Hamas terrorists release footage of six slain hostages, promise to share 'last messages'

I call bull shite on the above map
That map is a map of Israel GROWING LIST of allies in the region. Just before this he displayed a map of Israel SURROUNDED by nothing but hostile neighbors. He didn't say it, but that changed with the TRUMP PRESIDENCY
When does defending one's turf turn toward invading another's beagle?

I have the same Q to the ruskie bots here about the Uke's invading Russia....

Seems nobody is willing to draw the line, make the call

Hamas invaded Israel encase you hadn't noticed.
Oh so the Jews are now this expansionist tribe who are ready to gobble up the ME, and the poor little ME was just this innocent little bystander who got caught up in the action without so much as lifting it's little innocent hand to harm not even a flea in Israel eh ???? I call bull shite on the above map.

Look, I don't have not one dog in the fight, but when comparing the barbaric to the civilized after looking at what goes on within the region, then the Israelis will win the civilized people trophy award everytime.

Until that changes, then Israel will retain the right to defend itself against all threats be it foriegn and domestic.
They don't talk about this


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