Hamas terrorists raped and mutilated Israeli women and girls. Where are #MeToo warriors?

Most on the left don't view Jews as human beings. Act accordingly.
Perhaps the Jews will finally wake up and stop voting for Democrats.

Also they may be learning how valuable the right to own firearms is. reports are that Jews in our nation are arming themselves.

It has never been a straight up "FAIR FIGHT"----for the past 14 centuries. Israel is
subject to a COORDINATED ATTACK----south, north and west from three armies
extensively armed by Iran. You are either unconscious or a friggen islamo-nazi
propagandist like franklin.
Israel has super modern weaponry and the backing of the United States. I don't think they are actually at risk of being overrun by anybody. The best people can manage is these terrorist strikes where they do a bunch of bad stuff and piss everybody off.
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Perhaps the Jews will finally wake up and stop voting for Democrats.

Also they may be learning how valuable the right to own firearms is. reports are that Jews in our nation are arming themselves.

well----I CONFESS----the very first time that I DID NOT vote democrat was when
Kerry ran for office------I, CERTAINLY DID NOT VOTE THE ELEPHANT---i abstained.
I have since reformed
Perhaps the Jews will finally wake up and stop voting for Democrats.

Also they may be learning how valuable the right to own firearms is. reports are that Jews in our nation are arming themselves.

There's a huge exodus of Jewish voters from the DemoKKKrat party happening right now.
You won't find them chiming in because the metoo thing isn't the current trend anymore. It doesn't get you attention, views, likes or any of that.

And like any social trend in this day and age, if you can't get attention for yourself on something then it isn't worth bringing up. It's only worth saying if you can make it about yourself.

Pretty much everyone dumped Ukraine once the whole Israel thing happened, and Israel and Jews will only be a trend till people get bored of it or something new comes along.
Israel has super modern weaponry and the backing of the United States. I don't think they are actually at risk of being overrun by anybody. The best people can manage is these terrorist strikes were they do a bunch of bad stuff and piss everybody off.
Fighting numbers poor .
Reservist resources very poor .
Liquidity , poor
Totally outnumbered by outside Freedom Fighters and Turkey woul run them into the desert within days .

Apart from that , just fine
You won't find them chiming in because the metoo thing isn't the current trend anymore. It doesn't get you attention, views, likes or any of that.

And like any social trend in this day and age, if you can't get attention for yourself on something then it isn't worth bringing up. It's only worth saying if you can make it about yourself.
MeToo was another TDS folly
Israel has super modern weaponry and the backing of the United States. I don't think they are actually at risk of being overrun by anybody. The best people can manage is these terrorist strikes were they do a bunch of bad stuff and piss everybody off.
give it time-----IRAN IS WORKING FAST AND FURIOUS on it. Sad to say---Iranians
are very smart. The rest of the muzzies are delighted in joining their WAR OF ATTRITION---
which is just as historic a muzzie tool as is rampant rape----the other tool is starvation
siege. Ever hear of ZOROASTRIANISM?
Rather, why not document that Israel's Zionist Fascism has lied about this issue before, right before it deliberately attacked and murdered ship and crew USS Liberty as you and other Zionist Fascist traitors here cheered...

that the Israelis—contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms’s tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel’s move.11
try again----I was in the navy back then and aware of LOTS AND LOTS of maritime
accidents -----never cheered by THEM. ------in all cases somebody's head rolled----
often the captain. AS to 1967----I watched CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST ---from
beginning to end----to wit---the UN proceedings and interviews with the players---
"first shot" is not even an issue-----NASSER DID IT to the cheers of every BAATHIST
PIG IN THE WORLD at first----by the second day---every muslim in the world smiling
happily---then a week passed by and the smiling muslims stopped smiling
Over 4,000 dead innocent Palestinian children. Where is the pro life crowd?
sad----but also MAYBE------used to be SAUDI ARABIA reported NO AIDS----
when push came to shove they had to admit----but blamed it ENTIRELY ON
"foreign workers" Getting back to 1967---I was very naive----so naive that
I BELIEVED the daily arab reports of GREAT VICTORIES-----then the war -----
somehow ended and the real stats started to "come-out"

To me the whole thing stinks, and like with nearly ALL wars, I don't think it is happening for the reasons we've been told.
what were we told and by whom?
There's a huge exodus of Jewish voters from the DemoKKKrat party happening right now.
I also hear a good number of blacks are leaving the Democratic Plantation. They are beginning to realize that Democrats make worthless promises in order to get votes.

I expect the Dems to promise reparations of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to those whose ancestors were slaves. Of course that will never happen and the Democrats will just blame the Republicans as usual.

well----I CONFESS----the very first time that I DID NOT vote democrat was when
Kerry ran for office------I, CERTAINLY DID NOT VOTE THE ELEPHANT---i abstained.
I have since reformed
Well at least you were wise enough to not vote for Kerry.
Israel has super modern weaponry and the backing of the United States. I don't think they are actually at risk of being overrun by anybody. The best people can manage is these terrorist strikes where they do a bunch of bad stuff and piss everybody off.

Translation: "Some people did something."

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