Hamas offers Israel 10 conditions for a 10 year truce

Truce are made between people on different sides of a conflict all of the time, to deny it happens is a denial of reality.

As for truces, Jesus says blessed are the peacemakers. I believe Jesus.

You cant negotiate a one sided truce like this, what guarantees does Israel have that hamas wont break the "truce" at the earliest opportunity. What is needed is control measures that will place a heavy burden on the P.A. not to break the truce

She won't answer: Don"t expect her to . Everytime she posts she just exposes herself for the Hateful Hypocrite that she is. If Israel were stupid enough to do what Hamas wanted, they broke the truce and Israel retaliated she would still complain. :cuckoo: Consider the source. :evil:
If I was in control of Israel I would tell Hamas, unconditional surrender or die. And then I would kill them. Even if I had to bulldoze every building in Gaza.
Truce are made between people on different sides of a conflict all of the time, to deny it happens is a denial of reality.

As for truces, Jesus says blessed are the peacemakers. I believe Jesus.

You cant negotiate a one sided truce like this, what guarantees does Israel have that hamas wont break the "truce" at the earliest opportunity. What is needed is control measures that will place a heavy burden on the P.A. not to break the truce

She won't answer: Don"t expect her to . Everytime she posts she just exposes herself for the Hateful Hypocrite that she is. If Israel were stupid enough to do what Hamas wanted, they broke the truce and Israel retaliated she would still complain. :cuckoo: Consider the source. :evil:
You cannot expect that sort of logic from the insane.
Who gets the tunnels?

thanks pendent--------an excellent point for discussion. I hate to see WASTE----why should those
lovely tunnels go to waste? Israel could use them for all kinds of purposes----the issue is what to
do with the opening in Gaza? They could all be interconnected----I mean underground-----and in Israel ---a large anteroom kind of structure made-----as a large opened hole into which all of the
tunnels open on the Israeli side. The tunnels can be converted into a giant flea market. I hate waste.

another possibility would be to turn them into condominiums
One day, the strikes on Gaza will end and Hamas will rearm with more missiles. A ten year truce is the best first step for both sides. Israel must take that opportunity if they really want peace and a save environment.[/QUOTE]

it is people like you and statements like this that make peace impossible. Rearming hamas? That is why Israel is knocking out tunnels, terrorists and launchers right now. Hamas is not supposed to be armed or waging war on Israel. Where was hamas' truce of not firing on Israel for the last ten years???
10 year truce???? is there an historical precedent for -----time limited truces?------
seems to me like an agreement to enter into a 10 year marriage. What happens
when the lease is up?

A new generation of people with 10 years of peace can then make a peace agreement.
Those conditions are not to be negotiated any time soon.

Zionists lust for more blood of innocents is simply too irresistible !
That would be Islamists like Hamas, scum bucket.

Israel alone has killed over 600 in Gaza, showing her love of taking the lives of innocents.

Go visit social media, images of all Israel's killing of children and innocent civilians is there for all to see.

One day after an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire accepted by Israel, but rejected by Hamas, fell through, the terrorist organization proposed a 10-year end to hostilities in return for its conditions being met by Israel, Channel 2 reported Wednesday.
Report: Hamas proposes 10-year cease-fire in return for conditions being met | JPost | Israel News
Sometimes even the Hamas is able to do reasonable things. This are the conditions for a 10-year truce:

Withdrawal of Israeli tanks from the Gaza border.

Freeing all the prisoners that were arrested after the killing of the three youths.

Lifting the siege and opening the border crossings to commerce and people.

Establishing an international seaport and airport which would be under U.N. supervision.

Increasing the permitted fishing zone to 10 kilometers.

Internationalizing the Rafah Crossing and placing it under the supervision of the U.N. and some Arab nations

International forces on the borders.

Easing conditions for permits to pray at the Al Aqsa Mosque

Prohibition on Israeli interference in the reconciliation agreement.

Reestablishing an industrial zone and improvements in further economic development in the Gaza Strip.

