HAMAS launches murderous terror attack, Palestinians celebrate killing of Jew with candy, and liberal American media says nothing

Would the liberals be condemning Israel for an unprovoked killing such as this, and would Israelis celebrate the murder of a Muslim by handing out “celebration candy” to little Israeli children? Hardly. American liberals would be condemning Israel, but when HAMAS terrorists attack Jews…..radio silence. Happened this Sunday. Anyone hear of it, or is it just Jews….eh.

No, the death of one Israeli is not going to play here, when we are mourning a new school shooting on a weekly basis.
Betcha it would have been a big story if the Izzys had shot some Palis though.
Or maybe you and the OP and the author of the article live in an alternate reality.

Trash article in OP, trash thread. By liars, for liars.
Lisa558 How about this idea:

None of you heard about this because you read garbage outlets. I am not sure what universe the OP article author lives in, but this story was covered by AP and western news outlets. And 2 or 3 days later she writes this garbage heap op-ed claiming western media doesn't care...

Well, maybe she (the article author) and all of you have handicapped yourself with your bias. How can you know what "western media" is covering and not covering, if you refuse to observe any of it?

You can't. So your talking points and rants go stale. You sound like any apoplectic internet bulletin board goober from 1988.

"I refuse to read any of those liberal MSM sources, ever!"

"Why isn't anyone covering this event?"

They are.... I presented 5 examples. It's just that you folks have tuned out of "MSM" and have instead tuned into a new bubble of freaks and charlatans who don't give a shit about journalism. They don't have foreign offices, They don't create on-site journalism. They don't report on this event, because THEY don't give a shit about it. Then the same people write blogs claiming "nobody is covering this in the liberal MSM..." (clickbait)

Like the hot garbage article in the OP.
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To be fair, Israelis and Palestinians killing each other is sadly so common it’s hardly newsworthy to the rest of the world.
To be fair, Israelis and Palestinians killing each other is sadly so common it’s hardly newsworthy to the rest of the world.
And much less common, when they have been walled off. First incident since May.

It's as if they want Israel to just push them into the sea. I believe that. I think they are a suicidal population that thinks they will further the inevitable jihad by martyring themselves.

If Israel took down the walls tomorrow, there would instantly be a wave of attacks. This isn't a guess. The attackers say so.
And much less common, when they have been walled off. First incident since May.

It's as if they want Israel to just push them into the sea. I believe that. I think they are a suicidal population that thinks they will further the inevitable jihad by martyring themselves.

If Israel took down the walls tomorrow, there would instantly be a wave of attacks. This isn't a guess. The attackers say so.
It will never happen but probably the only real solution would be to relocate the Palestinians in Israel to Jordan or Egypt or something and reimburse those countries to take them in. Not fair to the Palestinians I guess, but kind of running out of options.
It will never happen but probably the only real solution would be to relocate the Palestinians in Israel to Jordan or Egypt or something and reimburse those countries to take them in. Not fair to the Palestinians I guess, but kind of running out of options.
Neither country wants them. And actually, the “Palestinians” are actually Jordanians anyway. They are living on land that used to be Jordan, before Jordan attacked Israel in 1967 in an effort to destroy the country, and lost thar land.
Would the liberals be condemning Israel for an unprovoked killing such as this, and would Israelis celebrate the murder of a Muslim by handing out “celebration candy” to little Israeli children? Hardly. American liberals would be condemning Israel, but when HAMAS terrorists attack Jews…..radio silence. Happened this Sunday. Anyone hear of it, or is it just Jews….eh.

Why arent you republicans going off your heads about it? You don't care so why should anyone.
Why arent you republicans going off your heads about it? You don't care so why should anyone.
The Republicans no longer bring up Israel , unless they can capitalize on a perceived slight to Isreal. Have you heard ANY of them wonk on national security or terrorism lately? Nope. Those days are gone. They are 100% focused on domestic issues. Shallow ones.
The Republicans no longer bring up Israel , unless they can capitalize on a perceived slight to Isreal. Have you heard AMY of them wonk on national security or terrorism lately? Nope. Those days are gone. They are 100% focused on domestic issues. Shlow ones.

