Hamas Cracks Down on Chris†ians; Pushes Conversion to Islam

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Another reason Christians (who aren't antisemites) are throwing their lot in with Israel's humane and tolerant Jewish culture.


ICC/International Christian Concern

Hamas Cracks Down on Christians; Pushes Conversion to Islam

ICC Note: Christians living in the Gaza Strip live under the reality of ongoing Attacks on both Churches and Individuals. Living under the control of Hamas which considers Christians as Infidels, the situation is more Serious than you can imagine, Hazem Shanab said.
Hamas controls all churches and mosques implements their ideology in all sectors of life, even to rewriting textbooks to match their worldview.

11/25/2013 Gaza (MidEast Christian News) - Dr. Hazem Abu Shanab, a member of Fatah’s Revolutionary Council, told MCN that Hamas, in association with the Muslim Brotherhood, is controlling the Gaza Strip by force of arms, and is cracking down on Christians and restricting their freedom of worship. It is also trying to force them to abandon Christianity and Convert to Islam, he said.

Hamas has reacted Violently against Christians in issues related to this, said Shanab. He explained that there are ongoing attacks on churches and Christians in the Gaza Strip because Hamas considers Christians "infidels."
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Where is Munnerdrone? the OCD NT spouter, on the protection of Christians in the Middle East and an paleshtein?

Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Planned Attacks on Egyptian Christians Over Christmas

JANUARY 2, 2014
Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Planned Attacks on Egyptian Christians Over Christmas | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

JNS.org- Terror groups affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood had cooperated to plan attacks on Churches in the northern Sinai Peninsula over the Christmas holiday, according to a report in the Kuwaiti daily Al-Watan.

The attacks were planned for the Coptic Christian Christmas on Jan. 7. According to the report, Sinai terror groups were told to expect weapons and funds to arrive through Gaza’s smuggling tunnels “via three members of the Hamas military wing.” But Egyptian intelligence prevented the attacks by intercepting conversations between the Sinai and Gaza terrorist groups.

The military-backed Egyptian government has long accused the Muslim Brotherhood of cooperating with Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, along with several dozen Muslim Brotherhood leaders, is currently awaiting trial on charges of conspiring with Hamas to attack the Egyptian military.
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Where is Munnerdrone? the OCD NT spouter, on the protection of Christians in the Middle East and an paleshtein?

Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Planned Attacks on Egyptian Christians Over Christmas

JANUARY 2, 2014
Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Planned Attacks on Egyptian Christians Over Christmas | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

JNS.org- Terror groups affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood had cooperated to plan attacks on Churches in the northern Sinai Peninsula over the Christmas holiday, according to a report in the Kuwaiti daily Al-Watan.

The attacks were planned for the Coptic Christian Christmas on Jan. 7. According to the report, Sinai terror groups were told to expect weapons and funds to arrive through Gaza’s smuggling tunnels “via three members of the Hamas military wing.” But Egyptian intelligence prevented the attacks by intercepting conversations between the Sinai and Gaza terrorist groups.

The military-backed Egyptian government has long accused the Muslim Brotherhood of cooperating with Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, along with several dozen Muslim Brotherhood leaders, is currently awaiting trial on charges of conspiring with Hamas to attack the Egyptian military.

Whats a few dead Christians?...It's the Jews!:eusa_whistle:
Munnnerhypocrite Spouts NT every day but never defense of Christians from the Muslim Hoard Cleansing them from the Middle East.

Islamization of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamization of the Gaza Strip refers to the efforts to impose Islamic laws and traditions in the Gaza Strip. The influence of Islamic groups in the Gaza Strip has grown since the 1980s. The efforts to impose Islamic law and traditions continued when Hamas forcefully seized control of the area in June 2007 after being elected into power by the Palestinian people and displaced security forces loyal to the secular President Mahmoud Abbas.[1][2][3] After the civil war ended, Hamas declared the “end of secularism and heresy in the Gaza Strip.”[4] For the first time since the Sudanese coup of 1989 that brought Omar al-Bashir to power, a Muslim Brotherhood group ruled a significant geographic territory.[5] Gaza human rights groups accuse Hamas of restricting many freedoms in the course of these attempts.[2]

Ismael Haniyeh officially denied accusations that Hamas intended to establish an Islamic emirate.[5] However, Jonathan Schanzer writes that in the two years since the 2007 coup, the Gaza Strip has exhibited the characteristics of Talibanization,[5] a process whereby the Hamas government has imposed strict rules on women, discouraged activities commonly associated with Western or Christian culture, oppressed non-Muslim minorities, imposed sharia law, and deployed religious police to enforce these laws.[5]

According to a Human Rights Watch researcher, the Hamas-controlled government of Gaza stepped up its efforts to "Islamize" Gaza in 2010,
efforts that included the "repression" of civil society and "severe violations of personal freedom."[6] Israeli journalist, Khaled Abu Toameh, wrote in 2009 that "Hamas is gradually turning the Gaza Strip into a Taliban-style Islamic entity".[7] According to Mkhaimar Abusada, a political science professor at Gaza's Al-Azhar University, "Ruling by itself, Hamas can stamp its ideas on everyone (...) Islamizing society has always been part of Hamas strategy."[8]
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Munnnerhypocrite Spouts NT every day but never defense of Christians from the Muslim Hoard Cleansing it from the Middle East.

