Biden’s Bomb ‘Pause’ Will Cause Israeli Soldiers to Die in Booby-trapped Buildings

Nothing but bullshit from you ever. I don't think you have ever posted an honest word. Biden called for an immediate ceasefire and that would leave Hamas in power, and although he and Blinken said there were other ways of defeating Hamas than taking Rafah, no one in the administration has ever said what they were. Before the Michigan Muslims refused to vote for him, he was 100% in agreement with Israel that Hamas had to be defeated, and now he wants an immediate ceasefire with no specific plans for defeating Hamas in any other way.

In case there is any small part of you that may have an honest interest in the situation, Biden's worst nightmare, is that after the defeat of Hamas, there is no rational alternative to Israel taking complete control of Gaza, and if that happens during the election, it will split the Democratic Party and cost him key battleground states like Michigan and Minnesota and perhaps the election. Everything the Biden administration has said and done since the Michigan Muslims refused to vote for him in the primary has been to avoid this outcome, which is exactly the outcome he supported before the Michigan primary.
You are just regurgitating your same old BDS talking points and completely ignoring actual policy statements. You don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to honesty.

Biden and many others want to avoid a bloodbath in Rafah. Israel has yet to demonstrate it has credible plan to prevent this. There are rational plans for the future of Gaza but they are contingent on some real move towards establisjhing a state.

How is an endless occupation rational or even beneficial for the Israelis other than the far right religious extremists? It certainly isn’t for the Palestinians and it will do nothing to create conditions down the road for peace.
Nothing but bullshit from you ever. I don't think you have ever posted an honest word. Biden called for an immediate ceasefire and that would leave Hamas in power, and although he and Blinken said there were other ways of defeating Hamas than taking Rafah, no one in the administration has ever said what they were. Before the Michigan Muslims refused to vote for him, he was 100% in agreement with Israel that Hamas had to be defeated, and now he wants an immediate ceasefire with no specific plans for defeating Hamas in any other way.

In case there is any small part of you that may have an honest interest in the situation, Biden's worst nightmare, is that after the defeat of Hamas, there is no rational alternative to Israel taking complete control of Gaza, and if that happens during the election, it will split the Democratic Party and cost him key battleground states like Michigan and Minnesota and perhaps the election. Everything the Biden administration has said and done since the Michigan Muslims refused to vote for him in the primary has been to avoid this outcome, which is exactly the outcome he supported before the Michigan primary.
stop your nonsense now and stop the personal attacks, homer

bottom line: cease fire, hostages home, Hamas deweaponized
You are just regurgitating your same old BDS talking points and completely ignoring actual policy statements. You don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to honesty.

Biden and many others want to avoid a bloodbath in Rafah. Israel has yet to demonstrate it has credible plan to prevent this. There are rational plans for the future of Gaza but they are contingent on some real move towards establisjhing a state.

How is an endless occupation rational or even beneficial for the Israelis other than the far right religious extremists? It certainly isn’t for the Palestinians and it will do nothing to create conditions down the road for peace.
You continue to make a fool of yourself. Nobody wants a bloodbath in Rafah. Israel has already evacuated 1,000,000 people from Rafah and as the IDF moves deeper into Rafah there are no signs that there will be a bloodbath, so it makes no sense to say Israel has no credible plan.

US indicates initial satisfaction with changes to Israeli military plans for Rafah​

Israel has been updating its plans for a military offensive in Rafah in a manner that has been initially satisfactory to the US, a senior Biden administration official said Tuesday.

“It’s fair to say that the Israelis have updated their plans. They’ve incorporated many of the concerns that we have expressed,” the official said, while stopping short of fully green-lighting the IDF offensive during a briefing with reporters.

The US has for months come out against a major military offensive in Rafah, warning that there was no way to pull one off in a manner that accounted for the nearly 1.5 million Palestinians sheltering there.

But earlier this month, Israel launched targeted operations in the eastern neighborhoods of Rafah and at the city’s border crossing — activity that the US says has not crossed its red line for what would warrant a withholding of weapons transfers.

Of course the administration is still lying. Israel did not change its plans to please the US. Israel proved that its plans were always credible and now a shamefaced Biden administration is trying not to be caught in another lie.

The administration babbles about other ways to defeat Hamas but has been unable to tell anyone what those other ways are, and that's because there are no other ways.

An Israeli occupation of Gaza is inevitable because no other country will risk its soldiers' lives to stabilize Gaza and prevent the terrorists from reorganizing after the war.
You continue to make a fool of yourself. Nobody wants a bloodbath in Rafah. Israel has already evacuated 1,000,000 people from Rafah and as the IDF moves deeper into Rafah there are no signs that there will be a bloodbath, so it makes no sense to say Israel has no credible plan.

US indicates initial satisfaction with changes to Israeli military plans for Rafah​

Israel has been updating its plans for a military offensive in Rafah in a manner that has been initially satisfactory to the US, a senior Biden administration official said Tuesday.

“It’s fair to say that the Israelis have updated their plans. They’ve incorporated many of the concerns that we have expressed,” the official said, while stopping short of fully green-lighting the IDF offensive during a briefing with reporters.

