handgun violence on the rise in Britain, an island nation that banned them in 1996....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As the population of Britain becomes more violent...that is the young males raised by single teenage girls, without a father in the home...actually, without an adult man who is their father.......these sociopaths are going to need guns......to conduct their criminal business and to kill rivals....and they are getting them more and more...

Police reveal worrying new gun gang trend

A surge in the availability of handguns is blighting Merseyside’s criminal underworld and intensifying the brutality of gangland disputes.

Police fear a rise in handgun shootings is making gun crime more lethal due to increased power packed by the weapons compared to shotguns.

At least four of the 11 shootings on Merseyside in June were carried out with handguns-including the fatal blast that killed Yusuf Sonko.

Shotguns have typically been the weapon of choice for Merseyside’s gun thugs over recent years.

But that was because they were easier to access - thousands of shotguns are legally owned in the north west, typically in rural areas. Those collections have been known to be targeted by thieves looking to sell them on to gangs.

Now, a rise in handguns is raising the stakes among Merseyside criminals.

June’s most violent shootings saw handguns used. They were blasted in home raids in Seaforth and Fazakerley and at a teen on Church Road West in Walton. All three incidents saw men rushed to hospital.

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