Report: Hamas offers Israel 10 conditions for a 10 year truce | Mondoweiss
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That's fair and there's nothing wrong with those conditions.

Israel has no right to deny the Palestinian's basic human rights.
One day, the strikes on Gaza will end and Hamas will rearm with more missiles. A ten year truce is the best first step for both sides. Israel must take that opportunity if they really want peace and a save environment.

it is people like you and statements like this that make peace impossible. Rearming hamas? That is why Israel is knocking out tunnels, terrorists and launchers right now. Hamas is not supposed to be armed or waging war on Israel. Where was hamas' truce of not firing on Israel for the last ten years???[/QUOTE]

Occupation invites resistance, Israel is free to end her Occupation of Palestine at any time.
10 year truce???? is there an historical precedent for -----time limited truces?------
seems to me like an agreement to enter into a 10 year marriage. What happens
when the lease is up?

Then the Palestinians will have replenished their inventories of rockets and other arms with which to attack Israel and they will attack Israel again.
Those conditions are not to be negotiated any time soon.
Then those conditions should be forced down Israel's fucking throat and force Israel to abide by them with a UN peacekeeping force.

Only an inhuman piece of shit, would be against those conditions.
Then the Palestinians will have replenished their inventories of rockets and other arms with which to attack Israel and they will attack Israel again.
Hamas is responding to Israeli attacks.

The rocket attacks are always in response to an Israeli military strike.
Israel cannot make a truce with Hamas because there is no truce with the wicked. The wicked shall be destroyed.

Yep! :clap2:

The fate of Hamas .... and of those in Iran who provide arms to Hamas will be death.

They did it to themselves, Skye. The Arabs began digging this pit for the Jews back in 1948. They had every opportunity and turned down every opportunity the Israelis offered. Why were these arabs kept in limbo like refugees? Why are these arabs in Gaza the only people to ever in the history of the world be denied freedom to be received by another arab nation? What possible benefit could this be - even to the UN? There is no production coming out of Gaza - it is not an income producing society but one that has been continually dependent on handouts from the UN and other nations. These people were not identified as Palestinians until sometime after 1948 when it became clear they were not going to defeat the Israelis militarily. There are some stories including one from a man who worked in the State Department that the first mention of the name "Palestinian" coincided with Arafat's training in a Russian propaganda school called "Baleshinka". If the world would take the time to review the documentation on when the Arabs began using the name Palestinian they would find that never prior to Israel becoming a nation - did any Arab ever refer to themselves as a "Palestinian"!

Here is the truth:

The Palestinians are the Jews! Yet the Jews did not refer to themselves as Palestinians but as Jews! Therein giving the opportunity for this massive propaganda campaign to gain a foothold! Yet from the earliest days - even when Israel was for a time called Palestine - was occupied by Jews and this was common knowledge. Palestine meant Jews! Not arabs! So why have people taken to abandoning this fundamental truth and validating a lie by calling these Arabs, Palestinians? To confuse the world into believing this lie that they have been robbed. Israel is .06% of the middle east at this point of her giving away land upon land. The Arabs, persians / Egyptians / Turks / Islamic world owns the other 99.4% of the middlee east. Who got robbed again?


I do feel compassion for the arabs who have been held in Gaza as pawns in this warfare. Some call them political pawns. But how so? What political contribution have these arabs made since camping out in Gaza? What economic contributions, scientific inventions, profitable manufacturing has come out of Gaza or these Arab people who call themselves Palestinians and are not? They have contributed nothing.

Then for what reason would these men, women and children be held in this situation since 1948? There can be only one reason! The religious one. Islam. Which needs to be in an uproar over something or else how does Islam go forth in its goal of World domination? Of fulfilling their book in which Israel does not exist nor Jews in Israel. The very presence of Israel makes their book an unfulfilled prophecy to this very day.

Consider this: The conditions by which they are being held by their own arab brethren and today namely Hamas is purely for stoking the fires of Islamic hatred throughout the world. There is no other reason to keep them there but to keep up the lie that they are oppressed by something other than the religious leaders and to the religion itself to which they adhere. Meanwhile the world stands by and shakes their head "thinking" that because these Arabs are being called Palestinians they have somehow been robbed!

