Hamas terrorists release footage of six slain hostages, promise to share 'last messages'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
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This is the difference between the civilized and uncivilized.

Sounds much more like a bunch of rabid Atheists or Pagan worshippers than followers of faith. It certainly isn't how the Torah or New Testament guide their followers to act, I know this much.

You murder innocent people after kidnapping them and terrorizing them and their families for almost a year and now you further terrorize them? This is blasphemous to engage in these actions against any of G-ds children on earth.

These cowards are doing a brilliant job of ensuring that Israeli citizens demand justice in the form of eliminating Hamas as a viable entity going forward. They refused multiple peace options because they are demanding to be given a free pass for all of their evils.

May they R.I.P. May any innocent citizens on both sides of the conflict be protected while justice is served to those who terrorize the families of people even after their deaths.

Hamas has released disturbing terrorist propaganda footage of six hostages who were abducted from Israel and recently found dead.

The video was reportedly posted on Hamas' Telegram account on Monday, according to the New York Post. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 27, were seen speaking in the video.

The hostages appeared gaunt in the disturbing black-and-white footage. Each one identified themselves, including Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American citizen who was abducted at the Re'im music festival massacre on Oct. 7.

The 23-year-old, who identified himself and said that he was a resident of Jerusalem, was missing part of his arm after a grenade attack.
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What does this have to do with atheism?

What a shitty human you are to use this tragedy to promote your perverse atheist-hatred. You need to drop to your knees and beg God to help you not be such an awful person.

I am not an awful person. No person of faith who lives in peaceful life in the submission of G-d would compound their already inexcusable evil with further sadistic evil.
THIS shows the difference between Israel, a country based on law and morals, and the HAMAS terrorists and their supporters.

Anyone trying to draw an equivalence between the Jewish state and Islamic terrorists is driven by antisemitism. Period.
This is the difference between the civilized and uncivilized.

Sounds much more like a bunch of rabid Atheists or Pagan worshippers than followers of faith. It certainly isn't how the Torah or New Testament guide their followers to act, I know this much.

You murder innocent people after kidnapping them and terrorizing them and their families for almost a year and now you further terrorize them? This is blasphemous to engage in these actions against any of G-ds children on earth.

These cowards are doing a brilliant job of ensuring that Israeli citizens demand justice in the form of eliminating Hamas as a viable entity going forward. They refused multiple peace options because they are demanding to be given a free pass for all of their evils.

May they R.I.P. May any innocent citizens on both sides of the conflict be protected while justice is served to those who terrorize the families of people even after their deaths.

Hamas has released disturbing terrorist propaganda footage of six hostages who were abducted from Israel and recently found dead.

The video was reportedly posted on Hamas' Telegram account on Monday, according to the New York Post. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 27, were seen speaking in the video.

The hostages appeared gaunt in the disturbing black-and-white footage. Each one identified themselves, including Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American citizen who was abducted at the Re'im music festival massacre on Oct. 7.

The 23-year-old, who identified himself and said that he was a resident of Jerusalem, was missing part of his arm after a grenade attack.
The death cultists are all the same. Yeah, those pagan/satanic religions all lead to misery & mayhem @ best. Normal folks do normal things like try their best to better mankind & spread the love;

Abnormal people live for death & destruction;

Avoid the dark side by staying in the Light!
This is the difference between the civilized and uncivilized.

Sounds much more like a bunch of rabid Atheists or Pagan worshippers than followers of faith. It certainly isn't how the Torah or New Testament guide their followers to act, I know this much.

You murder innocent people after kidnapping them and terrorizing them and their families for almost a year and now you further terrorize them? This is blasphemous to engage in these actions against any of G-ds children on earth.

These cowards are doing a brilliant job of ensuring that Israeli citizens demand justice in the form of eliminating Hamas as a viable entity going forward. They refused multiple peace options because they are demanding to be given a free pass for all of their evils.

May they R.I.P. May any innocent citizens on both sides of the conflict be protected while justice is served to those who terrorize the families of people even after their deaths.

Hamas has released disturbing terrorist propaganda footage of six hostages who were abducted from Israel and recently found dead.

The video was reportedly posted on Hamas' Telegram account on Monday, according to the New York Post. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 27, were seen speaking in the video.

The hostages appeared gaunt in the disturbing black-and-white footage. Each one identified themselves, including Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American citizen who was abducted at the Re'im music festival massacre on Oct. 7.

The 23-year-old, who identified himself and said that he was a resident of Jerusalem, was missing part of his arm after a grenade attack.
It is time to find the Hamas scum that decided upon and carried out this barbarous act and to slit their throats from ear to ear...

Publicly... complete with dancers and brass bands and plenty of kiosks for selling treats and drinks... great fun... Die, Scum.
This is the difference between the civilized and uncivilized.

Sounds much more like a bunch of rabid Atheists or Pagan worshippers than followers of faith. It certainly isn't how the Torah or New Testament guide their followers to act, I know this much.

You murder innocent people after kidnapping them and terrorizing them and their families for almost a year and now you further terrorize them? This is blasphemous to engage in these actions against any of G-ds children on earth.