Islamization of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamization of the Gaza Strip refers to the efforts to impose Islamic laws and traditions in the Gaza Strip. The influence of Islamic groups in the Gaza Strip has grown since the 1980s. The efforts to impose Islamic law and traditions continued when Hamas forcefully seized control of the area in June 2007 after being elected into power by the Palestinian people and displaced security forces loyal to the secular President Mahmoud Abbas.[1][2][3] After the civil war ended, Hamas declared the “end of secularism and heresy in the Gaza Strip.”[4] For the first time since the Sudanese coup of 1989 that brought Omar al-Bashir to power, a Muslim Brotherhood group ruled a significant geographic territory.[5] Gaza human rights groups accuse Hamas of restricting many freedoms in the course of these attempts.[2]

Ismael Haniyeh officially denied accusations that Hamas intended to establish an Islamic emirate.[5] However, Jonathan Schanzer writes that in the two years since the 2007 coup, the Gaza Strip has exhibited the characteristics of Talibanization,[5] a process whereby the Hamas government has imposed strict rules on women, discouraged activities commonly associated with Western or Christian culture, oppressed non-Muslim minorities, imposed sharia law, and deployed religious police to enforce these laws.[5]

According to a Human Rights Watch researcher, the Hamas-controlled government of Gaza stepped up its efforts to "Islamize" Gaza in 2010,
efforts that included the "repression" of civil society and "severe violations of personal freedom."[6] Israeli journalist, Khaled Abu Toameh, wrote in 2009 that "Hamas is gradually turning the Gaza Strip into a Taliban-style Islamic entity".[7] According to Mkhaimar Abusada, a political science professor at Gaza's Al-Azhar University, "Ruling by itself, Hamas can stamp its ideas on everyone (...) Islamizing society has always been part of Hamas strategy."[8]

I approve your source.

No one should have religion forced upon them. All governments and states should be secular states and governed by secular laws that allow people to practice the religion of their choice.
Another reason Christians (who aren't antisemites) are throwing their lot in with Israel's humane and tolerant Jewish culture.


ICC/International Christian Concern
Hamas Cracks Down on Christians; Pushes Conversion to Islam « Persecution News

Hamas Cracks Down on Christians; Pushes Conversion to Islam

ICC Note: Christians living in the Gaza Strip live under the reality of ongoing Attacks on both Churches and Individuals. Living under the control of Hamas which considers Christians as Infidels, the situation is more Serious than you can imagine, Hazem Shanab said.
Hamas controls all churches and mosques implements their ideology in all sectors of life, even to rewriting textbooks to match their worldview.

11/25/2013 Gaza (MidEast Christian News) - Dr. Hazem Abu Shanab, a member of Fatah’s Revolutionary Council, told MCN that Hamas, in association with the Muslim Brotherhood, is controlling the Gaza Strip by force of arms, and is cracking down on Christians and restricting their freedom of worship. It is also trying to force them to abandon Christianity and Convert to Islam, he said.

Hamas has reacted Violently against Christians in issues related to this, said Shanab. He explained that there are ongoing attacks on churches and Christians in the Gaza Strip because Hamas considers Christians "infidels."
Islamic animals will be Islamic animals.
Philippians 1, the Apostle Paul counts his suffering for Christ as gain , a sharing in the suffering of Christ

But*whatever gain I had,*I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.*Indeed, I count everything as loss because of*the surpassing worth of*knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake Ihave suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ*and be found in him, not having*a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but*that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—*that I may know him and*the power of his resurrection, and*may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,*that by any means possible I may*attain the resurrection from the dead.


But if true, I expect real Christians are out there rejoicing and thanking God for this.

"As faithful Christians, we must learn to recognize the value of persecution and even to rejoice in it, not in an ostentatious way, but quietly and humbly because persecution has great spiritual value. First, persecution allows us to share in a unique fellowship with our Lord. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul outlined a number of things he surrendered for the cause of Christ. Such losses, however, he viewed as “rubbish” (Philippians 3:8), or “dung” (KJV), that he might share in the “fellowship of [Christ’s] sufferings” (Philippians 3:10). The noble apostle even counted his chains as a grace (favor) which God had bestowed upon him (Philippians 1:7)."

Read more:How should a Christian respond to persecution?

How should a Christian respond to persecution?
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I take a moment right now to thank God for all the persecution of Christians, we are told to expect it in this world, it glorifies God, it is a Blessing for Christians.

Thank you God, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I take a moment right now to thank God for all the persecution of Christians, we are told to expect it in this world, it glorifies God, it is a Blessing for Christians.

Thank you God, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

It certainly looks like this faux Christian woman would like to see all the Christians in the Muslim countries persecuted. She probably gets down on her prayer rug and prays for this. Naturally she would not get along with all those really good Christians who are based in these countries and are reporting what is going on.

The Last Christian in the Middle East?
The Last Christian in the Middle East? :: Gatestone Institute
I take a moment right now to thank God for all the persecution of Christians, we are told to expect it in this world, it glorifies God, it is a Blessing for Christians.

Thank you God, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

It certainly looks like this faux Christian woman would like to see all the Christians in the Muslim countries persecuted. She probably gets down on her prayer rug and prays for this. Naturally she would not get along with all those really good Christians who are based in these countries and are reporting what is going on.

The Last Christian in the Middle East?
The Last Christian in the Middle East? :: Gatestone Institute

She is here on this forum to suffer our slings and arrows at her posts so she can go to heaven????
I take a moment right now to thank God for all the persecution of Christians, we are told to expect it in this world, it glorifies God, it is a Blessing for Christians.

Thank you God, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

It certainly looks like this faux Christian woman would like to see all the Christians in the Muslim countries persecuted. She probably gets down on her prayer rug and prays for this. Naturally she would not get along with all those really good Christians who are based in these countries and are reporting what is going on.

The Last Christian in the Middle East?
The Last Christian in the Middle East? :: Gatestone Institute

She is here on this forum to suffer our slings and arrows at her posts so she can go to heaven????

I like the idea. Everytime I read one of her posts-----I GET A WEEK IN
PARADISE its like a DIVINE BANK ACCOUNT------I am racking up

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