Suggest you keep your posts shorter than this. Attention spans are only good for a paragraph.First, to compare a first world country with the vastly more complex issues of a third world country is specious reasoning.
Now then....
Naysayers and gun worshippers say 'do nothing'. they say 'more guns is the answer'.
Democrats, moderates and sensible republicans say 'do something'. They say, 'less guns is the answer, and a comprehensive approach to the problem, given that it's not a simple problem'.
No one is suggesting the solution is a panacea, but when there is crime, though it can't be stopped, it does NOT mean we don't try and stop it, which appears to be the recommendation of the pro gun worshippers, i.e., 'do nothing'. I reject the premise.
I see no compelling reason for the former, but solid reasoning for the latter, given that......
America has more gun related deaths and injury per capita than other developed (first world) nations,
and America has more guns per capita than western developed nations, and despite anemic
hollers that 'correlation is not causation', for which the correct reply is, there is causation
when the volume of statistics is so great that it overwhelmingly points to one, irrefutable inescapable conclusion,
not to mention that gun related deaths are the number one killer of children as of 2020 and that correlates to the proliferation
of guns via the gun worshipping/gun fetishing culture that is spreading like a malignant cancer by the likes of the NRA and
MAGA movements. This idea that MAGA republicans are 'pro life' is a delusion. Ban abortion, deaths of the female poor go up, proliferate guns, and more children die. As for MAGA republicans and gun worshippers, one can only conclude, they are pro death.
As Adam Winkler wrote in his book, 'Gunfight, the battle over the right to bear arms in America', wrote:
View attachment 775049
His work has frequently been cited in judicial opinions, including in Supreme Court cases pertaining to the First and Second Amendments