstep. It’s how the Alinskyite “community organizers” roll.

Shouting into a bullhorn and waving their fists from his front porch, the property rights-invaders dubbed Kobach “King of Hate” for his work representing border security activists and federal customs enforcement agents who are fighting the systemic sabotage of immigration law. Thankfully, Kobach, his wife and their four young daughters were not home at the time.

But the aggrieved amnesty demanders are not done yet. And Kobach is not the only one in their crosshairs.

After tea party activist turned Kansas state representative Amanda Grosserode condemned the mob action publicly on Facebook, racist insults and threats littered her page. Roberto Medina Ramirez wrote: “I’ll give her something to be disgusted about!” Doris Lynn Crouse Gent chimed in: “OMG! Maybe her drive should be next.” Matt S. Bashaw echoed the call: “Maybe her house should be next.” Facebook user Jude Robinson also ranted on Grosserode’s page: “Since Kobach steals taxpayer money spreading hate around the country, he deserves what he gets.”


Rubio, Ryan and other Republicans who’ve made common cause with these welfare-state goons have betrayed fundamental principles of limited government and the rule of law. They’ve allied themselves with the mob. There’s nothing, not one thing, “conservative” about mass illegal alien amnesty. It’s the complete Chicago-ization of America.

The Amnesty Mob vs. America | FrontPage Magazine

Why Americans Shouldn’t Fall for Amnesty

June 20, 2013 By Jack Kerwick



Of course Congress is not in the least bit concerned about border security. But before we see that this is so, there is something more fundamental to bear in mind.

Border security is not a bargaining chip. It is as much of a non-negotiable in the governing of a nation as fidelity is a non-negotiable in marriage. Whatever obligations a country’s government can be said to have, there is no duty more basic than that of border security, for unless its borders are secured, the integrity of the country is imperiled. Similarly, a marriage promises to dissolve unless its most essential obligation, fidelity, the promise of each spouse to “forsake all others,” is discharged.

Spouses, just by virtue of being spouses, owe one another fidelity. Likewise, governments owe it to their citizens to secure their borders.

Whether border security attracts or alienates voters is of no consequence: a country’s borders must be secured. It is conditional upon nothing other than the relationship that obtains between a citizenry and its government.


Common sense has delivered its verdict: not for a single moment can any person with an IQ above room temperature, least of all a conservative devoted to liberty and all too aware of the incompetence and inefficiencies of Big Government, endorse the Gang of Eight’s so-called “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Why Americans Shouldn?t Fall for Amnesty | FrontPage Magazine
A False Sense of Border Security

June 21, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


On Thursday, the Senate reached a tentative deal on border security aimed at encouraging more Republicans to support so-called comprehensive immigration reform. Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and John Hoeven (R-ND) put together a deal with the “Gang of Eight” that calls for 700 miles of new fencing along the Mexican border, a near doubling of Border Patrol agents, and the purchase of aerial drones for additional border policing. Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle accurately describes the real objective behind this effort. “The so-called ‘compromise’ on border security…is a sham meant to give political cover to Republicans who want to vote for amnesty but cannot be seen opposing border security.”


Just before the 2008 election, President Obama told his supporters they were “only five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” That Republicans would aid and abet that transformation–even as they more than likely assure their own irrelevancy in the process–is pathetic.

A False Sense of Border Security | FrontPage Magazine
Unforgivable Sin: Immigration Bill passes big test

Tuesday, Jun 25, 2013 at 3:47 PM EDT

The immigration bill passed a huge test in the Senate and it appears as if it will cruise to surviving the final Senate vote. Thanks to 15 votes from defecting republicans, the bill received 67 votes, 7 more than needed to ultimately pass. Glenn expressed his frustration, particularly with ‘colossal disappointment’ Jeff Flake and ‘made out of liverwurst jello’ Lindsey Graham.

Glenn has been critical of Lindsey Graham for some time, and he said it should be no surprise to anyone that he would be advancing this progressive bill. Comparing Lindsey Graham to a meal at dinner, he said that no one sits down and expects the “Lindsey Graham” to be any good. Jeff Flake and Marco Rubio, on the other hand, were elected with higher expectations.

“Look at the two names that have gone on this list that are so disappointing: Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake,” Glenn said.

“Jeff Flake and Marco Rubio: you sellout pieces of garbage. You both got in there because you were voted in by constitutionalists,” he said. “You were supposed to represent the people who voted you into office.”

“We brought you to the dance and you have just shirked us. Fine. We know who you are, and we will not forget you.”

Glenn said that he would adamantly support anyone who decided to run against Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake.