Of course they say nothing you galoot.
They've been in bed with them for years.

I also notice no one cares about the approximately 100 top officials in Afghanistan were apparently rounded up and shot or detained and not a bleat of compassion from you guys. But during the exit you were crying tears of blood anticipating dire consequences.
Of course it was and it's not go finished yet.
Yup. Trump turned off the money pipeline from the Palestinians to HAMAS, and one of the first things Biden did to appease his antisemitic base was to turn the money back on. The Dems are supplying funds to HAMAS.

Thank G-d that the Squad‘s attempt to leave Israel defenseless against HAMAS rockets (by defunding the Iron Dome) failed.
Link or citation please.
Link or citation please.
I’m not surprised you didn’t know about this. At least initially. That’s because Biden quietly restored the money to the Palestinians (Trump Cut it off because HAMAS was using it for their terrorist activities) WITHOUT announcing it. He simply notified Congress after the fact.

He has been under the influence of antisemitic, anti-Israel SQUAD members from the start of his “administration.”

The point is that if an Israeli launched an attack on innocent Palestinians, killing one, and then handing out candy to children to celebrate, the media would have covered it. But since it doesn’t fit the leftist narrative….radio silence.
Ahhh that's a guess on your part.

Besides, the Israelis can wipe their tears with the BILLIONS we send them for being so put upon.

If I could collect all of these crocodile tears for Israel I could row to California.
Ahhh that's a guess on your part.

Besides, the Israelis can wipe their tears with the BILLIONS we send them for being so put upon.

If I could collect all of these crocodile tears for Israel I could row to California.
What’s a guess? That Israelis would not hand out candy to children to celebrate an unprovoked attack on a Muslim? It would never happen.

Israel-haters on both sides of the aisle, as you show, but still most of the hate comes from the Left.

Any complaints about the money we give to Arab countries? Or is your animus just against the one and only Jew country?

That Israelis would not hand out candy to children to celebrate an unprovoked attack on a Muslim?
I think all of you shitheads complaining about each other's evil deeds is like handing out speeding tickets at NASCAR.

Both sides are equally shitty.

It's not candy...but

I mean white phosphorous air blasts in civilian areas?

How SWEET is that?!

No side is pure.

Yet you will crrrryyyyy...."oh we are so put upon!!...innocence!...innocence!!"


Any complaints about the money we give to Arab countries? Or is your animus just against the one and only Jew country?
Well I would if ARAB countries were the topic of discussion.

However...have you ever examined some of the critical criteria for those Arab nations (Egypt, Jordan) receiving money?

Renouncement of anti-Israel policies, and the encouragement of, and insistence on working with Israel.

Particularly MOSSAD, and Unit 8200.

However, as I stated, Arab nations are not the topic here.
I think all of you shitheads complaining about each other's evil deeds is like handing out speeding tickets at NASCAR.

Both sides are equally shitty.

It's not candy...but

I mean white phosphorous air blasts in civilian areas?

How SWEET is that?!

No side is pure.

Yet you will crrrryyyyy...."oh we are so put upon!!...innocence!...innocence!!"

View attachment 571284

Well I would if ARAB countries were the topic of discussion.

However...have you ever examined some of the critical criteria for those Arab nations (Egypt, Jordan) receiving money?

Renouncement of anti-Israel policies, and the encouragement of, and insistence on working with Israel.

Particularly MOSSAD, and Unit 8200.

However, as I stated, Arab nations are not the topic here.
I’m not reading that article by Amnesty - they have been criticized for their bias in singling out the Jewish country and for defending Islamic terrorists. No wonder you think that there is a moral equivalency betweem Israelis and Palestinians who hand out candy to their kids when they kill Jews.

Amnesty International (AI) » ngomonitor

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