These cowards are doing a brilliant job of ensuring that Israeli citizens demand justice in the form of eliminating Hamas as a viable entity going forward. They refused multiple peace options because they are demanding to be given a free pass for all of their evils.

May they R.I.P. May any innocent citizens on both sides of the conflict be protected while justice is served to those who terrorize the families of people even after their deaths.

Hamas has released disturbing terrorist propaganda footage of six hostages who were abducted from Israel and recently found dead.

The video was reportedly posted on Hamas' Telegram account on Monday, according to the New York Post. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 27, were seen speaking in the video.

The hostages appeared gaunt in the disturbing black-and-white footage. Each one identified themselves, including Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American citizen who was abducted at the Re'im music festival massacre on Oct. 7.

The 23-year-old, who identified himself and said that he was a resident of Jerusalem, was missing part of his arm after a grenade attack.
Nuke Iran. Nuke southern Lebanon. Fire bomb GAZA.
Nuke Iran. Nuke southern Lebanon. Fire bomb GAZA.
Wow, relax with the rage. No one should or will experience a nuclear attack. Find a lasting peace,.even if war is needed to ensure that peace. Bring the terrorists to justice. I took mamooths advice and prayed to G-d, not just for me to be a good person, only God and I know what is in my heart; but also to lead others who mock him, often in the his name, to see the light. If they refuse to, only G-ds judgemenr matters. If evil doers do not.fear.G-d, do not work to keeps G-ds covenants, than they are in fact Atheists regardless of what they say..
It is time to find the Hamas scum that decided upon and carried out this barbarous act and to slit their throats from ear to ear...

Publicly... complete with dancers and brass bands and plenty of kiosks for selling treats and drinks... great fun... Die, Scum.
As I so often have said in the past; "islam, don't leave sanity without it!
I might get disowned by some of my friends here for posting this, but this is actually documented. Unfortunately, very few here seem to be aware of this, and that is probably because too many people rely on the controlled mainstream news and just don't dig deeper.

This is worth watching, the whole way through...

It is time to find the Hamas scum that decided upon and carried out this barbarous act and to slit their throats from ear to ear...

Publicly... complete with dancers and brass bands and plenty of kiosks for selling treats and drinks... great fun... Die, Scum.
I REALLY like your idea, complete with a party atmosphere like an event the entire family can enjoy! Unfortunately I got a few skeletons of my own hanging in my closet so I am avoiding the more action packed risque parties, @ least @ this time or until further notice from our Boss.
I might get disowned by some of my friends here for posting this, but this is actually documented. Unfortunately, very few here seem to be aware of this, and that is probably because too many people rely on the controlled mainstream news and just don't dig deeper.

This is worth watching, the whole way through...

I really wish the anti-Israel crowd would stop spreading propoganda to make Israel look bad - when it was the VICTIM of a horrific massacre by HAMAS terrorists.

I didn’t watch the video because its source was unknown - might just be another antisemite - but basically, Israel, being a charitable country,* helped fund the beginnings of the group, which was a charitable group designed to help provide Muslims with food, schools, medical support, etc. (To whatever extent the group hated Jews, the Israelis ignored because they were not hurting Israel.)

Many such groups begin this way, and then militants take over and turn into a full-fledged terrorist organization. This is what happened here.

it is quite telling that antisemitic posters would try to make the ignorant believe that Israel would fund a group whose goal it is is to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews.

*Jews give more to charity than others, on average. It is called tzedakah and it is a big mitzvot in Judaism.
This is the difference between the civilized and uncivilized.

Sounds much more like a bunch of rabid Atheists or Pagan worshippers than followers of faith. It certainly isn't how the Torah or New Testament guide their followers to act, I know this much.

You murder innocent people after kidnapping them and terrorizing them and their families for almost a year and now you further terrorize them? This is blasphemous to engage in these actions against any of G-ds children on earth.

These cowards are doing a brilliant job of ensuring that Israeli citizens demand justice in the form of eliminating Hamas as a viable entity going forward. They refused multiple peace options because they are demanding to be given a free pass for all of their evils.

May they R.I.P. May any innocent citizens on both sides of the conflict be protected while justice is served to those who terrorize the families of people even after their deaths.

Hamas has released disturbing terrorist propaganda footage of six hostages who were abducted from Israel and recently found dead.

The video was reportedly posted on Hamas' Telegram account on Monday, according to the New York Post. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 27, were seen speaking in the video.

The hostages appeared gaunt in the disturbing black-and-white footage. Each one identified themselves, including Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American citizen who was abducted at the Re'im music festival massacre on Oct. 7.

The 23-year-old, who identified himself and said that he was a resident of Jerusalem, was missing part of his arm after a grenade attack.

It is time to find the Hamas scum that decided upon and carried out this barbarous act and to slit their throats from ear to ear...

Publicly... complete with dancers and brass bands and plenty of kiosks for selling treats and drinks... great fun... Die, Scum.
why they would trash their only playing card? ~S~
The winner counts his chips at the end of the day, not before. A pawn can take a King but a King can also be taken by forfeiting a pawn.
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