Hamas lashes out at UNRWA educational curriculum

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- The refugees department at the Hamas movement has denounced UNRWA for imposing certain curricula on Palestinian children studying in its schools in the West Bank.

It charged in a statement on Tuesday that UNRWA had violated the principles upon which it was established, explaining that instead of aiding Palestinian refugees it was smearing history of the Palestine cause and acquitting the “Zionist enemy” of the crimes it committed and still is committing.

The statement said that UNRWA was feeding the schoolchildren wrong and misleading information in an attempt to make them forget about their cause and history and finally their right of return.

Palestinian children, according to UNRWA, should learn about the “Holocaust” and sympathize with the Jews and should not learn about their people’s Nakba and Zionist wars of annihilation waged against the Palestinian people that led to the occupation of Palestine and the displacement of millions of its people, Hamas said.

Hamas lashes out at UNRWA educational curriculum
ww.palestine-info.co.uk/en/default.aspx?xyz=U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MDI46m9rUxJEpMO%2bi1s7crRTHcHP6sDZgcEGveqU6%2fcIR9kgaNKsjZAtaNX89WBQxwHK64dDM%2fvbd%2fJlOIvrllzKOs4jRnxBbMIVh%2fsVPfvdkiqZn8jjoX4jUWHcfmA%3d]Hamas lashes out at UNRWA educational curriculum
The usual Despicable Tinhead Absurd Propaganda garbage link.
Here's a more Neutral view of the dispute:

Hamas–UNRWA Holocaust dispute

The Hamas–UNRWA Holocaust dispute erupted on 31 August 2009 following a perception in the Gaza Strip that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) planned to include a course on human rights that speaks about the Holocaust in the eighth-grade curriculum of preparatory schools it runs in the territory.

Militant Islamic movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, protested, calling the Holocaust "a lie made up by the Zionists" and demanding the removal of the offending content from the curriculum. Some officials of the United Nations agency initially responded by denying that it teaches the subject of the Holocaust in its schools or that it plans to teach it in its new curriculum.[1][2][3] This denial drew criticism from various goups and individuals..."

So there you have it. About the only Government in the world that's a Holocuast Denier. (maybe Iran too).
So you see how Tinhead, using a ridiculously biased link, Turns Institutional Holocaust Denial into a legitimate gripe.
Tinmore is an anti-Israel Spammer with ZERO credibility.
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It is child-abuse to teach children to believe in the Holocaust myth. :doubt:
PF and Sunni man, you realize that you are aiding in the image that we westerners have of Arabs being a swarm of dumbass "LALALAHLAHLAHLAHLAH!!! ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!! *rides bike into side of building*" types right?
PF and Sunni man, you realize that you are aiding in the image that we westerners have of Arabs being a swarm of dumbass "LALALAHLAHLAHLAHLAH!!! ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!! *rides bike into side of building*" types right?
I agree and was about to say so Myself.

Despite hating Sunni-Man's views I was truly sorry to see him banned from so many boards I was on. He was a one-man wrecking crew- unwittingly destroying liberals, apologists, and 'anti-cough-zionists'.

Even while liberal Westerners like alexa/tinhead are trying to Portray Islam as 'Christianity east', we have the abhorrent views of Real Muslim Sunni Man here to Suicide-Bomb any illusions.
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When I think of Sunni Man I think of this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARXMTm91rM0]YouTube - ‪Family Guy - Mentally Challenged Suicide Bombers‬‏[/ame]

sorry, its just the image I have.
I read recently about the school system in Israel, sort of a mirror of this article but from the other side. In this case, Hamas doesn't want the Holocaust in the curriculum or any Israeli point of view of history, while in Israel, schools don't want to teach about the Nakba or any Palestinian point of view of history. Read about a proposal from two Israeli university professors that sounded ideal: textbooks that teach children both points of view and leave blank pages so that they can write down their own thoughts on the matter. Obviously it was rejected. The last thing either side wants to do is have its children know the terrible secret that both sides are people, not unlike one another, of flesh and bone, with two legs and no feathers. It's much easier to demonize your enemy, if your end goal is to eliminate him - and that's what both of these sorry actors, Hamas and the Israeli right-wing, seem to want to do to each other.
I read recently about the school system in Israel, sort of a mirror of this article but from the other side. In this case, Hamas doesn't want the Holocaust in the curriculum or any Israeli point of view of history, while in Israel, schools don't want to teach about the Nakba or any Palestinian point of view of history. Read about a proposal from two Israeli university professors that sounded ideal: textbooks that teach children both points of view and leave blank pages so that they can write down their own thoughts on the matter. Obviously it was rejected. The last thing either side wants to do is have its children know the terrible secret that both sides are people, not unlike one another, of flesh and bone, with two legs and no feathers. It's much easier to demonize your enemy, if your end goal is to eliminate him - and that's what both of these sorry actors, Hamas and the Israeli right-wing, seem to want to do to each other.

The Holocaust is a fact of history to all but a few fringers, but Nabka, meaning catastrophe, is point of view about the founding of the state of Israel and the supposed consequences for some Arabs. Certainly, Israeli schools teach about the founding of the state and the fact that large numbers of Arabs left and they and their descendants are very angry about the whole matter. To try to teach any more than that in an authoritative manner would be to get into areas where it is impossible to sort fact from propaganda.