They have been robbed alright. They have been robbed of a normal life for the sake of a religious agenda which has cost them the lives of their children, husbands and wives. They have been robbed of an opportunity to join the human race, to get an education and make something of their lives, to produce a future and have something successful to enjoy and pass on to their children. They have been robbed of the freedom to choose to leave this religion which has been the very source of their misery, to leave their own homes and to return back to their arab homelands where they came from. That is a shame. But that is not the fault of the Israelis. That is their own fault for not uniting and saying, Not in our name. We have had enough. We want the same freedom to leave this place and move to another country to have a free life that any other people in such a situation would be offered. Hamas will no longer use our homes as launching pads for rockets, no longer use our children for shields and sand bags, no longer use us as their religious pawns to stoke the fires of hatred. Because we are leaving! Let them see how long they will last without using us as their scapegoat!!

Why won't they do this?

Because now that a generation has passed, the hatred they themselves were indoctrinated into has been passed down to their own children and this hatred is now so ingrained within the culture of their society ( I use that term loosely ) it cannot happen. It is what holds them there like iron bars to a prison. The key is on the inside within their reach yet they refuse to use it. The pit they have dug for the Israelis is the very one they have fallen into.

Let us put the blame where it belongs. With the Arabs.

The End.
Those conditions are not to be negotiated any time soon.
Then those conditions should be forced down Israel's fucking throat and force Israel to abide by them with a UN peacekeeping force.

Only an inhuman piece of shit, would be against those conditions.

I very much doubt that this poster has any understanding of the nature or implications of all of those 'conditions' - and yet 'he' feels free to proclaim that they should be forced upon Israel. And presumes to claim anyone not agreeing with 'his' POV is 'an inhuman piece of shit'.

I'm underwhelmed with the knowledge and reasonable nature of that 'position'........ it reeks of stale hatred to me.
Jesus also said to love the enemy.

Don't go there!

You are not the kind of person to be quoting Christ.

Oh, and why not? It was a very Jewish thing to have said ('Love your enemy'). In fact one of the most famous midrashim is about exactly that - the necessity of acknowledging the loss of life even of those who tried to kill us. It's part of the Seder.....

Here's a sermon which discusses that midrash among other aspects of the Exodus:
Jesus also said to love the enemy.

Don't go there!

You are not the kind of person to be quoting Christ.

She is a Jew. She is the brethren of Jesus Christ. If she is not the kind of person who can quote Christ who among us can quote Him?

This is not a contest. Let us just admit, Bill, that the history of the Jews is one of being persecuted - not being the ones to persecute others. The history of Islamic persecution of Jews is legendary from one nation to another throughout the middle east and going all the way back to the time of Medina where 900 Jews were beheaded for refusing to bow down. It was the Jews being persecuted. Again and again and again. In Europe they went like lambs to the slaughter. Persecuted again and again.

How did this sudden switch in their personality take place? I find they would debate something to death before deciding to take action! Who else drops leaflets from the skies and warns the enemy in advance to vacate the area?

When have the Arabs who live in Gaza launching rockets into Israel ever done such a thing for the civilians of Israel and how can you defend them knowing this? I do not understand how you have come to your own conclusions, Bill, but I suspect it is not examination of the truth that drives you but rather your having been misinformed in the matter by unreliable people.

I can only hope you will in future days get the truth of what happened. In the meantime, please consider that while the Jews were in Europe, Europe flourished and all nations prospered therein. Today the Jews have all but abandoned Europe and look at it. Look at France! That alone tells you what happens when the Jews leave. In America the Jews have been a tremendous blessing to our culture. Here on this board their presence has blessed this board whether it is acknowledged or not is another matter but you will surely find that wherever they have been society has been enhanced and those who have been fair to them and treated them well have found themselves blessed for doing so. Those who have not have found things did not go so well for them. Something to consider.

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