Hamas Leaves Israel No Choice

That's exactly right.

Even if one buys the myth that Abbas and the PA are "moderates," their inability to speak for the "Palestinian" people as a whole renders them irrelevant.
That too is true. If the PA were the elected government by the Palestinian people Israel would have to make all kinds of additional talks & concessions to the Palestinians regarding a Palestinian State including East Jerusalem & a return to the 67 borders. Thank goodness for Palestinian mentality in electing Hamas so Israel can forget about all that & concentrate on the security of their own citizens in their own country & making more worldly contributions to humanity.

That's exactly right.

Even if one buys the myth that Abbas and the PA are "moderates," their inability to speak for the "Palestinian" people as a whole renders them irrelevant.
Now Morsi has been replaced in Egypt. Bad news for Hamas. What a break for the Palestinians.
The Palestinians also spoke as to their desired intent regarding America on 9/11 when they danced in the streets and passed out candy. I will NEVER FORGET!
Well, some things never change. Palestinians will be Palestinians.

The Palestinians also spoke as to their desired intent regarding America on 9/11 when they danced in the streets and passed out candy. I will NEVER FORGET!
Well, some things never change. Palestinians will be Palestinians.

The Palestinians also spoke as to their desired intent regarding America on 9/11 when they danced in the streets and passed out candy. I will NEVER FORGET!

Yes they are. And the next time they play their silly little games, Israel should make war so terrible for them that it would be generations before they ever thought of firing another rocket or murder an Israeli child. Case in point...Japan and Germany. Peace out.
I totally agree. When all else has failed to establish peace such as Israel with their peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians, then let war achieve it.

If not for war, the USA would still be a British colony. If not for war, Hitler would have ruled the world. If not for war, Japan would not be our ally & trading partner. And if not for war, Jordan wouild not be living in peace from the Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Well, some things never change. Palestinians will be Palestinians.

The Palestinians also spoke as to their desired intent regarding America on 9/11 when they danced in the streets and passed out candy. I will NEVER FORGET!

Yes they are. And the next time they play their silly little games, Israel should make war so terrible for them that it would be generations before they ever thought of firing another rocket or murder an Israeli child. Case in point...Japan and Germany. Peace out.

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