Hand grenade attacks kill 2, wound 30 in Pakistan


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) - Police say a pair of hand grenade attacks on minority Ismaili prayer houses in southern Pakistan have killed two people and wounded 30 others. Police officer Amir Farooqi says the attacks occurred 30 minutes apart Tuesday in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city. The assailants targeted Ismailis, who make up a branch of Shiite Islam. Farooqi says the dead included a woman and a child and many of the wounded are also women and children. Pakistan is a majority Sunni Muslim country, and minority Shiites have been increasingly targeted by radical Sunnis. Many of the attacks have occurred in southwest Baluchistan province. But Karachi, the capital of southern Sindh province, has also experienced similar violence. The city is home to many Islamic militants, including members of the Pakistani Taliban and their allies.

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hello Vikrant --please be advised-----Pakistan is not in the "middle east"----it is
south east asia-----while I have absolutely no objection to your post----there are
unethical monitors around who can use your "off topic" post to grant you a violation
in the hope of getting you banned from the board I was banned from another board
for "violations" just that flimsy. The monitor, ---in fact, simply objected to my erudition
(I am also very modest) I do not consider your post "off topic"-----tensions
between muslim groups and violence because of it does seem ON TOPIC for any
discussion of the middle east.

sunni vs shiite issues began as a power struggle just after muhummad died and
have been ongoing for almost 1400 years----a kind of never ending feud. The issue
is of GROWING importance right now in the Middle east----HEZBOLLAH (shiite) is picking
up power and actually poses a threat (IMHO) to saudi arabia (majority sunni)
I believe that an attack on the saudi royals ----will be the FLASH POINT---that will
ignite the whole area and may even involve the USA (to protect the damned saudis)

don't tell anyone ----but there is stuff going on in Yemen -----both
Hezbollah and Al Queida are there. Yemen is on the border of saudi arabia

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