The US has for months come out against a major military offensive in Rafah, warning that there was no way to pull one off in a manner that accounted for the nearly 1.5 million Palestinians sheltering there.

But earlier this month, Israel launched targeted operations in the eastern neighborhoods of Rafah and at the city’s border crossing — activity that the US says has not crossed its red line for what would warrant a withholding of weapons transfers.

Of course the administration is still lying. Israel did not change its plans to please the US. Israel proved that its plans were always credible and now a shamefaced Biden administration is trying not to be caught in another lie.

The administration babbles about other ways to defeat Hamas but has been unable to tell anyone what those other ways are, and that's because there are no other ways.

An Israeli occupation of Gaza is inevitable because no other country will risk its soldiers' lives to stabilize Gaza and prevent the terrorists from reorganizing after the war.
Blah blah blah. You lied about Biden. You lied about policy as shown by the actual briefings by the State Department. Israel had no credible plans for the logistics moving, sheltering, feeding hundreds of thousands of people until pushed by allies. It certainly didn't present such and if it always had credible plans, there wouldn't have been such strong criticism and a push to provide some coming from coming closest allies. Israel would have provided early on if only to to shut off the criticism from allies. Instead of ranting about Biden maybe you should be ranting about more than12 years of bad policy from Netanyahu and a far right right government that is now considered the most extreme Israel has ever had and helped set for what we are seeing now.

What is next fromt his incompetent government that is now openly refusing to stop settler violence or prevent the destruction of humanitarian aid meant for the Gaza by religious extremists. Is the West going to blow now?

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How about a bomb pause for Ukraine?

Is there any place for civilians to go to avoid bombings?
What is the humanitarian situation throughout the country?
Is aid able to get in?
Are hostages being held?
Blah blah blah. You lied about Biden. You lied about policy as shown by the actual briefings by the State Department. Israel had no credible plans for the logistics moving, sheltering, feeding hundreds of thousands of people until pushed by allies. It certainly didn't present such and if it always had credible plans, there wouldn't have been such strong criticism and a push to provide them from coming Israel's closest allies. Israel would have provided early on if only to to shut off the criticism from allies. Instead of ranting about Biden maybe you should be ranting about more than12 years of bad policy from Netanyahu and a far right right government that is now considered the most extreme Israel has ever had and helped set for what we are seeing now.

What is next fromt his incompetent government that is now openly refusing to stop settler violence or prevent the destruction of humanitarian aid meant for the Gaza by religious extremists. Is the West going to blow now?

You continue to tell these lies about Israel to try to disguise your raving antisemitism as criticism of Israel, but the facts are clear that before the Michigan Muslims refused to vote for Biden in the primary, the Biden administration lauded the way Israel was conducting the war in Gaza and now in the hope of winning back those Muslim votes, Biden has become Israel's harshest critic, however, even as Biden tries to define Israel as evil, his State Dept. was recently forced to admit it had no evidence of any violation of international law in Gaza by the IDF.

The war is proceeding in the only logical way it can, to defeat Hamas, and then stabilize Gaza under Israeli security control and regardless of Biden's lies about "other ways" of defeating Hamas, taking Rafah and controlling the border with Sinai is the only way it can be done. If you were a thinking person instead of just a raving antisemite there is no other force but Israel that can stabilize Gaza after the intense fighting is over, and without stability, Gaza will not be able to recover from the war.

As for the West Bank, it is a model of peace and tranquility compared to what the Palestinians did to Gaza after the IDF withdrew in 2005, and if the Palestinians in Gaza are lucky Israel will be able to restore this state of relative tranquility to Gaza. While Biden babbles on about "settler violence" there is a constant stream of Palestinian terrorists from the West Bank trying to kill random Jews, and the while the PA complains it can't pay full salaries, it spends $300,000,000 annually to encourage Palestinians to kill Jews, the IDF and Shin Bet regularly find weapons caches and bomb factories among the West Bank Palestinians, so by comparison settler violence is only a pale shadow of Palestinian violence in the West Bank.

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You continue to tell these lies about Israel to try to disguise your raving antisemitism as criticism of Israel, but the facts are clear that before the Michigan Muslims refused to vote for Biden in the primary, the Biden administration lauded the way Israel was conducting the war in Gaza and now in the hope of winning back those Muslim votes, Biden has become Israel's harshest critic, however, even as Biden tries to define Israel as evil, his State Dept. was recently forced to admit it had no evidence of any violation of international law in Gaza by the IDF.

The war is proceeding in the only logical way it can, to defeat Hamas, and then stabilize Gaza under Israeli security control and regardless of Biden's lies about "other ways" of defeating Hamas, taking Rafah and controlling the border with Sinai is the only way it can be done. If you were a thinking person instead of just a raving antisemite there is no other force but Israel that can stabilize Gaza after the intense fighting is over, and without stability, Gaza will not be able to recover from the war.

