Hamas Didn't Carry Our the Massacre --Israel Did

This is a really, REALLY, lazy way to argue.

This site is run by a member of the establishment, to TELL YOU, what you are allowed to think and bleev.

Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) is an American website founded in 2015 by Dave M. Van Zandt.[1] MBFC uses an explicit methodology to rate media outlets.[2] It considers four main categories and multiple subcategories in assessing the "Political bias" and "Factual Reporting" of each source.[3]

He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.[11]




Now. . . we can disagree over the nature of the attack, but I really don't believe, anyone serious, at this point, denies that Hamas has taken responsibility for attacking Israel.

you are wrong STAY INFORMED----there is lots more to come
P.S. You can’t have a discussion in good faith when you cite a source known for spreading antisemitic propaganda.
Have you ever presented factual counter evidence from a Hamas spokesmen where they denied attacking Israel?


It is one thing to attack a source. . but unless you have proof that the evidence and journalism presented in that source is wrong? You are just being told how to think.
Have you ever presented factual counter evidence from a Hamas spokesmen where they denied attacking Israel?


It is one thing to attack a source. . but unless you have proof that the evidence and journalism presented in that source is wrong? You are just being told how to think.
be patient

You marked my post showing Mondoweiss to be an antisemitic propaganda site “funny.” This was as rated by Media Bias.

Have you leftists descended so far into Jew-hate that you find sites that promote antisemitism to be “funny”? What’s next? Is it funny when the leftists yell out “Death to Jews”?
A friend came across a bunch of Arabs marching and screaming “Death to Jews!” about 20 miles outside DC, where lots of Muslims live. In the same area, a large swastika was spray painted on the high school exterior wall.

I guess our anti-racist liberals think this is funny, too.
Have you ever presented factual counter evidence from a Hamas spokesmen where they denied attacking Israel?


It is one thing to attack a source. . but unless you have proof that the evidence and journalism presented in that source is wrong? You are just being told how to think.
You’re the one laughing at an antisemitic propaganda site. Why are you reading antisemitic crap? Oh, right….you’re a leftist, taking the side of Muslim terrorists.

You marked my post showing Mondoweiss to be an antisemitic propaganda site “funny.” This was as rated by Media Bias.

Have you leftists descended so far into Jew-hate that you find sites that promote antisemitism to be “funny”? What’s next? Is it funny when the leftists yell out “Death to Jews”?
No, I just find it humorous that somebody with an agenda, has an opinion, and you think it is a fact.


Disagreeing with the policy of the ruling party in Israel. . . that isn't, "Jew Hate," no matter how much you wish to characterize it as such. And you then resorting to creating hypothetical straw-men arguments, b/c you are flailing with desperation? Sad.

If you are now, resorting to calling ME? A "leftist?" Wow, you sure a desperate. I can only imagine how bad you are triggered.



Palestinian resistance in Gaza launches unprecedented surprise attack on Israel

At around 6:30 a.m., Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza launched a surprise attack on Israel from land, sea, and air, as thousands of rockets have been launched into Israel and reportedly dozens of Israelis, including soldiers, have been killed and abducted by the resistance.

". . . At 7:50 a.m., the general commander of the Hamas military wing, Muhammed al-Deif, released a recorded statement declaring a “comprehensive war” across occupied Palestine.

“We announce the starting of the Operation of the ‘Flood of al-Aqsa.’ We also announce that the first attack that targeted the enemy’s locations and military fortifications and airports during the first 20 minutes exceeded 5,000 rockets and shells,” the statement said.

Al-Deif’s statement said the operation was a response to Israel’s treatment of Palestinian prisoners and the continued attacks and violations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, which have seen an increase in recent days as large numbers of Israeli settlers raided the compound during the Jewish holiday season.

“The occupation forces invade our towns in the West Bank every day, they storm people’s homes while they’re safe, they kill, wound, demolish, and detain Palestinians. Hundreds of Palestinians were killed and injured this year. At the same time, the occupation replaced our people and took their land by force to build settlements,” al-Deif said, adding that “the criminal Israeli siege is ongoing in Gaza.”

“Amid all the Israeli crimes and violations, and their violation of international laws, with the full support of the US and the Western countries accompanied by international silence, we have decided to put a halt to this state of affairs. The enemy must understand that the time of carrying out violations with impunity is over,” the statement said.

Shortly before 11 a.m. local time, the Israeli military announced it was launching Operation Iron Swords on Gaza. Within minutes, Israeli airstrikes began striking targets across the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported at least one Palestinian was killed and several others were wounded when an Israeli airstrike hit the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip.. . . "
I think you misunderstand. It's not me you need to convince, it's HAMAS who is saying Israel did it
A friend came across a bunch of Arabs marching and screaming “Death to Jews!” about 20 miles outside DC, where lots of Muslims live. In the same area, a large swastika was spray painted on the high school exterior wall.

I guess our anti-racist liberals think this is funny, too.
I don't believe you liar.
No, I just find it humorous that somebody with an agenda, has an opinion, and you think it is a fact.


Disagreeing with the policy of the ruling party in Israel. . . that isn't, "Jew Hate," no matter how much you wish to characterize it as such. And you then resorting to creating hypothetical straw-men arguments, b/c you are flailing with desperation? Sad.

If you are now, resorting to calling ME? A "leftist?" Wow, you sure a desperate. I can only imagine how bad you are triggered.


My “agenda”? My agenda is to call out antisemitism, including antisemitic websites, as a way of fighting back against the skyrocketing Jew-hate in this country.
I don't believe you liar.
Too bad. Your denial of the horrific antisemitism sweeping this country isn’t going to help it advance further and faster. Neither will your calling Jewish women “liars” who report on it.
Too bad. Your denial of the horrific antisemitism sweeping this country isn’t going to help it advance further and faster. Neither will your calling Jewish women “liars” who report on it.
Help what advance further and faster?

BTW, how does Israel led by the demonic rightwing Yahoo's bombing campaign on the Palestinian people help secure their missing hostages?
Help what advance further and faster?

BTW, how does Israel led by the demonic rightwing Yahoo's bombing campaign on the Palestinian people help secure their missing hostages?
Yup….always the Jews’ fault.

The reason we even have hostages is because the Muslim savages, after butchering and torturing 1500 innocent Jewish men, women, and children, grabbed them and kidnapped them.

You hypocritical leftists are so naive.
My “agenda”? My agenda is to call out antisemitism, including antisemitic websites, as a way of fighting back against the skyrocketing Jew-hate in this country.
That is a very laudable goal.

. . . and I do suppose, according to the definition given by the State dept., many of the articles, could, in fact meet that definition.

For instance, what in that article is based on, "antisemitism," and not opposition to Israeli national policy? Or. . . from their perspective?
Yup….always the Jews’ fault.

The reason we even have hostages is because the Muslim savages, after butchering and torturing 1500 innocent Jewish men, women, and children, grabbed them and kidnapped them.

You hypocritical leftists are so naive.
I ask again, how does that Israeli Yahoo's demonic bombing campaign against the Palestinian people helping in getting back their missing hostages?

Are you able to answer, or are you going to continue running from the question?
My “agenda”? My agenda is to call out antisemitism, including antisemitic websites, as a way of fighting back against the skyrocketing Jew-hate in this country.

What could be more antisemitic than making a Jewish state where the majority of the population is Arab speaking Muslims and Christians? How insane from conception.

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