Because immigration reform would fundamentally transform the country, Glenn said that he could not see himself changing his opinion on Flake and Rubio.

“Seeing that this one issue is going to fundamentally transform our nation and be the end of our nation, yeah. Yeah, I’m pretty much done.”


Unforgivable Sin: Immigration Bill passes big test ? Glenn Beck

The U.S. Jobs That Went to Immigrants

July 9, 2013 By Michael Volpe

A new report concludes that immigrants accounted for all the employment gains in the US labor market from 2000-2013. The report challenges the notion that immigration helps the economy, a common argument by those who favor comprehensive immigration reform, and S. 744, the recently passed Senate immigration bill, specifically.

The report was commission by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), and it was written by Steven A. Camarota, the director of research at CIS, and Karen Zeigler, a demographer. It concluded that the native-born population accounted for two-thirds of overall growth in the working-age population (16 to 65), but none of the net growth in employment among the working-age has gone to natives. As the report stated:


The U.S. Jobs That Went to Immigrants | FrontPage Magazine
Theft By Deception: The Immigration Con Game
How politicians are robbing citizens of access to the American Dream.
June 17, 2015
Michael Cutler


A pattern of criminality has been in progress for decades with more Americans falling victim to this crime each day. The crime is “theft by deception.” Because of this, millions of Americans are losing their thin sliver of the American Dream, their security and their peace of mind

In order to understand the crime we first need to know and understand the elements of the crime.

To provide a starting point and specific language, we will use the definition of “theft by deception” as defined in one state in particular: Georgia. However, this crime, of using deception to steal, is codified in virtually every state and city. This crime is defined in the Georgia Code, in part, as:

a) A person commits the offense of theft by deception when he obtains property by any deceitful means or artful practice with the intention of depriving the owner of the property.

(b) A person deceives if he intentionally:

(1) Creates or confirms another's impression of an existing fact or past event which is false and which the accused knows or believes to be false;

(2) Fails to correct a false impression of an existing fact or past event which he has previously created or confirmed;

(3) Prevents another from acquiring information pertinent to the disposition of the property involved

Today politicians from both political parties, echoing the claims of many special interest groups that provide massive campaign contributions, use deceptive language to achieve their (criminal) goals. As you will see, the claims they make about immigration are without merit and are deceptive and seek to satisfy their campaign contributors.

The perpetrators are our elected politicians from both the “Repugnantcan” and “Demoncrat” parties.

Many politicians have insisted that aliens do the work Americans are either too lazy or too dumb to do. Politicians also have repeatedly claimed that upon graduation from colleges, foreign students in the U.S. should have “Green Cards stapled onto their diplomas,” purportedly to keep these foreign students from returning to their home countries half-way around the world and competing with American companies.

Here's a far better solution: Educate American kids who are likely to not go half-way around the world after graduation but no farther than half-way across town.

Today there are more than 1.1 million foreign students studying in the United States. They are attending more than 9,000 schools and, because there is an abject shortage of ICE agents to conduct field investigations, there is no way to know if many of these schools even exist. In some instances the schools are nothing more than “mills” that, given the authority to petition for foreign students, simply pocket the “tuition” paid by “students” who never study anything in the United States.


In December 2011 “Dan Rather Reports” aired a disconcerting hour-long report on how highly educated and experienced American computer programmers are being replaced by programmers from India. The report was titled:“Rather Reports: No thanks for everything” and featured interviews with computer programmers who had been working for years in the industry and had exceptional qualifications. They were displaced by foreign workers.

On May 15, 2007 a four minute infuriating video was aired on "Lou Dobbs Tonight" on CNN. It featured an immigration lawyers' conference in which lawyers were being coached to "not find qualified U.S. workers." The lecturer is identified in the video as being Lawrence M. Lebowitz, the Vice President of Marketing for the firm of Cohen & Grigsby.

On June 9, 2015 the Daily Caller reported, "Disney Blacklisted Displaced American Workers." Apparently it was not enough for the managers at Disney to fire American workers and demand that they train their replacements if they wanted their severance packages -- they also allegedly took steps to make certain that these newly laid off workers would not be able to find new jobs.

On June 3, 2015 the New York Times published a report "Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements" that summed up the situation at Disney World.

On February 20, 2015 the newspaper, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, reported, "Edison under fire over plan to replace employees with foreign workers."

These two employers represent the tip of a humongous iceberg. There are many, many more companies that are employing the very same tactics.

UC Davis Health System provides health advice. It has posted a section on the issue of "Coping with the Stress of Layoff and Unemployment" that begins with the following:


Theft By Deception: The Immigration Con Game

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