As for the West Bank, it is a model of peace and tranquility compared to what the Palestinians did to Gaza after the IDF withdrew in 2005, and if the Palestinians in Gaza are lucky Israel will be able to restore this state of relative tranquility to Gaza. While Biden babbles on about "settler violence" there is a constant stream of Palestinian terrorists from the West Bank trying to kill random Jews, and the while the PA complains it can't pay full salaries, it spends $300,000,000 annually to encourage Palestinians to kill Jews, the IDF and Shin Bet regularly find weapons caches and bomb factories among the West Bank Palestinians, so by comparison settler violence is only a pale shadow of Palestinian violence in the West Bank.
So, are you fine with the unrestricted lawlessness and violence by settler extremists targeting Palestinian villages? A simple yes or no will do.

Are you ok with settler extremist groups attacking aid trucks and destroying it before it even leaves Israel? Yes or no.
So, are you fine with the unrestricted lawlessness and violence by settler extremists targeting Palestinian villages? A simple yes or no will do.

Are you ok with settler extremist groups attacking aid trucks and destroying it before it even leaves Israel? Yes or no.
Because you are a raving antisemite, you characterize instances of violence by some Israelis in the West Bank as "
unrestricted lawlessness and violence by settler extremists targeting Palestinian villages?" while you wink at widespread violence by Palestinians against Jews, sponsored by the PA, with the aim of ethnically cleansing Jews from the West Bank.

The attacks on aid trucks are counterproductive acts, but I can certainly understand their rage when the same countries who are sending aid to the Palestinians who so strongly support the rape, torture and murder of Jews and who deny the basics like medicine to the Israeli hostages barely acknowledge the continuing atrocities against innocent Israelis hostages.
Because you are a raving antisemite, you characterize instances of violence by some Israelis in the West Bank as "
unrestricted lawlessness and violence by settler extremists targeting Palestinian villages?" while you wink at widespread violence by Palestinians against Jews, sponsored by the PA, with the aim of ethnically cleansing Jews from the West Bank.

A simple yes or no is all that is needed instead of flailing and chucking mud to see if anything sticks.

So you support settlers attacking Palestinian villagers. Does that mean you support Palestinians attacking settlers in self defense? Is Israel is no longer a nation of laws but vigilante violence?

The attacks on aid trucks are counterproductive acts, but I can certainly understand their rage when the same countries who are sending aid to the Palestinians who so strongly support the rape, torture and murder of Jews and who deny the basics like medicine to the Israeli hostages barely acknowledge the continuing atrocities against innocent Israelis hostages.
People are starving. Children who had no part of this are have horrible wounds treated without anesthetic or antibiotics. Anyone who thinks that is ok is no better than the people denying food or medicine to the hostages.
No difference.
Oh? You refused to answer any of the questions, which indicate the reasons why a pause is being asked for. Do those situations exist in Ukraine or are you just throwing it out there because you feel everyone is picking on Israel?
Oh? You refused to answer any of the questions, which indicate the reasons why a pause is being asked for. Do those situations exist in Ukraine or are you just throwing it out there because you feel everyone is picking on Israel?
Ukraine is a fascist country.
A simple yes or no is all that is needed instead of flailing and chucking mud to see if anything sticks.

So you support settlers attacking Palestinian villagers. Does that mean you support Palestinians attacking settlers in self defense? Is Israel is no longer a nation of laws but vigilante violence?

People are starving. Children who had no part of this are have horrible wounds treated without anesthetic or antibiotics. Anyone who thinks that is ok is no better than the people denying food or medicine to the hostages.
For a simple minded bigot like yourself, yes or no answers are all you can handle, but I said the actions were counterproductive, so if you were capable of rational thought, you would have understood I oppose them, but I can certainly understand their rage.

Palestinians shooting, stabbing car ramming random Jews seems like self defense only to a rabid antisemite like yourself. "Settler violence" is about particular land disputes, but Palestinian violence against random Jews is the product of the same kind of bigotry that possesses your mind and soul.

We have been hearing about the starving Palestinians for nearly seven months and yet there is no evidence of starvation. There is widespread food insecurity but no starvation.
For a simple minded bigot like yourself, yes or no answers are all you can handle, but I said the actions were counterproductive, so if you were capable of rational thought, you would have understood I oppose them, but I can certainly understand their rage.
No. You obfuscate so much, it is the only way to get a straight answer from you.

Palestinians shooting, stabbing car ramming random Jews seems like self defense only to a rabid antisemite like yourself. "Settler violence" is about particular land disputes, but Palestinian violence against random Jews is the product of the same kind of bigotry that possesses your mind and soul.

In other words you are full excuses for settler violence against Palestinian villagers because some other Palestinian somewhere commited an act of terrorism. That actually kind of echos those who justify Palestinian violence against Israelis.

Pretty much the entire IP conflict is one giant land dispute. The settlers themselves are religious extremists who feel God gave them and them alone this land. Granted, they represent a minority in Israel but one with outsized power in this government.

We have been hearing about the starving Palestinians for nearly seven months and yet there is no evidence of starvation. There is widespread food insecurity but no starvation.

Aid workers and medical workers have reported it. Since they work directly with the people I tend to believe their report over you.
BDS means boycott, divestment and sanctions of Israel, so how stupid do you have to be to accuse me of BDS?
BDS is an acronym for multiple things. Biden Derangement Syndrome. What else do you think it would when we are referencing Biden?

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