Hamas, on the other hand, is arguing that the fact of the Holocaust should not be taught to Arab children. While Israeli children are taught the facts concerning various events of significance to both Jews and Arabs and are then free to draw their own conclusions about what happened, Hamas is arguing that Arab children should be denied that opportunity. There is no moral equivalence here; this is about freedom vs. oppression.
The problem with teaching the holocaust to Palestinian children:

One, it is irrelevant.

Two , Israel uses it as an excuse to attack Palestine.
The problem with teaching the holocaust to Palestinian children:

One, it is irrelevant.

Two , Israel uses it as an excuse to attack Palestine.

Hey, don't you think if Israel wanted to they could just conquer Palestine and be done with it? They don't. Why? THEY ARE NOT THE AGGRESSORS! for shits sake, use logic.
The problem with teaching the holocaust to Palestinian children:

One, it is irrelevant.

Two , Israel uses it as an excuse to attack Palestine.

Hey, don't you think if Israel wanted to they could just conquer Palestine and be done with it? They don't. Why? THEY ARE NOT THE AGGRESSORS! for shits sake, use logic.

There are too many people watching now. Israel can no longer lie and get away with it like in 1947.
Israel would have taken all of Palestine except that Palestine's neighbors stepped in and stopped them. Then the UN passed a resolution ending the war.

That is why Israel has never won a war with Palestine.
That is why Israel has never won a war with Palestine.

Truly you are a moron of the 'nth degree PF.

for shits sake, use logic.

But that would end their agenda. :eek: :eusa_shhh:

There are too many people watching now. Israel can no longer lie and get away with it like in 1947.

Could have killed them all in 47. Didn't. 20% of Israel is "Them". You simply call for the death of Israel.

Look at all Muslim countries and you will see Muslims killing each other for the sake of being the ones to kill yet others! And you want a 58th Muslim country to continue the sickness?
The Palestinians never lost a war with Israel.

The Palestinians are not killing each other.
Palestinian security guards reportedly killed 14 Palestinians Monday in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria. According to witnesses, an angry crowd of mourners began to charge toward leaders of Palestinian factions, prompting their security guards to open fire.

Ma'an - Fourteen Palestinian refugees were reported killed and another 43 injured on Monday, a report from the Palestinian government's WAFA news said.

The victims were part of a massive group in Al-Yarmok, an unofficial Palestinian refugee camp in the Syrian capital of Damascus, mourning the death of between 10-23 Palestinians by Israeli fire on the Golan Heights ceasefire line the day before.

Angered over the failure of camp leaders to organize demonstrations marking the Naksa, the anniversary of Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights, an estimated 100,000 mourners were said to have attacked the headquarters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command.

More Palestinians giving love to their people.


Report: 14 Palestinians killed in Syria camp - News

Hamas gangs kill Fatah members in Gaza
DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- The refugees department at the Hamas movement has denounced UNRWA for imposing certain curricula on Palestinian children studying in its schools in the West Bank.

It charged in a statement on Tuesday that UNRWA had violated the principles upon which it was established, explaining that instead of aiding Palestinian refugees it was smearing history of the Palestine cause and acquitting the “Zionist enemy” of the crimes it committed and still is committing.

The statement said that UNRWA was feeding the schoolchildren wrong and misleading information in an attempt to make them forget about their cause and history and finally their right of return.

Palestinian children, according to UNRWA, should learn about the “Holocaust” and sympathize with the Jews and should not learn about their people’s Nakba and Zionist wars of annihilation waged against the Palestinian people that led to the occupation of Palestine and the displacement of millions of its people, Hamas said.

Hamas lashes out at UNRWA educational curriculum

what happened to tolerance?:eusa_whistle:
Hamas has murdered "dozens of Fatah members" in the Gaza Strip for merely violating the Hamas-imposed house arrest. According to the Palestinian daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida the atrocities, which also included shooting people in the legs, has created a backlash in the West Bank and caused "anger, which influenced the level of popular activities carried out in solidarity with the Gaza residents in the towns Ramallah and El-Bira."

In addition, the popular Palestinian singer, Jamal Najar, condemned Hamas as "gangs of anarchic security forces," describing how Hamas murdered his cousin right in front of his children for simply stepping outside. [PA TV (Fatah)]

The following are excerpts from the article in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida and the transcript of the words of Jamal Najar:

Headline: "Reports of persecutions and liquidation of Fatah members by Hamas members evoke anxiety and condemnation in the West Bank."

Reports mentioning liquidations of Fatah members in the Gaza Strip by members of Hamas evoked popular condemnation which was added yesterday to the erupting anger, which influenced the level of popular activities carried out in solidarity with the Gaza residents in the towns Ramallah and El-Bira.

The reports from Gaza pointed out the death of dozens of Fatah members caused by Hamas members. A prominent leader stated that isolated random incidents of murder have occurred, but ruled out that this is a case of organized persecution.

Wafa A-Najar, Gaza resident who lives in the town El-Bira, said that her father was killed the day before yesterday and nine of her family members were injured by shooting by Hamas, among them were three small children and two young people in critical condition...

According to the family's story, a squad belonging to Hamas came to her family's house in [the] Sheikh Radwan [neighborhood] in Gaza and shot at the legs of young Badran A-Najar, claiming that he was violating the house arrest which was imposed on him, at the time when he was sitting with his cousins in front of the house...

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