Hamas Orders Civilians to Die in Israeli Airstrikes


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Hamas loves dead civilians it's good for propaganda purposes..

Order comes down to ignore warnings from Israel, stay inside

Hamas’ Interior Ministry has ordered residents of the Gaza Strip to remain in their houses if they are about to be bombed by the Israelis, a move that effectively turns citizens into human shields and is intentionally meant to boost the casualty rate, according to a copy of the order published by Hamas.

Israel warns Gaza residents of air strikes before they take place so innocent civilians have time to flee and seek shelter.

The latest Hamas order that citizens ignore Israel’s warnings and stay put is a clear effort by the terror group to increase the death count and apply pressure on Israel to cease its military campaign meant to end Hamas’s attacks.

Hamas Orders Civilians to Die in Israeli Airstrikes | Washington Free Beacon
I would like to take this opportunity to state------for the health and safety
of Gazan children-----just take a walk over there----toward the west is
MUSLIM EGYPT----access is easy----there are nice safe tunnels all over gaza
It appears Israel cares more for Palestinian lives than Hamas.
Hamas are losing, so they want the Gazans to be killed whilst being human shields, in order for an imposed ceasefire. Thankfully we all know Hamas's game because of what we see on the internet and on Palestinian media.
Hamas loves dead civilians it's good for propaganda purposes..

Order comes down to ignore warnings from Israel, stay inside

Hamas’ Interior Ministry has ordered residents of the Gaza Strip to remain in their houses if they are about to be bombed by the Israelis, a move that effectively turns citizens into human shields and is intentionally meant to boost the casualty rate, according to a copy of the order published by Hamas.

Israel warns Gaza residents of air strikes before they take place so innocent civilians have time to flee and seek shelter.

The latest Hamas order that citizens ignore Israel’s warnings and stay put is a clear effort by the terror group to increase the death count and apply pressure on Israel to cease its military campaign meant to end Hamas’s attacks.

Hamas Orders Civilians to Die in Israeli Airstrikes | Washington Free Beacon

Sick, disgusting and perverted.
Jroc, et al,

This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Hamas loves dead civilians it's good for propaganda purposes..

Order comes down to ignore warnings from Israel, stay inside

Hamas’ Interior Ministry has ordered residents of the Gaza Strip to remain in their houses if they are about to be bombed by the Israelis, a move that effectively turns citizens into human shields and is intentionally meant to boost the casualty rate, according to a copy of the order published by Hamas.

Israel warns Gaza residents of air strikes before they take place so innocent civilians have time to flee and seek shelter.

The latest Hamas order that citizens ignore Israel’s warnings and stay put is a clear effort by the terror group to increase the death count and apply pressure on Israel to cease its military campaign meant to end Hamas’s attacks.

Hamas Orders Civilians to Die in Israeli Airstrikes | Washington Free Beacon

What in the world are they thinking?

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, who said they're thinking? Rational thought and logic rarely play a role in the thought process and decision making of Palestinian leadership. Otherwise they would have stopped their thirst for Jewish blood and the destruction of Israel, and made peace a long time ago, just like the Jordanians and Egyptians did.
Jroc, et al,This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Hamas loves dead civilians it's good for propaganda purposes..
Order comes down to ignore warnings from Israel, stay inside
Hamas’ Interior Ministry has ordered residents of the Gaza Strip to remain in their houses if they are about to be bombed by the Israelis, a move that effectively turns citizens into human shields and is intentionally meant to boost the casualty rate, according to a copy of the order published by Hamas.
Israel warns Gaza residents of air strikes before they take place so innocent civilians have time to flee and seek shelter.
The latest Hamas order that citizens ignore Israel’s warnings and stay put is a clear effort by the terror group to increase the death count and apply pressure on Israel to cease its military campaign meant to end Hamas’s attacks.
Hamas Orders Civilians to Die in Israeli Airstrikes | Washington Free Beacon
What in the world are they thinking?
Most Respectfully,
Well, me have known that for eons. Funny, a "diversity training" doesn't cover that.
How very noble of Israel. To let those Innocent folks know their home is about to be destroyed and they are to be displaced. Those Hamas terrorists just want to increase the body count.

How very noble of Israel. To let those Innocent folks know their home is about to be destroyed and they are to be displaced. :lmao:
That's a war crime.

You cannot target civilian infrastructure.

It doesn't matter how many warnings you give, you can only target military objectives.

Being a member of Hamas, does not automatically make them a military target.
That's a war crime. You cannot target civilian infrastructure. It doesn't matter how many warnings you give, you can only target military objectives. Being a member of Hamas, does not automatically make them a military target.
How very noble of Israel. To let those Innocent folks know their home is about to be destroyed and they are to be displaced. :lmao:
That's a war crime.

You cannot target civilian infrastructure.

It doesn't matter how many warnings you give, you can only target military objectives.

Being a member of Hamas, does not automatically make them a military target.

Stop the rockets the bombing stops.
Billo_Really, TakeAStepBack, et al,

Oh, this is so much crap.

How very noble of Israel. To let those Innocent folks know their home is about to be destroyed and they are to be displaced. :lmao:
That's a war crime.

You cannot target civilian infrastructure.

It doesn't matter how many warnings you give, you can only target military objectives.

Being a member of Hamas, does not automatically make them a military target.


The laws of land warfare and armed conflict do not prohibit either civilian casualties or collateral damage. Warfare and conflict, by its very nature, involves the use of deadly force. The concept and purpose behind behind the laws of land warfare and armed conflict are not to create proportionality, establish a parity between the belligerent parties, or to assess violations of law. The concept and purpose of the laws are to minimize civilian casualties by creating a framework in which the each parties to the conflict all feasible precautions to minimize civilian losses.

Violations (as in the claim made above) of the laws of war are not measured in the number of civilian casualties, but whether each side is taking all feasible precautions to minimize civilian loss. When the IDF sends out notices to the civilian population, that is a "feasible precautions to minimize civilian losses." When HAMAS sends out notices to ignore the IDF warnings, that is NOT a "feasible precautions to minimize civilian losses."​


There are certain aspects which the Palestinians seem to think, make a difference in the discussion over the moral high ground or the legality of what they do. The disparities in between the IDF and HAMAS in terms of military capability, the projection of combat power, or the ability to engage in conflict, by whatever measure you use to establish a standard, are irrelevant to the Laws of Land Warfare and Armed Conflict. The fact that HAMAS, in comparison to the IDF, uses unsophisticated weapons does not justify failure to respect the laws of war, nor does an adversary’s use of sophisticated weapons provide a pass to its opponents to ignore those laws. The fact that the Israelis have a decisive military advantage in logistics, equipment and position, does not have a bearing on the applicability of Laws of Land Warfare and Armed Conflict.​


It is despicable to imply that the IDF purposely targets the civilian population or the surrounding infrastructure. The warning issued by the IDF are indicating that they are about to engage hostile Command and Control aspects, significant logistics activities, or activities directly involved in the projecting hostile fires (missile, rocket and mortar launch sites as an example). Article 52 of Protocol I states that: "In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage."

The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield, favour or impede military operations. The Parties to the conflict shall not direct the movement of the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations.

SOURCE: Paragraph 7, Article 51 — Protection of the civilian population Page 38, ICRC

This is something that the Palestinians are constantly violating. They use the civilian population for cover and concealment, then when the IDF respond, they use the resulting civilian casualties as a media event.

Most Respectfully,

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